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Boost for NSG membership, as India gains entry into 'Australia Group'


Are you seriously an Indian? My apologies, but that begs the interrogation: you know, the standard questions -
  1. Where are you from?
  2. What language do you speak?
  3. Which school did you go to?
  4. Have you finished college? What degree, and which college?
My point of view is that it is better to join; better in the tent pissing out, than outside pissing in.

Very funny. you forgot to ask my Aadhar card. Didn't realize Modi supporters are going crazy here too.
Very funny. you forgot to ask my Aadhar card. Didn't realize Modi supporters are going crazy here too.

I'll kill you if you call me a Modi supporter.

Ask some of the old members to help you on these.

I don't care who you support or not. Not my problem but you are no one to question my Indianess.


That depends, Charlie Brown. We have already had an India-flag bearer spewing daily, almost hourly venom against India.
That depends, Charlie Brown. We have already had an India-flag bearer spewing daily, almost hourly venom against India.

So you keep painting everyone with the same brush because you had a bad experience? Carry On Henry! but Please excuse me.

Of course!

Innocent till proved guilty. :D

So who is going to judge you? There would be a day when someone comes and questions you and asks you to prove yourself. What goes around, comes around. So be careful what you wish for.:D
So who is going to judge you? There would be a day when someone comes and questions you and asks you to prove yourself. What goes around, comes around. So be careful what you wish for.:D

Oh, that's done and dusted. It's a bit late in the day for you to think wistfully about such awkward spots. :D
On NSG road, India has reached a dead end and there it is facing China.

NSG without Chinese nod?
A horse with horns?

China could soon be within India’s N-strike zone

And China would serve NSG to India on silver platter.
You do Doklam and beg for NSG?

Kahan kahan se chale ate hain.

:blah: :blah: :blah:

good. we are waiting for the bending movement.

and we don't need NSG or any other group to get access to any technology. China is giving us all without any hesitation.

The correct term is, you don't need to, Because they are openly proliferating nuclear technology. China is using its Pakistani pawns to check India, China calling itself a responsible power, is exposed on the world stage and made to look like fools, when the have to bend over backwards to cover up your misdeeds.
  • legitimizing proliferation of nuke tech and missile sales to Pakistan.
  • defends a interpol listed terrorists at the UNSC, and provide irrational explanations on the world stage.
  • Illegally builds infrastructure on dispute territory, in the mask of development. Ensuring the plunging of Pakistan's economy into a debt crisis so critical, it wont be able to recover from it for the next 100 years.
Any self respecting nation knows how cheap and low life this is, not abiding international norms, what i cant fathom is that your gloating over this despicable act.
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call me a Modi supporter.
You of all people Sir :p:
There are 2 people (whom i know on this forum) Joe Sahab & @jbgt90 who are anything but BJP supporters and i request you to go through their posts, some amazing stuff and thoughts.
We all don't have same political affinity but if one can have patience of listening (& understanding) opposite views, it frankly could be a very enriching experience even in a cacophony and chaos that rules this forum these days.
Good day!

NEW DELHI: India today become a member of the 'Australia Group' (AG), a move that is expected to raise New Delhi's stature in the field of non-proliferation and also help it acquire critical technologies.
India is now a member of the Missile Technology Control Regime+ (MTCR), the Wassenaar Arrangement+ (WA) as well as AG, three of four non-proliferation regimes. The only one remaining is the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). India has managed entry into all three groups despite not being a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and despite China's attempts to stonewall its bid to enter the NSG.
AG is a cooperative and voluntary group of countries working to counter the spread of materials, equipment and technologies that could contribute to the development or acquisition of chemical and biological weapons by states or terrorist groups. In December, India gained entry into WA. In June last year, India joined the MTCR, another key export control regime, as a full member.
Significantly, China, which stonewalled India's entry into the 48-nation NSG is not a member of the WA or the MTCR, both of which play a significant role in promoting transparency and greater responsibility in transfers of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies.

Since its civil nuclear deal with the US, India has been trying to get into export control regimes such as the NSG, the MTCR, the Australia Group and the Wassenaar Arrangement that regulate the conventional, nuclear, biological and chemicals weapons and technologies.

@nair @Levina @Abingdonboy @AUSTERLITZ @jbgt90 @third eye

19 January 2018

On 19 January 2018 India formally became the 43rd member of the Australia Group (AG), the cooperative and voluntary group of countries working to counter the spread of materials, equipment and technologies that could contribute to the development or acquisition of chemical and biological weapons (CBW) by states or terrorist groups.

There was very strong support expressed for India’s membership at the 26-30 June 2017 Australia Group Plenary, after which consensus was reached intersessionally. India then reaffirmed its intention to join the Group.

In warmly welcoming India to the Group, the other Australia Group members recognised the Government of India’s commitment to bring India’s export control system into alignment with the Australia Group and India’s determination to contribute to the global effort to prevent the proliferation of CBW in the security interests of all members of the international community.

In joining the Group, the Government of India said its entry into the Group would be mutually beneficial and would contribute further to international security and non-proliferation objectives; and, that India’s law-based export control system enables the Government of India to implement the obligations arising from the Australia Group’s Guidelines and Common Control Lists including its reporting requirements, information exchange and principles.

With its admission into the AG, India has demonstrated the will to implement rigorous controls of high standards in international trade, and its capacity to adapt its national regulatory system to meet the necessities of its expanding economy. India is also aware of the need to constantly adapt its export controls in the face of rapidly evolving scientific and technological challenges, and in this regard, affirmed its readiness to act in close cooperation with all members towards the furtherance of Australia Group objectives.

The other Australia Group members are: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, European Union, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Republic of Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom and United States.


Spin all u want, or cry to your American daddy like last time, China says no, that's it.

Let me say it again, you won't get in NSG until Pakistan gets in.
NSG is just a prestige group for us . India has better nuclear technology than 42 of the 48 NSG member states. Look at some of the the stupid countries in NSG , We are way better in nuclear technology than most countries in NSG.
Till then keep modernizing .
You of all people Sir :p:
There are 2 people (whom i know on this forum) Joe Sahab & @jbgt90 who are anything but BJP supporters and i request you to go through their posts, some amazing stuff and thoughts.
We all don't have same political affinity but if one can have patience of listening (& understanding) opposite views, it frankly could be a very enriching experience even in a cacophony and chaos that rules this forum these days.
Good day!

Actually, it's a misunderstanding. I thought he was a false flagger, he got irritated, and we have been circling around each other like two dogs at the edge of their respective territories ever since.
MTCR = Check
Wassenar group = Check
Australia group = Check
NSG = 90% Check (Already enjoying the waiver)

So what has china's deeper than ocean friendship given to pakistan ? Pakistan was also a first class ally of USA. I mean comon who leases its land and allow drones in its territory. Even after so much bending Pakistan is not a member of any of the group.
lol China itself is not a member of these 3 groups.
Matter of time when we will bend chinese for NSG.
We got what we wanted either by hook or by crook....

Thanks Chanakya and BJP...

Vedic | ब्राह्मण
you won't get in NSG until Pakistan gets in.
India's candidature of NSG has nothing to do with Pakistan's. Please go through my earlier posts, we have not objected to Pak's application, its China which is making an issue of clubbing both together.
At some point your nation will have to decide how long you can go on playing this game by making this case an example.
If nothing happens, World community will find a way to do N business with India (they already are given we have access to Fuel market and relevant technologies without being a member of NSG). How many other nations have that luxury? India getting into NSG is only going to strengthen Non Proliferation framework and today entire world acknowledges that (Even US congress while voting on 123 agreement accepted fact that keeping India away from mainstream is only counter-productive). Lets see how much time your country takes to understand this.
PS: take your own sweet time. We aren't in any hurry coz we ain't getting deprived of anything ;)

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