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Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor embracing Islam

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Actually the only new Bollywood Film I liked was No Smoking. Other than that is is all crap. I will post the video to full movie. I suggest you watch, as it was really a good film.o]
I have watched this movie, problem is in India people hardly appreciate such type of movies. They like larger than life, unrealistic movies of Salman, Sharukh etc.
How do you know about all Muslims?

If i speak for myself i will never ever convert any girl into Islam just because she could marry with me or i could make her my wife. conversion should only be after acceptance the message of Islam from deep heart without any compulsion or worldly Motive. I know there are some people who don't follow Islam themselves but want to bring every other non Muslim into Islam which is stupid. Its quality which matter not quantity :)

Your marriage might be legal according to civil law but not according to Islamic law . Ask any expert there or search it by yourself : )

You are an exception my friend, now only if all the Muslims thought like that.

But going by the "xyz converts to islam" news and the subsequent online euphoria you see amongst muslim netizens paints a very different picture. They seem least bothered about the XYZ's motives and intentions.

And since am not a Muslim I couldn't care less for Islamic Laws.
But in the real world so many non-Muslims marry their Muslim husband or wife. You would know it pretty well living in UK.

Even more hypocrisy is when a girl technically converts for marriage, like in Kareena Kapoor's case here. You honestly think that even if she changes her name from Kareena Kapoor to Ayesha Khan, she will read Namaz 5 times a day and follow the rules of Islam? What you are suggesting is Muslims should not fall in love with non-Muslims at all, but sadly that is not practical...
well in real world some Muslim commit terrorism and do other non Islamic things but don't mean if some Muslim do it then these things will become the part of Islam..

People have different level of commitment with their beliefs and some of them have selective Islam in their life :)

Whatever you said above is the reason i said that you should only convert if you accept the message of Islam ..only for love of God and not for anything else..
You are an exception my friend, now only if all the Muslims thought like that.

But going by the "xyz converts to islam" news and the subsequent online euphoria you see amongst muslim netizens paints a very different picture. They seem least bothered about the XYZ's motives and intentions.

And since am not a Muslim I couldn't care less for Islamic Laws.

I only feel happy when someone convert into Islam after studying Islam and after knowing Islam without any external force or compulsion and that's what Islam teach to its follower. I don't care how xyx feel about conversion of others as i am only responsible for myself and can speak for myself.

Since you are not Muslim so Islamic laws don't apply to you but it apply to your wife if she claim to be the follower of Islam unless she is selective in following Islam and follow only those part which suit to her desires :)
I only feel happy when someone convert into Islam after studying Islam and after knowing Islam without any external force or compulsion and that's what Islam teach to its follower.

Why should you feel happy? Not your life, is it?

On topic, Indians don't care that the celebrated Musician A.R. Rahman was a Hindu before, why should this bother anyone?
Is it a big deal?Dont care whats her religion is. Only good performance matters.

Will she still be shaking her bum? :lol:

Why so? the most daring actresses in the 60's and 70's were not hindus.
as long as u will be looking at it with tarsi hui eyes after all thats the hallmark of modern day Muslims.

Brother, I am an engaged man, and I am happy with my parent's decision. It is easy to make assumptions, but let's not get ahead of ourselves unless you have personally met me. Cheers.

Why should you feel happy? Not your life, is it?

On topic, Indians don't care that the celebrated Musician A.R. Rahman was a Hindu before, why should this bother anyone?

You sound mad..LOL

Muslims become happy when someone else learns the message. Is there a problem?
Is it a big deal?Dont care whats her religion is. Only good performance matters.

Why so? the most daring actresses in the 60's and 70's were not hindus.

Only a good performance matters?

How would you like being born into a family where your mother shakes her bum so that you can eat and go to school?

Where is the izat in that?

Answer truthfully, Indian.

I don't like engaging people that are superficial.

Since I have given you the time, you should feel obligated in giving a genuine answer.
Useless news. it would be just like another name sake conversion.
Muslims become happy when someone else learns the message. Is there a problem?

Yourl do realise that this is all just a drama and fake publicity stunt as her another movie is to be released this friday these bollywood actor/actress use any religion just for their personal gains without giving a damn what message it carries
waiting for BJP reaction... They will demand Kareena to leave india. Lol
Yourl do realise that this is all just a drama and fake publicity stunt as her another movie is to be released this friday these bollywood actor/actress use any religion just for their personal gains without giving a damn what message it carries

I have already realized this. Look at my earlier posts.
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