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Brahmaputra water sharing


Apr 8, 2007
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China accommodates Bangladesh on water sharing - Why does India not do the same?

Brahmaputra water sharing

Dhaka, Beijing sign deal on info exchange

Wednesday November 26 2008 00:18:11 AM BDT

Bangladesh and China signed an agreement regarding Dhaka, Beijing sign deal on water sharing in Brahmaputra exchange of water data of the Brahmaputra River to strengthen the flood warning system in Bangladesh.(The News Today )

Under this agreement Bangladesh would get different information about of water movement of the Brahmaputra river during the monsoon period, which runs within the Chinese territory. This information would help Bangladesh strengthen its early flood warning system.

The mighty Brahmaputra is responsible for the flood damage in the middle part of the country but in absence of correct data of water movement in the upstream region Bangladesh could not strengthen its early flood forecasting system.

This agreement was signed during the recent visit of a Bangladesh delegation to China, which was led by Water Resources secretary Dr Mohammed Ayub Miah.

Earlier during the visit of Chief Adviser Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed to China two countries signed a MoU (memorandum of understanding) in this regard. The current agreement was the follow-up action of the MoU.

Besides signing the deal for data exchange both the countries also discussed possible cooperation in the water sector. Bangladesh delegation raised the issue of Ganga Dam and sought the Chinese technical and financial help in this regard.

After the commissioning of the Farakka Dam by the India, country''s south western part has been experiencing severe water shortage, only cause of developing salinity in the southwestern region. The world''s largest mangrove forest Sundarban has become the victim of salinity.

Bangladesh gets some quantum of water from river Ganga during dry season under the water deal signed by Bangladesh and the India. However the quantum is not sufficient to stop the development salinity.

The construction of the Ganga Dam in the Bangladesh side is identified as the solution to contain salinity in the southwestern region. The concept of the Ganga Dam was conceived during the Pakistani time but till the day it could not pass the conceptual stage.

During the last 4-alliance government an attempt was made to conduct a feasibility study on the Ganga Dam but that it could not be materialized for unknown reasons.

The Chief Adviser during his visit to China also raised the Ganga Dam issue. The Chinese side agreed considering Bangladesh request about the Ganga Dam. It said that the issue could be resolved under a broader umbrella of the water sector cooperation, the source said.

The News Today

China accommodates Bangladesh on water sharing - Why does India not do the same?

My guess would be that the current Bangladesh-India relations is not good. But I believe an Indian member would be best in answering your question. :)
I do not see any accomodation.. only sharing of info about levels of water , India could get the same info thru satellites.
At least China is sharing the info. BD does not even get that much from India.
No it is a fact. Over the last three decades the Bangladesh government has repeatedly requested India for upstream hydro-meteorological data of the Ganges, Brahamputra and other rivers. The Indian side has declined to supply or exchange such upstream data and information.
Perhaps, but now that China is sharing satellite data it could also share data about Indian dams.
Perhaps, but now that China is sharing satellite data it could also share data about Indian dams.

Ahhhh so we ask China for data about the Indians that we should be getting from New Delhi anyway. Nice touch! :what:
Now the link works but China is diverting one river to which it is providing information to Bangladesh but India is diverting all our rivers and providing no information.
I don't think India is not sharing data, What benefit would India get out of it ?
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