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Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor embracing Islam

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Is Saif really a Muslim? A muslim doesn't keep a GF (Rakkail) to enjoy his nights and time with. Having said that, I think they both should not indulge religion into their lives at all; get married and close the chapter. They both are not practicing Muslim/Hindu, so why drag religion into it?

Girlfriends are considered rakkail (keep) in Islam ?? :woot:
If the Hindu boy converts, no problem.
Exactly, It will create problem. We have Hindu in majority and you have Muslims. There are already groups in India which ask for Hindu girls marrying Muslims to oppose them and create problems for them. I am not saying we don't have fundamentalist Hindus but accept the same argument when it is reversed.

Now come on base of Hypocrisy which is as prevalent in India as in Pakistan.
Is there any problem with Islam to world?? Was Islam a terrorizing religion to world before few decades??
World is not against TRUE ISLAM its against Wahabi/Salafi version or Zia's Version or Taliban's Version of Islam.Every religion has pros & cons as it was made with view of society of its time, its duty of the present day religious think tanks the popes/shankaracharyas/maulavis/rabbis to make religion suitable to present without loosing its real essence & ideology.

There is no problem if any indian or any citizen of any nation embraces True Islam infact if he reallly finds peace in his new faith & turn out to be a good human being such conversions should be encouraged. I hope Kareena too finds peace in her new faith if converted.
Exactly, It will create problem. We have Hindu in majority and you have Muslims. There are already groups in India which ask for Hindu girls marrying Muslims to oppose them and create problems for them. I am not saying we don't have fundamentalist Hindus but accept the same argument when it is reversed.

Now come on base of Hypocrisy which is as prevalent in India as in Pakistan.

If so why blame Pakistan only
Well its not nice to say, but essentially thats what every sexual relationship is without a commitment.

Really?? I always thought the concept of rakkail involved financial dependence in exchange for providing sexual services over a longer period of time than a one night stand (paid or unpaid)

So all Pakistani members here who are not married and have a girlfriend consider their girlfriends as their rakkails ??? show of hands please... :)

Last i heard, Shoaib was demolishing some Indian monuments in Sri Lanka. :D

Woh picture abhi baaki hai dost.. ;)
Well if a woman who is GF of a man is called Rakkail, what should we call the man- Macho-man, an example to follow, casanova etc.

If a true Muslim doesn't have Rakkail then I think its a slap on the face of those Hypocrites in this forum who call themselves Muslims and guard of their religion while casually discuss about having multiple GFs and physical relationships with a girl before Marriage.

This contrast in same argument makes me wonder what should anyone think of others.
waiting for BJP reaction... They will demand Kareena to leave india. Lol

LOL ! Now thats how u define NEEM HAKIM. You have sh!t knowledge bout something from some country and then enforce your assumptions. Not good for your health bro. :D

Love Jihad is on full flow-

If this is Jihad then dont cry when some shiv sainik tear off a muslim in India. Not that i will justify it but this kind of mentality and attitude itself has become Islam's biggest enemy. Then you guyz cry that everyone is against us. :D
Really?? I always thought the concept of rakkail involved financial dependence in exchange for providing sexual services over a longer period of time than a one night stand (paid or unpaid)
I think it just means someone you have consensual sex with out of wed-lock.

So all Pakistani members here who are not married and have a girlfriend consider their girlfriends as their rakkails ??? show of hands please... :)
... That they have consensual sex with. You don't like the obvious words for things because the way they sound?
OMG! Didn't know Saif is a leader of love Jihad campaign!
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