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Bollywood actor Jiah Khan commits suicide

Depression is a phase of life and not a psychological disorder? Wow that's some serious knowledge right there. You think she killed herself because she was a coward and it was not a clinical disorder? Again wow.

Are you her psychologist? did u diagnose her urself? do you have proof? again it is an illness a man can overcome with a thing called "will"...
Are you her psychologist? did u diagnose her urself? do you have proof? again it is an illness a man can overcome with a thing called "will"...

So you now agree that it's an illness and not a phase of life. I didn't diagnose her but you don't call others cowards because they are ill, do you? One has to be very ill to take one's life, that has nothing to do with bravery and cowardice. Sympathy is what needed here not name calling.
sad idk why she commited suicide, makes you think how good lives of celebrities and rich people really are:no:
So you now agree that it's an illness and not a phase of life. I didn't diagnose her but you don't call others cowards because they are ill, do you? One has to be very ill to take one's life, that has nothing to do with bravery and cowardice. Sympathy is what needed here not name calling.

Depression is the most common disease... does tht mean all those who suffer from it commit suicide? i have personally been through tht phase... and got out of it... and i can easily say tht suicide is cowardice ... only weak people who cant cope commit suicides... those who have the will survive...
Depression is the most common disease... does tht mean all those who suffer from it commit suicide? i have personally been through tht phase... and got out of it... and i can easily say tht suicide is cowardice ... only weak people who cant cope commit suicides... those who have will survive...

Yes depression is pretty common but there are different phases of it, most people get out of it on their own, that is not bravery, just that they are not sick enough.

I have seen someone going through severe depression from close quarters, so much so that the person would wake up at the middle of the night with suicidal thoughts. He was lucky to have a close family who supported him immensely during those years. With proper treatment and support he recovered from that. But I am pretty sure if he didn't have that support with him he would be long gone. Was he a coward otherwise in life, far from it actually. Maybe this girl was not so lucky.
Only turds start using abusive language... and there is no proof of any psychological problems she has... depression is just a phase of life... strong people get out of it...... cowards commit suicide..

Real mighty of you to criticize someone of abusive language when you insult and brand a person that has recently passed as a coward....

Depression is a psychological problem...its a major cause of suicide and a serious illness..please read up on it before commenting

...and if you have little knowledge about a subject, you should try to learn about it than act over smart

Depression is the most common disease... does tht mean all those who suffer from it commit suicide? i have personally been through tht phase... and got out of it... and i can easily say tht suicide is cowardice ... only weak people who cant cope commit suicides... those who have the will survive...

There are levels of depression....some like chronic bipolar more serious than others...so please dont dismiss it or shrug it under the carpet if you know of someone suffering from it...
Sometimes its not just the "blues" or "feeling down in the dumps" like say post a heartbreak...
Yes depression is pretty common but there are different phases of it, most people get out of it on their own, that is not bravery, just that they are not sick enough.

I have seen someone going through severe depression from close quarters, so much so that the person would wake up at the middle of the night with suicidal thoughts. He was lucky to have a close family who supported him immensely during those years. With proper treatment and support he recovered from that. But I am pretty sure if he didn't have that support with him he would be long gone. Was he a coward otherwise in life, far from it actually. Maybe this girl was not so lucky.

Why just coz he film career was going downhill? haha... well thts a valid reason! as for getting out of their own... dude u have no idea.. i spent 2 years in a crappy town near afghan border... had no frnds (my age),nearest "city" was like 8 hours drive... lost somebody.... hated my life...etc etc... in short a pretty fuked up phase... didnt tell anybody abt it...guess i should have killed myself too? but nope... i didnt.. instead i got stronger... i beat tht lil shyt called depression made it my b...! .. today im damn happy with my life.. the reason is i had... the courage... and a strong will to live....

I think you should read up a bit on it. It's ok to be ignorant but flaunting ignorance is not cool.
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Suicide is for the weak.

It is better these people eliminate themselves to enhance natural selection.
ALLAH says that I will forgive if you ask, If the person is dead....how can he/ she ask...

2ndly, if you are in despair you seek for your Lord not plunge into suicide which HE forbid!!

RIP to her!


I can only speak of experience that you may never ever want to have---the edge of the black hole is a terrible place to be. It is menacing as dark as the astronomical black hole is---it just simply wants to suck you in deeper and deeper and make the mind works in a devilish manner---. It makes the sane mind insane.

You have to stop and think---what makes a man take of lives of his beloved children and family members in moments of despair---and where do you think that man or woman is headed towards in this moment of despair---to his maker---believe it or not---to meet his Lord---.

Remember---not all people travel to hereafter in the same manner---. My personal belief is that even though Allah has forbidden the act of suicide---it is only for the reason to stop the trauma for the living---. Why must the life of a person which was a living hell in this world be a deathly hell in the other world as well---.

The Lord has forbidden sodomy, rape, gang rape, loot plunder criminal acts---all these acts that our brethren enjoy the very most---. So how come the line gets drawn---.
No offense to all those religiously inclined fellows but the fact here is, Allah has never descended on earth to give a depressed, suicidal 'someone', a pat on the back. You know - just to be frank here. You're kind of missing the point.

Transcending on a depressed, suicidal person with some sanctimonious religious platitudes isn't really going to help them; they've probably already tried all that stuff before reaching the point of contemplating suicide, because that's what suicide is, the last resort of those in despair. All this righteousness vs. non-righteousness logic will do is further make them realize how distant everything is, including God, and really speed up the process of pushing them over the edge.

The only way to reach out to such people is help them redefine a purpose which previously has been shattered.


Thank you---just reach out and touch someone---that is what my neighbor did---she just reached out and hugged me and told me it is going to be okay---there are so many others who are in despair---a lot worse than me.

She just pushed me out of my misery---and I am fortunate to have listened to her and decided that this thing is not for me---I am going to fight it right to the end---and that is why I say---I was fortunate to not to have suffered from any depression.

That chemical imbalance makes people do terrible things.
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