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Book review: Demolishing myths of Indo-Pak wars

that's true. But in fairness to him, he bases some of the accounts from other sources. He cites instances where he has consulted with other pilots active at the time, in order to get their perspective.

i've read 3 books on the 71 war, and in each book, similar incidents are described 'differently'. depends on how one wants to portray their POV. - all 3 views could be right or they could be wrong.
Here is a page from the book. I can post more if members have the interest.

Oh for the love of GOD. Let it go Chindit. Are you going to keep posting this excerpt EVERYWHERE? I am annoyed now. How many times do you wish to make the same point ??????

Find something else to post - on second thought, NO!! EVERYONE STOP posting excerpts from the book. Firstly, because it probably a violation of copyright, secondly, the author wrote a book in order that it be bought not published unauthorizedly.
Oh for the love of GOD. Let it go Chindit. Are you going to keep posting this excerpt EVERYWHERE? I am annoyed now. How many times do you wish to make the same point ??????

Find something else to post - on second thought, NO!! EVERYONE STOP posting excerpts from the book. Firstly, because it probably a violation of copyright, secondly, the author wrote a book in order that it be bought not published unauthorizedly.

Hello, this thread is about this book - right? whats your problem? excerpts are fine as long as the whole book is not posted.

if it really is a problem, lets start with windjammer to stop posting from "Battle for Pakistan" - thats copyright violation too. Just because john fricker is dead doesnt mean that his family has given up the revenues :D
who could have made it to the senior echelons of the PAF but he was/is a guy who was 'outspoken' and therefore deemed 'not fit' for the JD requirements of a AVM or ACM.

deemd not fit only by that tyrant Zia. that was the only reason he quit as Air Commd. Very few had the balls to tell Zia his faults on his face. Haider was one. Others were all cowardly kow-towing to zia and he went on sowing seeds of islamic bigotry - the result still persists to the day.
Hello, this thread is about this book - right? whats your problem? excerpts are fine as long as the whole book is not posted.

if it really is a problem, lets start with windjammer to stop posting from "Battle for Pakistan" - thats copyright violation too. Just because john fricker is dead doesnt mean that his family has given up the revenues :D

Congratulations: you finally made a posting without pasting an image of page 236:victory::victory::victory:

Battle for Pakistan was published in 1974 (?) - this is a new book. At some point all publications carry into the public domain and NO copyrights apply. I believe it is 25 years........

My problem? YOUR constant harping about the Dacca Squadron Commander. Could you not have posted another page? oh wait...that would have been a copyright violation.....:cheesy:
Battle for Pakistan was published in 1974 (?) - this is a new book. At some point all publications carry into the public domain and NO copyrights apply. I believe it is 25 years........

EPIC FAIL:devil::devil: Copyright exists till 70 years from the death of the author. Battle for Pakistan is not in the Public Domain. Nor are all those other scans that everyone is liberally posting - like the magazine scans , hussaini paintings etc. they wont be public domain for another 70 years.

You are just trying to suppress my postings because you are uncomfortable with the embarrassing stuff that your own war hero wrote.

My problem? YOUR constant harping about the Dacca Squadron Commander. Could you not have posted another page? oh wait...that would have been a copyright violation.....:cheesy:

Yeah right - copyright violation if the stuff that embarresses you. Not if it doesnt. I get your point..

anyway this one is for you :) More embarrseing revealations by Sajad Haider on Alam

EPIC FAIL:devil::devil: Copyright exists till 70 years from the death of the author. Battle for Pakistan is not in the Public Domain. Nor are all those other scans that everyone is liberally posting - like the magazine scans , hussaini paintings etc. they wont be public domain for another 70 years.

You are just trying to suppress my postings because you are uncomfortable with the embarrassing stuff that your own war hero wrote.

Yeah right - copyright violation if the stuff that embarresses you. Not if it doesnt. I get your point..

You are correct: Congressman Sonny Bono passed a law that extended the time to 70 years. Good for you.

You know what embarrasses me (note the spelling, speaking of EPIC FAIL) is that foolish people like you keep getting drawn out and exposed. FINALLY we know your agenda - to selectively use passages to cast a negative light on the PAF.

Show some courage and post Sajjad Haider's stuff that BLASTED the IAF all over the skies so much so that the debris is STILL falling.

But I guess flamers like you lack courage to match the lack of class.
the excerpts that are being posted cannot be 'read' - at least i cant read them!
You know what embarrasses me (note the spelling, speaking of EPIC FAIL) is that foolish people like you keep getting drawn out and exposed. FINALLY we know your agenda - to selectively use passages to cast a negative light on the PAF.

Show some courage and post Sajjad Haider's stuff that BLASTED the IAF all over the skies so much so that the debris is STILL falling.

brother, I paid my hard earned money and actually bought a copy of that book. I read it, enjoyed it and will post the stuff fromparts of the book that I like. if htere is stuff that you like, and you paid for a copy of it, then go ahead and post those portions that you like. No body is stopping you.
brother, I paid my hard earned money and actually bought a copy of that book. I read it, enjoyed it and will post the stuff fromparts of the book that I like. if htere is stuff that you like, and you paid for a copy of it, then go ahead and post those portions that you like. No body is stopping you.

Brother: I can see that the portions that you like from a PAKISTANI'S book is the author's expressions that are NEGATIVE about the PAF.


I appreciate the fact that you do not hide your disdain for the PAF and thus the printing of the negative portions. You are obviously a likable, honest, even-tempered (other than the 'epic fail' comment), and opinionated person.

Since we know you have the book and therefore is it then a good conclusion that you also accept what Haider says about the IAF? Afterall, in order to be FAIR, you cannot discount that part, can you?

As far my posting portions I like - it would go against my desire to not violate the author's copyright. What I would do at a later date is give my IMPRESSIONS about the book.

Friends? :smitten:
Chindit, how are those embarassing revelations?? He himself admitted them, and they have been known for a long time.

I think you are a bit confused. Read the book, and learn more about the Air Battles. An eclectic approach to such topics is most desired, as you learn things and get the real picture of what happened.
Brother: I can see that the portions that you like from a PAKISTANI'S book is the author's expressions that are NEGATIVE about the PAF.

I appreciate the fact that you do not hide your disdain for the PAF and thus the printing of the negative portions. You are obviously a likable, honest, even-tempered (other than the 'epic fail' comment), and opinionated person.:

You are wrong. I dont have a disdain for the PAF. I actually think the India pakistan fights saw some great displays of fighting on both sides.

Reading Sajad haiders book actually made me his fan. He is a great officer , outspoken and did not cling to his chair as others did.

however I do have disdain for the fanboy histories [eg: here] that people seem to believe in so much. I would understand if this was 1968, but this is 2010! It is always advised to have a dose of reality once in a while.

Since we know you have the book and therefore is it then a good conclusion that you also accept what Haider says about the IAF? Afterall, in order to be FAIR, you cannot discount that part, can you?

Ofcourse - I have even mentioned that Sajad Haider has a dramatic and great description of the Pathankot attack in the book (in the other thread started by windjammer). Sajad Haider raised many valid points on Indian performance, but some points are not valid. He also praised some Indian performance, critcised it at some portions validly. But some portions I disagree with. but there will always be soem anyway.

PS: Now take the example I have given above. if I say "Windjammer, Most MiG-21s were not destroyed in Pathankot" - he will not believe me. What better than to quote Sajad haider again?
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