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Boris Johnson out of intensive care...


Apr 29, 2019
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United Kingdom
Coronavirus: Boris Johnson out of intensive care but remains in hospital
  • 19 minutes ago
ImageThe PM was last seen in public a week ago
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been moved out of intensive care but remains in hospital, Downing Street has said.

Mr Johnson has been receiving treatment for coronavirus at St Thomas' Hospital in London since Sunday.

No 10 said he "has been moved this evening from intensive care back to the ward, where he will receive close monitoring during the early phase of his recovery".

A spokesman added: "He is in extremely good spirits."

He was taken to hospital on Sunday - 10 days after testing positive - and was moved to intensive care on Monday.

BBC political correspondent Jessica Parker said it was expected that Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab would continue to deputise for the prime minister.

Mr Johnson received "standard oxygen treatment" in intensive care and was not put on a ventilator, Downing Street said earlier.

He "continues to improve" after a "good night" and thanked the NHS for the "brilliant care" he has received, the spokesman added.

Meanwhile, applause rang out across the UK in the third "Clap for Carers" event, where people show their appreciation for NHS staff and other workers on the front line of the pandemic.

A total of 7,978 people have now died in hospital after testing positive for coronavirus, up by 881 on Wednesday.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has urged the public to stay indoorsover this Easter weekend, saying that after almost three weeks of lockdown "we are starting to see the impact of the sacrifices we've all made".

"Let's not ruin it now," he added.

Mr Raab said a decision on whether to ease the lockdown measures would not come until "the end of next week".

'World-class care'
Giving his reaction to the latest development, US President Donald Trump tweeted it was "great news", adding "get well Boris!"

Health Secretary Matt Hancock tweeted: "So good that the prime minister is out of intensive care and on the road to recovery. The NHS is there for us all and I know our amazing NHS staff have given him their characteristic world-class care."

Great news that Boris is getting better now. People were really worried as only 50% of covid-19 patients in intensive care in the UK have come out alive so far.

Hope he takes a long and hard-earned rest from work and does not get back to work before his doctors tell him he is 100% fit to be working.

Let's just hope his more sympathetic to the rest of us common folk now after his ordeal...
i think those people who have laundered looted money to u.k and considering them as safe should think that if corona result in their death what benefit such black money will give them so better return such money back before death otherwise they will face humiliation after death and their money will not save them anymore
Interestingly , UK isn't in the news as Italy was. UK has surpassed Italy which had with max 800 deaths in a day.

But there seems to be no hysteria about UK in the media or social.media websites . I wonder why
Interestingly , UK isn't in the news as Italy was. UK has surpassed Italy which had with max 800 deaths in a day.

But there seems to be no hysteria about UK in the media or social.media websites . I wonder why
Capacity is holding steady. There isn't pandemonium in every hospital....yet.
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