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Brazilian Air Force contracts Embrarer for ERJ-145 logistics support!


Nov 23, 2007
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The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) has signed a contract with Embraer Defense and Security for logistics support and services for its fleet of 24 ERJ-145 jet aircraft.

Signed as part of the Embraer Support Solution for the Government (ESSG) programme, the contract has a maximum potential value of $130m, and comprises a $98m firm award for routine logistical support and an additional $32m for optional services.
Under the terms of contract, the company will deliver a range of services such as material support, repair management, maintenance technical control, engineering support, and field technical support, in addition to maintenance services for the air force.
The ERJ-145, ERJ-135, Legacy 600, EMB-145 RS aircraft and the airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) system family of aircraft, are all covered by the contract.
Eduardo Bonini Santos Pinto, Embraer Defense and Security COO and Operations senior vice-president, said: "We are convinced that the ESSG Program will contribute for a more efficient and economical management of FAB´s fleet."
Paulo Joao Cury, FAB Aeronautic and War Materials Department director major brigadier, said the order marks a great achievement for the development of the national defence industry, as evident by the experience and quality of Embraer services.
"The ESSG Program allows the Air Force to meet its institutional objectives, including national territorial defense, with high performance and availability," Cury added.
Featuring a flat rate and defined performance requirements, the ESSG represents an integrated solution aimed at enhancing fleet availability and operational readiness, eliminating financial risk for the customer.
The programme uses a centralised management to enable FAB significantly lower operational and support cost, by supporting long term planning, integration of global partners and suppliers' network, and also providing clear definition of deadlines for parts supply.
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