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Bomb from Pak: We will hit back

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1)Do the Pakistanis have R&D and know how to fit a nuke into a 1 foot diametre warhead

2)Do the Pakistanis have a tested Plutonium design in the first place(tactical and strategic)?

3)Do they have sufficient amount of Plutonium to afford tactical nukes?

4)What is the amount of Plutonium needed to construct a tac nuke?

5)Are they willing to give the nuke keys to brigade colonels?(in case of a tactical nuke)

6)Are they ready to have pre asssembled nukes? (Which runs contradictory to their doctrine)

7)Have they tested a ballistic nuke fuse?

8)What are their reliable deliver vechicles?

Analysing all the above questions in various fora and reading the opinions of real Military Professionals in various forums ,all i can say is Pakistani nukes themselves are nothing but a bluff.This tac nuke thing is even a bigger bluff.The Indian defence forces might have know this oon first sight itself.If you want ill PM you the links where this discussion took place.The PA generals are scared to death of a nuclear exchange they do not want to kill their goose which lays the golden eggs.Most fora members are nothing but swagger and false bravado but this is the reality as i see it

PS:Most importantly what is their knowwn reserves of fissile material ?
No proof........ Pak state doesnt support any armed struggle in india....its on record.

So if india attacks the STATE OF PAKISTAN tht will be considered an act of war.............

go to Kashmir, there is ample proof. You shall actually have to close your eyes to not see anything. But then you will hear. In fact you shall have to close all faculties to be unable to see whats happening.

India will not attack Pakistan irrespective of the level of violence perpetuated by state/non-state actors based in Pakistan. Period.
Once you press that red button against India, there will be no Pakistan on Earth.

LOL, how very menacing :lol:. How can you wipe Pakistan off the Earth, with a 1 megaton nuclear arsenal?

The estimation of nuclear destructive power:

1. Russia ~ 1,273 megaton
2. USA ~ 570 megaton
3. China ~ 294 megaton
4. France ~ 55 megaton
5. UK ~ 16 megaton
6. Israel ~ 1.5 - 4 megaton
7. India ~ 0.8 - 1 megaton
8. Pakistan ~ 0.6 - 1 megaton
9. North Korea ~ Unknown

NTI: Nuclear Disarmament
China has the smallest nuclear arsenal of the P-5 ?How can it have a total capacity of 294 Megatons
China has the smallest nuclear arsenal of the P-5 ?How can it have a total capacity of 294 Megatons

Check the link yourself. The country profiles are on the right side of the page.

It is because Chinese nukes are often "city-busters" (i.e. 3-5 megatons EACH).

Compared to Indian nukes which are 20kt fission devices. You'll need to use several of those to destroy a large city.

Then of course, you'll need accurate delivery systems as well.
OFF TOPIC....................@CD-Israel has Nukes?![New news for me!].......I thought that the U.S would stop em' from acquiring the tech to build nukes!
Chinese-Dragon ,Do you know what nuclear doctrine China follows?
Chinese-Dragon ,Do you know what nuclear doctrine China follows?

We are the only recognized nuclear-weapons state (out of the 5 recognized by the NPT), to have a "no-first-use" doctrine.

... but the no-first-use rule, only applies to non-nuclear weapons states.

China undertakes not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon States or nuclear-weapon-free zones at any time or under any circumstances.

1)Do the Pakistanis have R&D and know how to fit a nuke into a 1 foot diametre warhead

Sorry to bust your dreams bro, but unlike the Indian systems, Pakistan has a proven system and one which is very effective. They have begged, borrowed, stolen whatever, but they have technology that has been perfected whereas we are still in teething curves.
They have not been able to miniaturise warheads yet, but they are into MIRV development and as such will be able to do so shortly if not already. Unlike our set up where we sleep more and produce more, they work more and talk less and have proved to be ahead of us as of now in terms of depth in inventory of various missile systems. While we have missiles in categories to outmatch them, yet the variations we have are severly limited and in inadequte numers in so far if we consider the active borders viz west, north-west, north east and east.

2)Do the Pakistanis have a tested Plutonium design in the first place(tactical and strategic)?

They have got that from Chinese.

3)Do they have sufficient amount of Plutonium to afford tactical nukes?

They are building reactors in sufficient numbers and have dedicated enrichment facilities too in adequate numbers while in India we still think Fukishima will happen in Jaitapur ... you get my drift?

4)What is the amount of Plutonium needed to construct a tac nuke?

Depends upon type of yield you want. And type of weapon you are making. We may have boosted fission and pure fusion.

5)Are they willing to give the nuke keys to brigade colonels?(in case of a tactical nuke)

In case of hostilities, the ultimate coomand will come as per them from their PM but in all likelihood from COAS or Chairman JCOSC whosoever they may have elected. In either case, for tactical use, the nukes will already be in custody of local commander. In fact the positioning of the same is already done, in near proximity to intended area of use for quick dispersal and deployment.

6)Are they ready to have pre asssembled nukes? (Which runs contradictory to their doctrine)

No force has them, and I doubt even PA would have them. They are professionals and know mistakes can be made/security breached in rarest of rare cases. They are not irresponsible.

7)Have they tested a ballistic nuke fuse?

Didnt get what you mean.

8)What are their reliable deliver vechicles?

They have a good range of variation in missiles. Enough to take care of most of our cities. Only MIRV so far gives us an edge as they lack a vehicle for the same and have not proven their MIRV tech. The day they have that, they have a way around our ABM defences (under development still)

Analysing all the above questions in various fora and reading the opinions of real Military Professionals in various forums ,all i can say is Pakistani nukes themselves are nothing but a bluff.This tac nuke thing is even a bigger bluff.The Indian defence forces might have know this oon first sight itself.If you want ill PM you the links where this discussion took place.The PA generals are scared to death of a nuclear exchange they do not want to kill their goose which lays the golden eggs.Most fora members are nothing but swagger and false bravado but this is the reality as i see it

Listen. Not only PA Generals, but Generals, officers and men on both sides of the border are scared of the nukes. No one wants to imagine how it shall be. Its jingoism to say we will wipe the other out. Being scared is but a part of a soldiers life. Only a fool is not scared and they die in the first few hours of any battle.

Any nuke, if deployed in tactical role, will be against troops. But they dont make any sense due to the high density of population centers in Indian subcontinent. Deployment will result in civillian casualties on a greater magnitude than either side may want.

In case of IA progressing into Pakistani territory, make no mistake, they will strike with all their armament for they know what shall rain down on them. But before they go, they will do immense damage to India as we know it, too. So its not as if they will be destroyed and we shall simply dust off our sand and stand up straight.
We are the only recognized nuclear-weapons state (out of the 5 recognized by the NPT), to have a "no-first-use" doctrine.

... but the no-first-use rule, only applies to non-nuclear weapons states.

China's National Statement on Security Assurances

I know that ,Iam asking what are the compulsions that made China to go for a NFU policy?NFU is a policy,not a doctrine?Just think of it you will get very intresting answers
Hellfire Check your PM ,I send you two links which have a very intresting discussion about nukes.The Individual there was trained to fight real nuke wars and those two discussions are the closest we get to nuclear targetting.He even held the keys to real nukes as a brigade colonel i think
Check the link yourself. The country profiles are on the right side of the page.

It is because Chinese nukes are often "city-busters" (i.e. 3-5 megatons EACH).

Compared to Indian nukes which are 20kt fission devices. You'll need to use several of those to destroy a large city.

Then of course, you'll need accurate delivery systems as well.

The old counterforce vs countervalue debate.
what kind of a question is that? a nuclear bomb is a nuclear bomb. There is nothing different between a tactical and a strategic bomb. Its the target that is defined as such!!!!!
A tactical nuclear weapon (or TNW) refers to a nuclear weapon which is designed to be used on a battlefield in military situations. This is as opposed to strategic nuclear weapons which are designed to menace large populations, to damage the enemy's ability to wage war, or for general deterrence. Tactical nuclear weapons were a large part of the peak nuclear weapons stockpile levels during the Cold War.
Tactical nuclear weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A little bit of reading would not harm u.
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