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Bollywood actor Jiah Khan commits suicide

Cowards commit suicide... and not worth it... no sympathy.

Contrary to what you say---you have to be very brave to do that.

Remember one thing---don't let the words that you say---come and haunt you later in your life in your moment of despair---.

I speak out of first hand experience---I was as arrogant as you could be---and as ruthless---. Son---don't put yourself in a position where Allah forces you to do other wise---. The kind and generous Allah is also an extremely ruthless Allah as well---time is on the side of Allah---and he can wear out your resistance to HIS will and timing and make you a petty beggar begging for crumbs---.

I can only speak of experience that you may never ever want to have---the edge of the black hole is a terrible place to be. It is menacing as dark as the astronomical black hole is---it just simply wants to suck you in deeper and deeper and make the mind works in a devilish manner---. It makes the sane mind insane.

You have to stop and think---what makes a man take of lives of his beloved children and family members in moments of despair---and where do you think that man or woman is headed towards in this moment of despair---to his maker---believe it or not---to meet his Lord---.

Remember---not all people travel to hereafter in the same manner---. My personal belief is that even though Allah has forbidden the act of suicide---it is only for the reason to stop the trauma for the living---. Why must the life of a person which was a living hell in this world be a deathly hell in the other world as well---.

The Lord has forbidden sodomy, rape, gang rape, loot plunder criminal acts---all these acts that our brethren enjoy the very most---. So how come the line gets drawn---.

Or look at it this way...

The act of Jihad which is so revered in the spirit of the true muslim, the will to fight for god,religion and principle..essentially one is willing to go to a fight knowing very well that one may die purely out of faith...
Couldnt that be considered an attempted suicide?

So why does one form make you a shaheed and martyr while the other is a sin?

My point is...a person who is in depression on the verge of suicide needs help,not to be looked down upon as a coward...answers to some question cannot be found in the book...

PS: I apologize in advance if I offended anyone with the jihad comments...I was purely just taking a different spin at interpretation with no malice..

Contrary to what you say---you have to be very brave to do that.

Remember one thing---don't let the words that you say---come and haunt you later in your life in your moment of despair---.

I speak out of first hand experience---I was as arrogant as you could be---and as ruthless---. Son---don't put yourself in a position where Allah forces you to do other wise---. The kind and generous Allah is also an extremely ruthless Allah as well---time is on the side of Allah---and he can wear out your resistance to HIS will and timing and make you a petty beggar begging for crumbs---.

Truer words could not have been spoken....

I can only speak of experience that you may never ever want to have---the edge of the black hole is a terrible place to be. It is menacing as dark as the astronomical black hole is---it just simply wants to suck you in deeper and deeper and make the mind works in a devilish manner---. It makes the sane mind insane.

You have to stop and think---what makes a man take of lives of his beloved children and family members in moments of despair---and where do you think that man or woman is headed towards in this moment of despair---to his maker---believe it or not---to meet his Lord---.

Remember---not all people travel to hereafter in the same manner---. My personal belief is that even though Allah has forbidden the act of suicide---it is only for the reason to stop the trauma for the living---. Why must the life of a person which was a living hell in this world be a deathly hell in the other world as well---.

The Lord has forbidden sodomy, rape, gang rape, loot plunder criminal acts---all these acts that our brethren enjoy the very most---. So how come the line gets drawn---.

I understand the confusion...But we need to know 1 thing, Islam is not like the other religions, which allowed everyother thing into them just so that it can survive! The very survival of Islam is with ALLAH....If we start saying no problem it is allowed, Not worry there is a short cut and so on...then there is nothing left that makes Islam different and stand out!

life is a gift, why trash it? ALLAH clearly said with every hardship comes ease, read
For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease. Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.
surah Ash Sha (94:5-6)

Allah said that

.and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.” (Quran Al-Baqarah:216)

Whatever good happens to thee is from God; and whatever evil befalls thee is from thyself. AND WE have sent thee [O Muhammad] as an apostle unto all mankind: and none can bear witness [thereto] as God does. Quran surah An Nisa (4:79)

ALLAH has given you a clear guidance, if you fall into crap, it is either because you have caused it yourself, by not trusting ALLAH or is a test and you need to be patient.
“Allah has mentioned patience in the Qur’an in ninety places.”
Allah Has Mentioned It 90 Times! |
I do not think HE was playing with us to mention it 90x!

Furthermore, if taking away one's life is the key, then why are we asked to be patient? Repent?

If it is THAT easy, shouldnt we all kill ourselves and get over it? I mean do hajj and go kill yourself, you will die sinless, right? Pure, surely 1 who will enter heaven directly? If it is THAT easy? Why live?
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Or look at it this way...

The act of Jihad which is so revered in the spirit of the true muslim, the will to fight for god,religion and principle..essentially one is willing to go to a fight knowing very well that one may die purely out of faith...
Couldnt that be considered an attempted suicide?

So why does one form make you a shaheed and martyr while the other is a sin?

My point is...a person who is in depression on the verge of suicide needs help,not to be looked down upon as a coward...answers to some question cannot be found in the book...

PS: I apologize in advance if I offended anyone with the jihad comments...I was purely just taking a different spin at interpretation with no malice..

Truer words could not have been spoken....

Jihad is not soo simple....

giving up what you love the most (yourself, please do not deny everyone loves themselves to a degree) for the BETTERMENT of your religion is no easy task....It doesnt involve blowing yourself up but going to war like a soldier does for his country and IF in the process he dies, THAT is martyr...

And in the process, you must NOT KNOWINGLY kill innocent people! There are too many rules, not as simple as the media tells you!

No offense to all those religiously inclined fellows but the fact here is, Allah has never descended on earth to give a depressed, suicidal 'someone', a pat on the back. You know - just to be frank here. You're kind of missing the point.

Transcending on a depressed, suicidal person with some sanctimonious religious platitudes isn't really going to help them; they've probably already tried all that stuff before reaching the point of contemplating suicide, because that's what suicide is, the last resort of those in despair. All this righteousness vs. non-righteousness logic will do is further make them realize how distant everything is, including God, and really speed up the process of pushing them over the edge.

The only way to reach out to such people is help them redefine a purpose which previously has been shattered.

I appreciate what you are saying but I beg to differ! I may not be a psychiatrist nor a psychologist! However, suicide now a days is something people try use as a quick ticket out without trying!

I know what depression does to one, seen it, lived with it as well as experienced it. But you have to admit to 1 thing! In todays world, people have low to NO tolerance left.

A little pain and they talk about death!

A little unease in life and they wanna end it!

1 failure and that is it, where is the gun....

What about those who have been living in war torn countries? Those who have seen their parents die in front of them? Those who had to bury their own children? Please help me understand how ANYTHING YOU feel can be worse than THAT? raising a child, saying them bye and never knowing that is your last bye?!

Contrary to what you say---you have to be very brave to do that.

Remember one thing---don't let the words that you say---come and haunt you later in your life in your moment of despair---.

I speak out of first hand experience---I was as arrogant as you could be---and as ruthless---. Son---don't put yourself in a position where Allah forces you to do other wise---. The kind and generous Allah is also an extremely ruthless Allah as well---time is on the side of Allah---and he can wear out your resistance to HIS will and timing and make you a petty beggar begging for crumbs---.

Nope you do not have to be brave...You have to be brave to continue living in a crappy circumstance! Here is the doa:

God does not burden any human being with more than he is well able to bear: in his favour shall be whatever good he does, and against him whatever evil he does. O our Sustainer!

Take us not to task if we forget or unwittingly do wrong! "O our Sustainer! Lay not upon us a burden such as Thou didst lay upon those who lived before us! O our Sustainer! Make us not bear burdens which we have no strength to bear! "And efface Thou our sins, and grant us forgiveness, and bestow Thy mercy upon us! Thou art our Lord Supreme: succour us, then, against people who deny the truth!" Surah Baqarah 2:286
Sure but not those not do haram n shirk. Its with exception of these two.

Again, you and I are not God, nor was the Quran sent like DSM so we go around labeling people; instead it was for us to learn compassion and our place in the Universe. Just compare the number of times Allah (SWT) speaks of His mercy and love to the number of times law is discussed in the Quran. I would deeply suggest that you read the Quran not only literally but philosophically as well.

Secondly, please, read up suicide ideation, Bipolar disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder. These people are not 'insane' but in many cases their minds keeps bombarding them with an intense urge and imagery to kill themselves. These people do not necessarily want to die or quit life. They just want their suffering to end. Now it is easy for you and me to say 'Oh they should be thankful, this or that' but try to see it from their perspective.

I'll give you an exercise to develop your empathy: take the food/item/hobby you absolutely love and routinely do. Now for the next two days you must not think about it, nor do it.

I appreciate what you are saying but I beg to differ! I may not be a psychiatrist nor a psychologist! However, suicide now a days is something people try use as a quick ticket out without trying!

Although I can understand your point of view but I have to say it's very simplistic, watered down, and not really justice to those who've suffered through the ordeal. Suicide isn't quick ticket out of anything; you know, contrary to popular belief. It's actually, to a very large extent, the opposite. It requires you to leave the world you know and understand behind and venture into the unknown, the realm of death, which could be or not be what you hoped it to be. So you see, it's not really a question of 'trying', but the question of how much you've tried. And I don't really think it's something we can judge or measure unless we had the front row seats in someone's life, or more accurately, someone's head. Because it's usually the perception which is factor, more so then the reality of the situation.

I know what depression does to one, seen it, lived with it as well as experienced it. But you have to admit to 1 thing! In todays world, people have low to NO tolerance left.

A little pain and they talk about death!

A little unease in life and they wanna end it!

1 failure and that is it, where is the gun....

I sort of agree with you here - tolerance for life is something which should be built; but again, you seem to be implying it's somehow 'an easy way out' - which is not the case. It's usually a combination of contempt, anger and dare. A suicidal person before on the verge is usually in the phase of self-dare. Not something which really associates with cowardice and ease.

What about those who have been living in war torn countries? Those who have seen their parents die in front of them? Those who had to bury their own children? Please help me understand how ANYTHING YOU feel can be worse than THAT? raising a child, saying them bye and never knowing that is your last bye?!

There are many people in your described category which do eventually go on to commit suicide. I heard/read many stories where people have ended their lives because of loosing loved ones or simply can't find a good enough reason to go on because everything they lived and stood for has been shattered.

Like I said, in such a state, it's usually in the mind more so then the reality itself. These people often loose perception need a hand in redefining it again. And also weather some war-torn kid in a stronger mental state then rich celebrity? People experience emotional pain based on their perceptions of life. Some thing which makes you feel good or pains all depends on how you perceive it. This doesn't mean the pain is any less intense or puerile.

So to conclude my thoughts, I don't condone suicide in anyway; I believe those in such a state are in dire need of help, since there is something recognized as 'clinical depression' and it's not just a phase of life, it's a recognized medical alignment which needs medical attention, therapy and direction.

And then to quote one of my previous posts:

" Depression is a bend, an imbalance, a disorder in the mind and the people who suffer from it are victims, and should therefore be treated no differently then victims of any other illness. If suicide is the final result, then they should be respected like any other person who died from long suffering illness."

I believe if someone was in such a miserable state of mind to have ended his life, the least we can do is give them the benefit of the doubt and grant them the respect. Then they can take their case up with God, and since he is supposed to be the all knowing and understanding, he should deal with it.

Also my very last point, In the Islamic point of view, halal,haram, sin etcetera is only for someone in his correct state of mind. Suicidal person is anything but in his correct, sane, state of mind. It's something we call: beyond good and evil. To quote the book title of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. :D
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Although I can understand your point of view but I have to say it's very simplistic, watered down, and not really justice to those who've suffered through the ordeal. Suicide isn't quick ticket out of anything; you know, contrary to popular belief. It's actually, to a very large extent, the opposite. It requires you to leave the world you know and understand behind and venture into the unknown, the realm of death, which could be or not be what you hoped it to be.
Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/member...iah-khan-commits-suicide-9.html#ixzz2VLOYRsRV

Ok, lets look from your point of view, the mindset of a suicidal person:

leave the world you know and understand behind
In their mindset it has ended, so they really are not leaving anything dear...

and venture into the unknown, the realm of death, which could be or not be what you hoped it to be.
Well, they havent thought of it that far, had they ....it would be a better idea to stay alive in the world they know then to venture into the unknown....But according to them, the world they knew ended with the death of the dear one, the dismissal or failure of a dream and what not...

I mean if they are leaving behind NOTHING how can they be brave?! :unsure:

As for jumping into nothingness, they are not thinking about punishment, were they, they wouldnt jump in....they are thinking of a garden of happiness awaiting them or Nothingness like what they experience now (for those who do not believe in hell/heaven)
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Again, you and I are not God, nor was the Quran sent like DSM so we go around labeling people; instead it was for us to learn compassion and our place in the Universe. Just compare the number of times Allah (SWT) speaks of His mercy and love to the number of times law is discussed in the Quran. I would deeply suggest that you read the Quran not only literally but philosophically as well.

Secondly, please, read up suicide ideation, Bipolar disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder. These people are not 'insane' but in many cases their minds keeps bombarding them with an intense urge and imagery to kill themselves. These people do not necessarily want to die or quit life. They just want their suffering to end. Now it is easy for you and me to say 'Oh they should be thankful, this or that' but try to see it from their perspective.

I'll give you an exercise to develop your empathy: take the food/item/hobby you absolutely love and routinely do. Now for the next two days you must not think about it, nor do it.

u n i r not God by he works on some parameters n discipline. Those parameters n discipline is written in Quran be guide us n know how All Mighty do things.

Based on this this women specially has no chance what so ever.
Committing suicide is an evil act. Allah has given us life as an 'amanat'. Its not ours, even though its in our body.

This body and soul belongs to Allah. Islam forbids suicide as its principle is that 'you cant take away what is not yours'. Many of our PDF friends here wont understand this wisdom.
Contrary to what you say---you have to be very brave to do that.

Remember one thing---don't let the words that you say---come and haunt you later in your life in your moment of despair---.

I speak out of first hand experience---I was as arrogant as you could be---and as ruthless---. Son---don't put yourself in a position where Allah forces you to do other wise---. The kind and generous Allah is also an extremely ruthless Allah as well---time is on the side of Allah---and he can wear out your resistance to HIS will and timing and make you a petty beggar begging for crumbs---.

Allah doesnt force us to commit suicide... also He himself says tht life is like a test... and the problems,illness a man faces are his tests.... again if you reads it is clearly written tht suicide is haram...

And no im not arrogant... im a realist... pushing a trigger or hanging urself is relatively easier than living and facing the issues tht haunt you...
u n i r not God by he works on some parameters n discipline. Those parameters n discipline is written in Quran be guide us n know how All Mighty do things.

Based on this this women specially has no chance what so ever.

The fatwa king of PDF!
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