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Brand PAKISTAN: Food

Why can't Pakistan build its Brand Pakistan Food strategy on this too.

India and Pakistan, same demographics, similar climate and topography, similar age groups....

India suffered the worst Covid-19 catastrophe, Pakistan came out unscathed and doing well.

The reason...Quality of the Food in Pakistan is stellar.

The world need to take note of this good quality.
Indians who makes a large chunk of expats in UK find it unpatriotic to visit a restaurant named as a Pakistani restaurant...you know the level of hatredness in Indians mind for Pakistan...so to invite and panders to Indians, many a Pakistani restaurants are named as Indians.
I disagree. I grew up in North of England. Sheffield, Doncaster, Leeds, Bradford, Halifax, Huddersfield, Keighley, Nelson have very small Indian populations and in 1970s,1980s most of the Indians I saw were tight fisted, dal eating types who would never go to restaurents. 99% of customers used to be Pakistani workers. Today your argumant, might, just about might hold water. The reason was weak sense of national identity.

I am going to say it again. Nations images are built by soft power and food is one of the strongest. It connects people. If a Russian comes dines in a Pakistani restaurent in London and he enjoys the food Pakistan will leave a indelible positive vibe about Pakistan on that person. It is a potent image amplifier. So even if that person hears bad news about Pakistan it will be offset by that positive experiance.

One of the reason and in fact the primary reason why Pakistan has a bad image and security officials will single out Pakistani passport holders is the only thing they hear about Pakistan is negative, negative, negative.

On the other hand anything positive about our culture/country we have allowed it to get owned and branded by Indians. We have been complicit in the wholesale theft of our culture.

And it's not that we don't have heritage to proudly brand as "Pakistan" but we don't do it.
Found this great website, cover Pakistani food in detail.

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Thank you for that. Can members come up with ideas how we can move this forward? Is there any point person in government we can all start placing pressure on?
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We all know what the 'Indian variant' is. It's a deadly variant of the coronavirus that has evolved in India and now has spread across the globe. In UK it is again leading to prospects of third wave with lockdown now being extended. In India we all know the destruction it caused with Ganga river being chocked with dead bodies.

So you might wonder what does this have to do with food? Well bear with me please. In marketing and advertisement industry it is well know fact that to sell a product, any product you must give it a positive association. Meaning when you hear or see or think about that product it must give a good feeling or positive reaction. If you can create a image of that product that produces a positive response then you will have added value to that product and help to sell it.

This is why advertisers will use pretty girls, fantastic locations, happy faces, energetic scenes to sell cars, cigarettes, perfumes etc. It does not matter what the product is but the marketing will always be about giving that product a positive response.

The opposite of this is also true. If a product becomes associated with something bad the image will suffer and such a product will begin to recieve negative response leading to value loss.

This is where I come back to the Indian variant of the coronavirus. Not only did the world get to see the disaster play out in India thus exposing as sham the Indian claim of being a rising super star The continous news of "INDIAN Variant" which always was connected with bad news potentially was going to damage India's carefully constructed narrative of "Shining India" or "Incredible India".

Thus huge pressure was mounted by Indian lobbies and recently the INDIAN variant has been renamed as "DELTA variant" so as to avoid damaging India's image.

Thus image and value addition or value loss can cause billions of dollars loss/gain. We saw how Cristiano Ronaldo the Portuguese footballer cause $4 billion loss to Coco Coloa stocks because of what he said.

Coca-Cola loses billions in market value after Cristiano Ronaldo removes bottles and says ‘drink water’

Portugal captain held up bottle of water and shouted in Portuguese: ‘Agua!

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One of Pakistan's greatest potential marketing product which could be leveraged to give the country a massive positive association and this value addition and that cost hardly any investment is Pakistan food across the world is branded as "PAKISTANI FOOD" without masking, hiding or giving handle to others to use your product to polish their own brand. So please no "desi, Asian, Indian" etc but simply "PAKISTANI FOOD".

When Cocoa Cola spend billions on advertising their product I don't think they would accept their product being sold as Pepsi Cola would they? They just keep playing the "Coco Cola. Coco Cola" until a positive image has become established across the globe.

So can I ask all Pakistani's do what they can to bring this change. Ask your local restaurents who often hide behind the 'Indian' brand, canvass Pakistan officials, celebs, media etc to push for a concerted effort across the world.

I know on PDF we often have differances but over this I think we all need to unite under BRAND PAKISTAN. I ask @ghazi52 to make this thread a sticky and hope other members come up with ideas how we can do this. To demonstrate how important this is and it requires unity I would ask even members who I usually amfd found fencing with. So in show of good intention I ask @Areesh @PaklovesTurkiye @Yankee-stani @PAKISTANFOREVER @Talwar e Pakistan @RiazHaq @VCheng etc to contribute but keep it positive. Focus on "can do" please.

I would also ask the admin to join in this effort.

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Goodman, been saying this to my local restaurants for ages but the idiots don't listen. Even the Afghans take more pride in their name considering what a hell hole their country has been. I visited Shinwari in Ilford last week and it was packed.

Same goes for local restaurants here, they all follow the Indian tag line but cook food the Pakistani way, local English masses love it.
All that is very well but is it branded as "Pakistan"? I would wager not.
There are restaurents that are branded in names of countries that don't even exist - "Kurdistan Restaurent". Yet 220 million of us and cities are full of us in UK. I walk into a local restaurent ran by Afzal Hussain from Lahore. Guess what it says on the door? Indian Restaurent.
Was reading the reason for Pakistanis run restaurants in UK named as Indian restaurant was a bit psychological...

Indians who makes a large chunk of expats in UK find it unpatriotic to visit a restaurant named as a Pakistani restaurant...you know the level of hatredness in Indians mind for Pakistan...so to invite and panders to Indians, many a Pakistani restaurants are named as Indians.

On the contrary Pakistanis don't make it an issue going to an Indian restaurant, rather a restaurant named as Indian...but they do know as you wrote, they are run by Pakistanis and BD Muslims too.

Pakistanis need to have some sort of ultra nationalism...not to the extent of Indians, living in delusions and paranoia.

Thats inaccurate. I was watching a show called inside the factory on the BBC and it did an episode on curry. The first experience the Victorian Britains had with curry was when English women returning from then British India were creating these stews at home. So they knew it as an "Indian" Dish. When people started setting up places selling curry, they started labeling it as Indian - as that's what their customer base knew it as. Since then it's continued - you ask a man on the street what Pakistani food is or Bangla food and they'll probably say "is it like indian?"
@Indus Pakistan the biggest problem is getting past the dumbass pendus running a lot of these places. They are unaware of the marketing opportunity they have.
What's pissing me off is that Indians have managed to take half of our claim/trademark on Basmati rice as well...

Pakistan seriously need to work here.

Today is Basmati rice, tomorrow it would be something else.
What's pissing me off is that Indians have managed to take half of our claim/trademark on Basmati rice as well...

Pakistan seriously need to work here.

Today is Basmati rice, tomorrow it would be something else.

I agree - there was/is no need to give them 50% of the trademark if Basmati originated in Pakistani Punjab... this kind of soft thinking is what gets Pakistan into economic problems.

If the situation was reversed - would India have been this generous? Of course not - they tried to claim 100% of it in the first place.
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