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BrahMos Supersonic Missile Successfully Test Fired From Navy's Stealth Destroyer

"warship''s invincibility"

Nothing is "invincible". Another ship thought the same;


Weapons were not involved in the above.
The ship is highly capable has good weaponry.

India did not have to use Brahmos because just the mention of its use made the Pak civil and military establishments sh!t their pants :laughcry:

No you do not have anything equivalent or better than Brahmos. The air launched Brahmos only made the capability gap even wider.


Pakistan’s most formidable anti ship cruise missile remains the YJ-12, which is comparable but in many ways superior to the Indian BrahMos with a speed of Mach 4, a 500kg warhead and a 400km range.

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Was it a bigger bang than staged Pulwama and before you eat your self, first try hoisting your Tiranga in down town Srinagar.

Where were your missiles IRBMs or otherwise when PAF was drilling your Brigade HQ and made a hole big enough to bury India, Hindustan and Bharat in it.

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:rofl: :rofl: :laugh:

in your active fantasy land you
1) shot down Su 30 with Israeli ppilot
2) Flattened brigade HQ
3) Didnt have people killed by dozens in balakot and Uri

But I know where you were when we asked your entire security establishment to stuff it self, abrogated article 370, opened the state for external investment and moved people in like every Indian state (change demography as you called it)...raging as a keyboard warrior. We've done what we didn't do in 70 years. Even in 1971 Indira Gandhi didn't take this step. When we finally neutered certain 'interested parties' and integrated Kashmir all you could do is rant about the one Mig 21 you managed to shoot and many other fantasies. if you can do something, do it and show.
:rofl: :rofl: :laugh:

in your active fantasy land you
1) shot down Su 30 with Israeli ppilot
2) Flattened brigade HQ
3) Didnt have people killed by dozens in balakot and Uri

But I know where you were when we asked your entire security establishment to stuff it self, abrogated article 370, opened the state for external investment and moved people in like every Indian state (change demography as you called it)...raging as a keyboard warrior. We've done what we didn't do in 70 years. Even in 1971 Indira Gandhi didn't take this step. When we finally neutered certain 'interested parties' and integrated Kashmir all you could do is rant about the one Mig 21 you managed to shoot and many other fantasies. if you can do something, do it and show.
You should fire your Dalit teacher as you are running around like a headless Chicken....but it's in your nature to run back to 1971 even in some cricket thread.
If you creatures had brains you would be dangerous....do you have any brain cells to think or ask, how did your superior minded warlords were able to count 300 casualties sitting in Delhi and has so called Pakistan's secret weapon, aka DRDO....have created something called eco friendly bombs that cause neither fire or smoke.
BTW, be grateful we allow you self loathing creatures on a Pakistani forum to vent out your frustration else you be just a case of blind leading blind on some Indian circus.
BTW, are you still forecasting the weather for Gilgit Balitstan or have the temperature in Ladakh frozen your brains. :lol:
How IN will save its ships from PLAN long range AShCMs (1000km range) & AShBM (4000km range) to come close enough to fire so called mighty 800km range Brahmos??

Anti ship Ballistic missiles..lol.. if they were a real thing ..then some other country would have come up with too.

A missile which already following ballistic trajectory has comparatively pretty big CEP compared to cruise missile ..on top if that missile were asked to hit an object 30 meter wide (average beam of a naval ship) and manouvering at 25 knots..not possible!!

Please understand ballistic do not have a terminal guidance radar or control surfaces like cruise missiles for manouvering them towards a Target.

Ashbm might have a little chance against, a big super Carrier, steaming at very slow speeds ...but none against small agile destroyers or naval ships of other kinds...None!
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Brahmos AKA yakoont originally designed for anti ship role but India purchased it with design to boost moral but in fact non-nuclear missile like a Brahmos can't inflict heavy damage in areas like LAC....

Tomahawk is 10 time better than Russian shit but can't inflict damages against Al Qaida when Clinton fired couple of them....

There is no usage of this type of cruise missile against Chinese at LAC, you people are just f@rting here and there out of fear.

I wish ..I had the patience to explain ..how dumb your post is.

Btw why did you come with LACM version of Babur missile?
Congratz of inducting Russian Yakhnoot Successfully.
Brahmos is very good considering Indians learnt a good deal from it and making new versions of it. Even if it's not as ultimate as others claimed , as it has huge rcs , but when 3-4 fired at once are very very lethal.
And india doest have anything better yet.

Thats why Cruise missile is so important, And I bet Indian army will use it more than the expensive brahmos.
BrahMos Supersonic Missile Successfully Test Fired From Navy's Stealth Destroyer

BrahMos as ''prime strike weapon'' will ensure the warship''s invincibility by engaging naval surface targets at long ranges, thus making the destroyer another lethal platform of Indian Navy.

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New Delhi:
BrahMos supersonic cruise missile was successfully test fired on Sunday from the Indian Navy's indigenously-built stealth destroyer INS Chennai, hitting a target in the Arabian Sea, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) said on Sunday.

The missile hit the target successfully with pin-point accuracy after performing high-level and extremely complex manoeuvres.

BrahMos as ''prime strike weapon'' will ensure the warship''s invincibility by engaging naval surface targets at long ranges, thus making the destroyer another lethal platform of Indian Navy.

"BRAHMOS, the supersonic cruise missile was successfully test fired today on 18th October 2020 from Indian Navy''s indigenously-built stealth destroyer INS Chennai, hitting a target in the Arabian Sea. The missile hit the target successfully with pin-point accuracy," the DRDO said in a tweet.

It's a dangerous development. It would be truly devastating once India manages to produce a cruise missile which has range between 1000 to 2000 KM. It already has ships which have VLS to carry those missiles. With long range cruise missiles Karachi and Gawader and Omara and Hyderabad and other cities in Sindh will all be vulnerable.
Very foolish response in terms of warfare.

China have sats too to monitor IN in Indian ocean anf Arabian sea and they are only one medium China have plenty others to create a effective picture to take out IN ships.

Only USN can help IN to save itself.

And now you are paying a very heavy price on ground of what you did on 05.08.2019.

And now you are paying a very heavy price on ground of what you did on 05.08.2019.
So honest question for you. You think china with this lac drama is going to give you kashmir on platter ?
Was it a bigger bang than staged Pulwama and before you eat your self, first try hoisting your Tiranga in down town Srinagar.

Where were your missiles IRBMs or otherwise when PAF was drilling your Brigade HQ and made a hole big enough to bury India, Hindustan and Bharat in it.

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Pakistan’s most formidable anti ship cruise missile remains the YJ-12, which is comparable but in many ways superior to the Indian BrahMos with a speed of Mach 4, a 500kg warhead and a 400km range.

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YJ-12 is a potent weapon no doubt, but likely still won’t measure up to Brahmos at the moment.


so...you confirming you don't have a counter for Brahmos except words....
We are developing hypersonic anti ship ballistic missiles it will tear your navy's chaddis ... keep bragging ...
you have reading comprehension probelm?

QUESTION: why wasn't the PAF chief sacked for this action when he knew that India will exact terrible revenge?

And boy the conequenes were brutal enough and came quickly enough.
Yes brutal consequences came in the morning of 27th feb 19 when hero of India was given vir chakar for drinking Pakistani tea ...
BrahMos is the only supersonic cruise missile (hell, it's virtually the only cruise missile in general) that's;

  • surface launch capable
  • land launched capable
  • subsurface launch capable
  • air launch capable
  • land attack capable
  • anti-ship capable
and does so with a 450-600km range and 1m CEP. China's latest and greatest CX-1 has half the range, 20x the CEP, only serves as an anti-ship weapon, and is only surface and land launched... and it's only 3 years old.

Unless they effectively doubled every single capability (or 20x in the case of CEP) of the CX-1 in just 3 years, I'm hesitant to take China's word on the HD-1, especially when they claim BrahMos is less useful than it, when BrahMos is useful in literally every case you can use a fucking cruise missile, or when they say it has a more advanced engine, when China has always lagged behind Russia, and the rest of the world for that matter, in engine technology... But, CCP state media is gonna do what they do.

YJ-12 is a potent weapon no doubt, but likely still won’t measure up to Brahmos at the moment.

YJ-12 is a potent weapon no doubt, but likely still won’t measure up to Brahmos at the moment.

How exactly is YJ 12 inferior to brahmous a much older design... also we don't need to rely on YJ 12 we are developing a hypersonic anti ship ballistic missile a perfect area denial weapon... rust bucket Russian carriers will be cannon fodder for it
:rofl: :rofl: :laugh:

in your active fantasy land you
1) shot down Su 30 with Israeli ppilot
2) Flattened brigade HQ
3) Didnt have people killed by dozens in balakot and Uri

But I know where you were when we asked your entire security establishment to stuff it self, abrogated article 370, opened the state for external investment and moved people in like every Indian state (change demography as you called it)...raging as a keyboard warrior. We've done what we didn't do in 70 years. Even in 1971 Indira Gandhi didn't take this step. When we finally neutered certain 'interested parties' and integrated Kashmir all you could do is rant about the one Mig 21 you managed to shoot and many other fantasies. if you can do something, do it and show.
So here is a highlight of Indian army's bravery
1) 27th feb 19 PAF kicks your ***
2) Christine fair took off your chaddis in your own country no F16 was shot down
3) IAF then rants about using old aircraft
4) Galwan valley lost 20 soldiers to Chinese clubs along with a CO
5) Surrendered a large area of land to Chinese
6) Didn't have the balls to take back your land from Chinese your core commanders were begging for peace and crying to papa US
7) Where was BRAHMOUS and SU 30 the F22 raptor of Asia? In conventional warfare India cannot even imagine of competing with Chinese when you cannot even feed your soldiers
Now you guys thinking of restoring article 370......
Anti ship Ballistic missiles..lol.. if they were a real thing ..then some other country would have come up with too.

A missile which already following ballistic trajectory has comparatively pretty big CEP compared to cruise missile ..on top if that missile were asked to hit an object 30 meter wide (average beam of a naval ship) and manouvering at 25 knots..not possible!!

Please understand ballistic do not have a terminal guidance radar or control surfaces like cruise missiles for manouvering them towards a Target.

Ashbm might have a little chance against, a big super Carrier, steaming at very slow speeds ...but none against small agile destroyers or naval ships of other kinds...None!
If tomorrow India somehow decides to develop a anti ship ballistic missile then you'll be the first one here to describe the importance of area denial weapons ... you guys are delusional people... only your weapons will work the rest of the world makes useless junk ....
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