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Book Review - THE INDIA DOCTRINE (1947-2007)

The people were tricked a deceived. Maybe the subject of a new book. Wish me luck ......

when is the next election? if the masses were indeed tricked, the current govt will fall on its face.
it seems to be a small topic for an entire book though, your expertise will be better utilized on some other topic perhaps.
when is the next election? if the masses were indeed tricked, the current govt will fall on its face.
it seems to be a small topic for an entire book though, your expertise will be better utilized on some other topic perhaps.

Next election in 2013 and yes the current government will fall on its face. It is already extremely unpopular. The topic is actually vast. I am taking the wider perspective but I don't want to give the plot away yet.
Next election in 2013 and yes the current government will fall on its face. It is already extremely unpopular. The topic is actually vast. I am taking the wider perspective but I don't want to give the plot away yet.

keep us posted, its always interesting to analyze your perspectives on these critical issues. we may not always agree but I'll give my honest 2 cents on it
You are lucky enough to not work on it much... You have attained the minimum of it...

If we take the minimum to be your intelligence level then I attained that when I was 10 years old. Having surpassed that I have no intention of going back to that level. You will have to try harder and increase your intelligence to catch up. May take you a life time but can't wait must rush.
keep us posted, its always interesting to analyze your perspectives on these critical issues. we may not always agree but I'll give my honest 2 cents on it

I see I will have to be careful with you. Not the usual Indian I have normally come across on PDF. Look forward to crossing swords with you when the time comes ........
If we take the minimum to be your intelligence level then I attained that when I was 10 years old. Having surpassed that I have no intention of going back to that level. You will have to try harder and increase your intelligence to catch up. May take you a life time but can't wait must rush.

Supposedly not, You IQ seems to disagree with your growth, it simply refuses to side your growth...
Supposedly not, You IQ seems to disagree with your growth, it simply refuses to side your growth...

....... and you are a professional in the Indian army and you are challenged by your own wit and the inability to construct a sentence....... I feel more confident now that India can be defeated ....
....... and you are a professional in the Indian army and you are challenged by your own wit and the inability to construct a sentence....... I feel more confident now that India can be defeated ....

Well you are beaten once again, you failed to analyze, that was not supposed to be a wit, Cant you differentiate between truth and Wit?? anyways the resistance is Futile for you... Yes India can be defeated, but you need to dream more, hardly would there be any space in you sweet dreams...
What up with the Quarreling here? Every writer is free enough to express his opinions ... If anyone disagree hes free to ignore it.

Passing Analysis as Fact is more common that one would like to admit. Books come and go day after day...to write a book is deceptively easy IQ is hardly needed, eloquence,Vocabulary and some diligence is all whats needed.
Arundati Roy is an apt example.

To actually seize the psyche of the audience is what makes a book sell , be it Fact or an Analysis . Analysis Like this one, can be never Passed on for Facts as it is always as limited as the amount of accumulated proof, Punctuality is always key , as time goes by Newer realities emerge .. Alas analysis have a dual capacity to become a refreshing retrospective or a Moronic chatter, as the Time flies past.
What up with the Quarreling here? Every writer is free enough to express his opinions ... If anyone disagree hes free to ignore it.

Passing Analysis as Fact is more common that one would like to admit. Books come and go day after day...to write a book is deceptively easy IQ is hardly needed, eloquence,Vocabulary and some diligence is all whats needed.
Arundati Roy is an apt example.

To actually seize the psyche of the audience is what makes a book sell , be it Fact or an Analysis . Analysis Like this one, can be never Passed on for Facts as it is always as limited as the amount of accumulated proof, Punctuality is always key , as time goes by Newer realities emerge .. Alas analysis have a dual capacity to become a refreshing retrospective or a Moronic chatter, as the Time flies past.

You claim to be discussing a book you have never read or seen. I think the word to describe you would be hypocrite. Writing prolix prose is not a claim to intelligence. Everything you written could have probably been summed up in two lines.
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