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Bollywood actor Jiah Khan commits suicide

@Raja.Pakistani yes we disagree...Well, for me life is sacred as mentioned in the Quran...No one has the right to determine when it should end (except god) or even attempt it...

Life is scared for me as well.. I said mercy killing is not same as suicide.

Its actually God who determine how and when a person will die. Are you saying jiya died without the will of God ? Jiya killed herself in same sense as mother create life for her child :)

He it is Who created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop, then from a clot; then He brings you out as an infant, then causes you to grow into full maturity, and then causes you to grow further so that you may reach old age, while some of you He recalls earlier. All this is in order that you may reach an appointed term and that you may understand (the Truth ) . He it is Who gives life and causes death. Whenever He decrees a thing, He only commands to it “Be”, and it is.

For more verses

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He is breathing, with a soul inside him...How can he be dead when the soul hasnt left? Does the soul have no weight? The same soul GOD blew into Adam and gave him life....THAT SOUL is what life is...
I agree so....Lets put ourselves in that shoe shall we...Imagine your beloved....Would YOU pull the plug or will you wait even if the chance to speak to them again will be 1%?

You just said no pain so what pain?! :unsure:



Medical technology has advanced but sadly no one has yet found a miracle drug for cancer or Aids. There are also many other debilitating diseases that affect the autoimmune system and render a person an invalid over time.

Many people cannot bear to see their loved ones suffer or people living with terminal illnesses want to be in peace and not have to be burden on others. It is a very sad reality that one can love another so much that they are prepared to take their daily suffering away by putting them at rest.

Sure death of any human being is tragedy but many people have been battling cancer for years and are now in the end stage of the disease. They are in intense pain and they can no longer care for themselves. Everything that once made their lives happy is now off limits to them. They feel they are burdening others by hanging on to a life that no longer holds any pleasure for them. They face only more pain and suffering as there is no cure for cancer. So end result is also death after bearing long term pain. I think suffering with critical long term illness especially with no hope for recovery is no life at all.
Medical technology has advanced but sadly no one has yet found a miracle drug for cancer or Aids. There are also many other debilitating diseases that affect the autoimmune system and render a person an invalid over time.
Do you know why there is no cure for Cancer? Because it is not really a disease but it is sort of like auto immune, the system is killing itself...
Many people cannot bear to see their loved ones suffer or people living with terminal illnesses want to be in peace and not have to be burden on others. It is a very sad reality that one can love another so much that they are prepared to take their daily suffering away by putting them at rest.
Ok get 1 thing set here, when you said the person feels no pain....then how is suffering coming in now?

Yes, lack of responsibility is what we can see...I mean, when you were a child and pooping every few minutes, your parents coped with that, but when asked to do the same (progressive degenerative illnesses like Alzheimer and other auto immune illness ), its called suffering and should be ended?! :unsure:
Sure death of any human being is tragedy but many people have been battling cancer for years and are now in the end stage of the disease. They are in intense pain and they can no longer care for themselves. Everything that once made their lives happy is now off limits to them. They feel they are burdening others by hanging on to a life that no longer holds any pleasure for them. They face only more pain and suffering as there is no cure for cancer. So end result is also death after bearing long term pain. I think suffering with critical long term illness especially with no hope for recovery is no life at all.

Well, when Christians take wedding vows they say in sickness and in health......till death do us apart...Well, that should stick to it....The problem is people have become less responsible and are soooo sensitive they can not deal with reality...

GOD said in the quran, every soul should have a taste of death....and Only GOD knows when your time has ended....then why are we trying to fast fwd it?
Sorry, didnt have time go through the entire thread.

Did she leave a suicide note or something?

Do we know why she committed suicide?
Life is scared for me as well.. I said mercy killing is not same as suicide.

Its actually God who determine how and when a person will die. Are you saying jiya died without the will of God ? Jiya killed herself in same sense as mother create life for her child :)
I did not say that...However, Jiya dying is not the same as mother creating life..it was her time, true...but she didnt have to end it soo pathetically!
He it is Who created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop, then from a clot; then He brings you out as an infant, then causes you to grow into full maturity, and then causes you to grow further so that you may reach old age, while some of you He recalls earlier. All this is in order that you may reach an appointed term and that you may understand (the Truth ) . He it is Who gives life and causes death. Whenever He decrees a thing, He only commands to it “Be”, and it is.

For more verses

Allah Grants Life and Causes Death
Yes, but it is also HE who asks you to live, be patient...Why listen to 1 part of the Quran and not the other? Why choose the verses you like and drop those that do not match your believe?
I wont say RIP because suicide is haram in islam and you will go to hell for committing it.

Well, I dun wanna spoil the mood here but I really wish a few bad Guys.. blowing themselves do realize the same.
Talon @ you are not getting the gist of discussion. People dont go for mercy killing after having fever or flu. We are talking about irrecoverable diseases here. Not all people follow literal interpretation of our religion Why should such people who no longer has a reasonable hope of recovery be forced to continue to suffer if they have another alternative?

These people dont wish to go through a slow and agonizing death. These patient suffers through continued pain and the family suffers as witnesses.
Ok get 1 thing set here, when you said the person feels no pain....then how is suffering coming in now?

I said no pain/feeling/emotion when i was talking about people in permanent coma while i mentioned about pain when i was talking about disease with no cure like cancer,Aids etc
I did not say that...However, Jiya dying is not the same as mother creating life..it was her time, true...but she didnt have to end it soo pathetically!

Yes, but it is also HE who asks you to live, be patient...Why listen to 1 part of the Quran and not the other? Why choose the verses you like and drop those that do not match your believe?
I could say the same that you pick those verses which suit the opinion of talon

It was destined that jiya would die at this time and by this method ..nothing more nothing less :)
Well, I dun wanna spoil the mood here but I really wish a few bad Guys.. blowing themselves do realize the same.

It doesnt matter whether they realise or not......Suicide isnt justifiable under any circumstances. This is exactly why we should prefer the word of the God over our own interpretations.
It doesnt matter whether they realise or not......Suicide isnt justifiable under any circumstances. This is exactly why we should prefer the word of the God over our own interpretations.

but if our fate is already written by god, how can mere mortals change it? why should I take the responsibility of the way I die, when it is predetermined?
why should I take responsibility of any of my act for that matter.
but if our fate is already written by god, how can mere mortals change it? why should I take the responsibility of the way I die, when it is predetermined?

Are you saying that if we do stupid things on our own then thats our fate, Seriously man?
Are you saying that if we do stupid things on our own then thats our fate, Seriously man?

I am not saying anything, I find accusing people of wrong doing and at the same time saying our fate has been predetermined.. are mutually incompatible.
If I save your life, praise the lord, if I try to kill you.. blame me? why?
I am not saying anything, I find accusing people of wrong doing and at the same time saying our fate has been predetermined.. are mutually incompatible.
If I save your life, praise the lord, if I try to kill you.. blame me? why?

This is exactly why I mentioned that our own interpretations dont count.....we can say and believe whatever we want, but its the word of the God that holds great wisdom. So to reiterate it, Suicide is a forbidden act. Period
I am not saying anything, I find accusing people of wrong doing and at the same time saying our fate has been predetermined.. are mutually incompatible.
If I save your life, praise the lord, if I try to kill you.. blame me? why?

It's a form of political correctness for religion. Give credit for everything good in your life to God, and take blame for everything bad,yourself.
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