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Bollywood is back on PIA flights.

Thank You Energon i would like to ask for some other books on some seriouse issue or real issues.

One such area is the usage of culture or Film Industry by South Indians to get to the power i realy felt that they had used it very wisely i will PM you the theme.

AS far the culture in Indian movies well you did debate and i did endorsed that these do not represent the real Indians thats what i am saying and thats what your countrymen are denying.

And i am not talking about amalgamation of ideas and fantacies as culture of India rather i guess you must be understanding what i mean.

This is what happens when a person has half-knowledge about certain things.

Cinema in India is larger than life. Today, Bollywood has become an inseperable part of an average Indian's life. Bollywood is not a propoganda machine that is run by the government, nor is it a machine that mass produces the products.

If you are thinking that people see what bollywood produces, then you are wrong. Bollywood simply produces what people want to see.

If you look at the films that were being made in the 1960's it was about the basic problems of a common man, and his emotions, in the 70's it was about the social condition of the people it was all about roti,Kapda and makaan...
In the 80's there were no takers for roti,kapda,makaan concept, then, Daku oriented films started coming....90's were all about crime, drugs and war..........similarly now the trend is around the youth. Today India is a young country, with a maximum of population going to watch movies are young people in their teens...they want to watch something new....thats what is happening...newre concepts in filmdom are coming to to fore.

If you are pointing to skyscrapers in the city and say this is India, you are wrong..if you point to the slums and say this is India..you are wrong....India is so diverse that you cannot point to one thing and say this is India....well..that truely is what India is all about.

Similarly, bollywood you cannot point to just one thing, and say this is bollywood....you cannot point to drama and say this is bolllywood, you cannot point to music and say bollywood is music....you cannot point to sex, and say bollywood is full of sex......bollywood films are a mixture of all the things that are part of a common Indian's life....and a comman Indian is 1 billion strong..:lol:
Can you give soem examples of this? If it had happened, I am sure the Muslims of India would have called that out. And almost all Indian movies have substantial Muslim involvement.

I am sure you are not trying to claim they are not Muslim enough! Are you?

No she will claim that the scared and repressed Indian Muslims don't dare to speak out.

(Except of course, inexplicably, when Taslima Nasreen or reservation is in the news)
it is a shame, but would you rather see pakistan movies on pia flights? even our mullahs are bollywood addicts these days lol
I believe that many things; such as music, painting, food, beauty (specaily of women) and other articles of fine art; have no boundries. Whatever appeals to you and touches your heart or palate, you would go for it.

As Hon Jana has mentioned, Bollywood makes what the masses will want to see else it would be flop and thus incurring loss. Watching movies is a form of escapism, necessary to get way from the rigours of day to day living for an hour or two.

One cannot stop the culture invasion, be it Western or Indian. Only way would be to destroy all the video shops, cassettes and TV's as Taliban did. Besides, Indian music and films have, in general, been better and more popular in Pakistan than Pakistani ones. I still have my collection of Kundan Lal Sehgal and listen to it quite often. I think old Indian songs sung by Lata and Mohd Rafi are true classics and peerless.

In the 70's Lahore, traffic on roads used to disappear when Indian movies were broadcast on the Amritsar TV and could be seen in Lahore. About the same time in Karachi, if one was to buy a Video player and let it be known that an Indian movie was being shown, one would meet all the pretty young things of the neighourhood! I wasn't married then and this is from self reference so better believe it.

Therefore I fail to see the point of this thread. On long haul flights one needs some kind of relaxation. If there can be Hollywood movies and western music, why not Bollywood?
I believe that many things; such as music, painting, food, beauty (specaily of women) and other articles of fine art; have no boundries. Whatever appeals to you and touches your heart or palate, you would go for it.

As Hon Jana has mentioned, Bollywood makes what the masses will want to see else it would be flop and thus incurring loss. Watching movies is a form of escapism, necessary to get way from the rigours of day to day living for an hour or two.

One cannot stop the culture invasion, be it Western or Indian. Only way would be to destroy all the video shops, cassettes and TV's as Taliban did. Besides, Indian music and films have, in general, been better and more popular in Pakistan than Pakistani ones. I still have my collection of Kundan Lal Sehgal and listen to it quite often. I think old Indian songs sung by Lata and Mohd Rafi are true classics and peerless.

In the 70's Lahore, traffic on roads used to disappear when Indian movies were broadcast on the Amritsar TV and could be seen in Lahore. About the same time in Karachi, if one was to buy a Video player and let it be known that an Indian movie was being shown, one would meet all the pretty young things of the neighourhood! I wasn't married then and this is from self reference so better believe itTherefore I fail to see the point of this threhead. On long haul flights one needs some kind of relaxation. If there can be Hollywood movies and western music, why not Bollywood?

Just went thru this post, brought back memories of late 70's when watching Pak TV was a novelty.

Sitting around the fire on cold rainy evenings, with Rum & Egg - on - toast in soggy tents..One felt the world was at our feet..

We watched TV on portable TV sets that ran on jeep batteries.. The programmes I recall were " Nilam Ghar - of Dekhti ankhon , sunte kaanon fame, serials like stassky & hutch ( spellings ? ), plays like ' dehleez", Dhhoop kinare" etc last but not the least.. gasping at the ladies who read the news on Pak TV.

Years later, my son who never woke up in time to catch the school bus was instantly awake to watch morning cartoons on Pak Tv,I never could explain to him what the announcer meant when he said "" baba bache bano" or something like that. Neither has he forgiven me ( when he learnt yrs later) for switching off the mains 5 mins into the cartoons so that he could get ready in time !! Some time later when we bought a portable gen set, the 1st thing he said was that " now I can watch all the cartoons !"

That was the era of strict control of the economy in India, we used to marvel at " foreign ads " like red cow milk, Chocolates & other domestic items.

Sometimes I feel things just might trun around if our Govts were to lay off a bit. I mean , I'd like to read the dawn every morn & maybe some one wants to read the HT or TOI in Islamabad each day, I really have not seen much of Pak cinema .. would like to .
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