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BrahMos Mini planned for Navy, Air Force


Aug 9, 2014
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A new, lighter version of the supersonic cruise missile BrahMos called
BrahMos-M (Mini) weighing around 1.5 tonnes is being planned for use by
the Navy and the Air Force. “BrahMos Aerospace is currently getting the
user requirements to finalise the configuration,” said Sudhir Mishra,
CEO and MD of BrahMos Corporation (BA).

Once inducted into the Navy, the Mini can be launched from submarines
torpedo tubes. For the Air Force a mini version means a Beyond Visual
Range (BVR) missile compatible with future platforms namely, the Medium
Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) and Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft

When questioned about test firing the air launched variant from a
modified Su-30MKI aircraft, Mr. Mishra told The Hindu that work was
progressing to complete the test firing by April-May 2015.

The submarine variant which was test fired from a submerged pontoon was
a technology demonstration to the Indian Navy. Further, developmental
trials will happen only when the Navy evinces an interest which they
haven’t yet, partly due to non-availability of platforms.

Source : BrahMos Mini planned for Navy, Air Force | idrw.org
Range of the missile will be same ? If so it can be fired from stand off range of 300 km away ? Do we have that kind radar to track and enable targets which are far away as 300 km ... If we can do this this would be a real gamechanger in the air warfare . Think about 18 Super su each armed with two brms , 2 bvr 4 short range a2a missiles followed by rafal and mirage accompanied with LCA MK2 and AMCA by 2022 ...:):D
Range of the missile will be same ? If so it can be fired from stand off range of 300 km away ? Do we have that kind radar to track and enable targets which are far away as 300 km ... If we can do this this would be a real gamechanger in the air warfare . Think about 18 Super su each armed with two brms , 2 bvr 4 short range a2a missiles followed by rafal and mirage accompanied with LCA MK2 and AMCA by 2022 ...:):D
Swordfish Long Range Tracking Radar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ..............:-)
Swordfish LRTR currently has a range of 600 km (370 mi)-800 km (500 mi) km range and can spot objects as small as a cricket ball (3-inches in diameter), which the DRDO is in the process of upgrading it to 1,500 km as of 2012.[2][3][4] These may end up as entirely new designs as well.
what is it ? 1500 km .. For this Active radar should be much bigger than ac nose ..
How many versions are being developed for Airforce..? The airforce version was named : Brahmos-A. Now this Brahmos-Mini.
Sir actually EL/M-2080 Green Pine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is the Israeli radar with range of upto 500KM...So if India is developing a radar with 1500KM than i think it is a good range...What are your views about it sir...?:-)
I seriously doubt a fighter jet can have a radar with 1500 km range . As of now as far as I know the most advanced 4++ fighter jet su 35 itself as the range of 400 km at more or less 5/6 rcs .
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