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BrahMos gets combat use nod amid border stand-off with China

Old age? How old? :D

The Biblical age for the length of a man's life - three score years and ten.

It's okay uncle Joe. Don't take it too personal. Sometimes I cannot understand your extremely difficult English but I try. :D


WHAT is so difficult about my English? Show me a passage that got your attention. I'd like to know.
your first language; seems that it might not be your second, third or fourth either.
I don't understand why my English skills matter? Stupid reasoning for me speaking English is like driving a car. Now I don't have to be a Nascar driver to earn a right to drive do i?
Anyways congratulations and saddened at the same time because apparently your and your fellowship's English skills are not working on Chinese and they keeping giving you work. Instead of building roads now you are digging graves.
No, you can't. You think you can, but the fact is that we share nothing but membership of this forum.
Still a privilege for you because its PK(Pakistan) defence forum and im Pakistani you aGraves.
So again instead of being humble you are shameless and I ain't mad atcha cz you's a down a$$ ........
Oh, you speak for all Pakistanis now? Whatever happened to that Niazi bloke? Got rid of him already?
Niazi bloke was a toy for you small minded to play with and as you paid to much attention you forgot to cover your rear and now you feel a boot stuck and it hurts bad.
Ah, now we have it, the real reason why you are bubbling over; frustration because to your fanboy mind, unless you have the latest shiny new toys, you have failed. Too bad; gaining wealth is not easy, that involves work, not keyboard pounding, so even if people get your country out of the ditch, it won't be you, you will continue to be a parasite living off others.
NO sir we proved twice in westren threather that shinny toys is not all that wins you war.
Unfortunately kids in East always thought its their vedic super tech that will win you war but forgot one basic thing that you have to fight to win not pussy out.
Where is you Modi? Answer that question and stop your BS.
Where is his screaming and yelling and barking against Pakistan?
Is he choking? Because at this moment his all holes are filled and he is practically about to get gang banged.
Kind of waste to use on Indians.

Just send more covid to india.
I don't think it is Chinese induced the outbreak of COVID in India. It's India elites who live in EU flew back to India after the pandemic out-broke in EU.
I don't understand why my English skills matter? Stupid reasoning for me speaking English is like driving a car. Now I don't have to be a Nascar driver to earn a right to drive do i?

Essential to get employment.

Anyways congratulations and saddened at the same time because apparently your and your fellowship's English skills are not working on Chinese and they keeping giving you work. Instead of building roads now you are digging graves.

Done lots of that, and will do more, for all, Chinese and Indian alike.

Still a privilege for you because its PK(Pakistan) defence forum and im Pakistani you aGraves.
So again instead of being humble you are shameless and I ain't mad atcha cz you's a down a$$ ........

Yes, everyone thinks so. It's so humbling.

Niazi bloke was a toy for you small minded to play with and as you paid to much attention you forgot to cover your rear and now you feel a boot stuck and it hurts bad.

Niazi - toy- rear end...are you OK?

NO sir we proved twice in westren threather that shinny toys is not all that wins you war.
Unfortunately kids in East always thought its their vedic super tech that will win you war but forgot one basic thing that you have to fight to win not pussy out.

I already know that. I'm writing an account of a war in the westren threather. When your reading skills are better than your writing skills are right now, do go and read it.

Where is you Modi? Answer that question and stop your BS.

I believe he is in New Delhi, unless you know something more and don't want to share it with us.

Where is his screaming and yelling and barking against Pakistan?
Is he choking? Because at this moment his all holes are filled and he is practically about to get gang banged.

I suspect he's been warned that Galwan isn't Pakistan. He's one of those prize idiots who don't know the difference.

I don't think it is Chinese induced the outbreak of COVID in India. It's India elites who live in EU flew back to India after the pandemic out-broke in EU.

You forgot the Martians who landed in the EU and started the pandemic.
I own a business hommie.

That figures. I was trying to figure out how you would get a job.

Does Modi knows English?
How come he is Prime Minister of India if he doesn't know English?

I think he got voted in by some idiots who don't know English but own businesses. Strange country, India. Can't imagine another quite like it.
But the pandemic in the MOON cannot blame Chinese. It's the people who went back to the Moon.

Fortunately we have you for local correspondent reporting from the Moon. Does that make you a Moonatic?
Remind me when the celebrations begin. Is there a defined number or will just one Indian dying lead to the parades and the brass bands?

Not at all ....
We will only celebrate the day when last indian wld be kicked out of kashmir :)
It got a combat nod now (to give yet another false bravado hope to fool indian public). Someone should ask Indians, all these years while they were jerking off to lethality of Brahmos, was their military using it as a dildo?

BrahMos gets combat use nod amid border stand-off with China
The fleet release clearance certification to BrahMos has paved the way for the pilots of the Indian Air Force (IAF) squadrons to use the missile during combat missions.

Shiv Aroor
New Delhi
June 16, 2020
UPDATED: June 16, 2020 12:31 IST

Shiv Aroor


As India inducts its first BrahMos-armed Su-30 jets today in Thanjavur, never get bored of this video of the first launch back in 2017. (Wait for it.)


6:10 PM - Jan 20, 2020
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The Su-30 MKI is a state-of-the-art all-weather multi-role fighter aircraft capable of undertaking varied air defence, ground attack and maritime missions.

Also Read | BrahMos with Su-30s to boost firepower to combat Chinese threat in Indian Ocean Region
Also Read | BrahMos missile test-fired by India
Also Watch | BrahMos missile tested successfully from IAF's Sukhoi fighter jet

IndiaToday.in has plenty of useful resources that can help you better understand the coronavirus pandemic and protect yourself. Read our comprehensive guide (with information on how the virus spreads, precautions and symptoms), watch an expert debunk myths, and access our dedicated coronavirus page.

That figures. I was trying to figure out how you would get a job.

I think he got voted in by some idiots who don't know English but own businesses. Strange country, India. Can't imagine another quite like it.
Now you are starting to sound like an idiot. What me owning a business online have to do anything with piss drinking chaddi wearing banya of India? I can understand your state of mind .:help:
Chinese live on Earth.


You are joking!

Not at all ....
We will only celebrate the day when last indian wld be kicked out of kashmir :)

Oh good.

Another 1000 year campaign.

That's OK, then.

Remember not to bake the cake too early; it gets stale.

Now you are starting to sound like an idiot. What me owning a business online have to do anything with piss drinking chaddi wearing banya of India? I can understand your state of mind .:help:

I keep looking at your posts instead of putting you on my ignore list, as you deserve, in the hope that you will come up with something worth reading. Your consistency is perfect; you never fail to disappoint. This latest creepy barrage of ethnic insults just proves the point. Instead of clogging the pages of a defence forum, why don't you go onto YouTube and do a rant on your pet themes?
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