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BrahMos gets combat use nod amid border stand-off with China

It's just been given IOC. Now there will be further trials.
And after that price negotiations / signing contract and then serial production will start.
Im guessing it will take 1-2 years min before it gets indicted in number.

The media is just click baiting you guys cause of China India fight
Does it mean that Indian government has no control of the Indian army now? Chinese army is always strictly under the Chinese government control in peace time and wars. A government giving the military a free rein is unthinkable in most countries in the world. What will Indian army choose to do next? Escalating this clash into a full scale war?

I note that the barbaric acts of violence are entirely strictly under the control of the Chinese government, and is not an error by a local commander and his indisciplined men.

Since that government apparently wishes for war, what may follow must be a most satisfactory prospect.

I can’t wait till they shoot down their own helicopter again that was hilarious

Yes, you could be heard laughing over your keyboard all over India.
I don't think this source is real. It goes against all the other sources calling for de-escalation. The consequences if the Indian side shot at the Chinese or fired an artillery round would be undoubtedly severe given the overwhelming Chinese firepower advantage.
It's not official. Just some media channels guessing.
And even if it's true,it just gives the senior army officers powers to make quick decisions, but still they have to follow chain of command.
It's not a job Rambo movie. Lol
I note that the barbaric acts of violence are entirely strictly under the control of the Chinese government, and is not an error by a local commander and his indisciplined men.

Since that government apparently wishes for war, what may follow must be a most satisfactory prospect.

Yes, you could be heard laughing over your keyboard all over India.
Why are you so quick to denounce the Chinese for the "barbaric act of aggression." AFAIK, reports have said India was the one who was trying to dislodge the Chinese ... forcibly I might add. IMHO, how the Indians tied and beat up that Chinese reconnaissance officer was a pretty barbaric move ... as was the Chinese using rods to beat up the Indians for retaliation.
Yep it means they are afraid and trying to show china we are ready to take revenge

Indian mindset is thay of a 45 year old jealous south indian woman.

Let me remember: you are the knight on horseback who will charge into battle - but not just this time. Some other, more appropriate time. Meanwhile you hand out certificates about human rights as practised in other countries.

Ah yes, jealous middle-aged south Indian women; the area, apparently, of your lifetime of research and knowledge gathering.

I don't think this source is real. It goes against all the other sources calling for de-escalation. The consequences if the Indian side shot at the Chinese or fired an artillery round would be undoubtedly severe given the overwhelming Chinese firepower advantage.

Such a magisterial military analysis from an expert commands respect.

Let me remember: you are the knight on horseback who will charge into battle - but not just this time. Some other, more appropriate time. Meanwhile you hand out certificates about human rights as practised in other countries.

Ah yes, jealous middle-aged south Indian women; the area, apparently, of your lifetime of research and knowledge gathering.

Such a magisterial military analysis from an expert commands respect.

And why are you responding to my statement with sarcasm? If you believe it was the Chinese who truly committed this aggression please speak up
I note that the barbaric acts of violence are entirely strictly under the control of the Chinese government, and is not an error by a local commander and his indisciplined men.

Since that government apparently wishes for war, what may follow must be a most satisfactory prospect.

Accounts differ, you can't judge this incident wholely on one sided stories from Indian media, Chinese media says otherwise. India is in on postion to wage a two front war and China doesn't want a war either, don't let blind anger cloud your judgement and plunge into an misadventure that you could never win.
Why are you so quick to denounce the Chinese for the "barbaric act of aggression." AFAIK, reports have said India was the one who was trying to dislodge the Chinese ... forcibly I might add. IMHO, how the Indians tied and beat up that Chinese reconnaissance officer was a pretty barbaric move ... as was the Chinese using rods to beat up the Indians for retaliation.


Does it have an embargo or was that confined only to virus control measures?

Your even-handed description is very reasonable, apart from the minor, even trivial fact that entirely different accounts have emerged.

And why are you responding to my statement with sarcasm? If you believe it was the Chinese who truly committed this aggression please speak up

Was that your remark above?
For domestic Indian consumption only after all Modi ji needs to protect his 56" breast i mean chest as well in front of his Junta which consider him no less than a super human.
Does it mean that Indian government has no control of the Indian army now? Chinese army is always strictly under the Chinese government control in peace time and wars. A government giving the military a free rein is unthinkable in most countries in the world. What will Indian army choose to do next? Escalating this clash into a full scale war?

Oh come now! Don't be so cute.

I will believe it when I see it but it means GoI pushing the ball to army's court.

Somewhat reliable handles are also saying things now.


Does it have an embargo or was that confined only to virus control measures?

Your even-handed description is very reasonable, apart from the minor, even trivial fact that entirely different accounts have emerged.

Was that your remark above?
What does anything I said earlier have to do with "virus control measures" or "embargos"? I would like to hear your perspective if you think what I've said is incorrect. Are you saying that it was the Indians who were attacked by the Chinese unprovoked?
Accounts differ, you can't judge this incident wholely on one sided stories from Indian media, Chinese media says otherwise. India is in on postion to wage a two front war and China doesn't want a war either, don't let blind anger cloud your judgement and plunge into an misadventure that you could never win.

First, of course accounts differ. It seems that your preference is for one sided stories from Chinese media, while I hear Indian media saying otherwise. Second, India does not wish to fight a two front war, and you state that China does not want a war either. Why the savage degeneration into mob violence, then?

Third, and most important, a 70 year old opponent of the ruling Indian party is hardly the voice of the Indian nation. I am merely exercising my right to make extravagant and very stupid posts that seem to be the norm on these threads. You run the risk of being confused with those others, retarded as their posts may be.

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