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Boko Haramis - Why Pakistanis are not up in arms against them

nuke nigeria now,,,,,,,,,...............................!!!!

Boko Haram is al qaeda type outfit and coincidentally these outfits are most active where there is oil.

Also, its an isolated regional issue that has no significant history that impacts global politics like Palestine. I hope this hyper liberal, heating-in-his-pants original poster understands.
Because muslims look at everything from the prism of religion, so automatically muslims attacking non muslims does not register as a human tragedy.

Too much of religion, and most muslims seem to suggest more religion as the answer...
The real original Boko Haram were a pacifist organisation. Their conversion to a militant one is closely linked to US & Co.'s ambitions for the Nigerian Petroleum and a response to increasing co-operation between Nigeria and China.

In fact, Pentagon has war-gamed a scenario where 20, 000 US Marines are dropped into an anarchic, civil war engulfed Nigeria.

I remember watching a documentary on insurgency in Nigeria, where they told that Nigerian special forces were being trained by Pakistan Army into COIN tactics. This can also be confirmed by this news piece.

It's all evil America's fault. :agree:
While we are ready to jump in the Middle East fires, head first.

For some odd reason, militant Islamic organizations like Boko haramis get a free pass.


p.s. harami means "illegitimate".
boko means "Totally"

Boko haramis and the ISIS haramis are the disciples of the israeli haramis funded by the Saudi haramis. If the israeli and Saudi haramis get a free pass why can't the Boko haramis get a free pass form their masters?
While we are ready to jump in the Middle East fires, head first.

For some odd reason, militant Islamic organizations like Boko haramis get a free pass.


p.s. harami means "illegitimate".
boko means "Totally"

I will term it selective amnesia...because it brings up unpleasant things.
While we are ready to jump in the Middle East fires, head first.

For some odd reason, militant Islamic organizations like Boko haramis get a free pass.


p.s. harami means "illegitimate".
boko means "Totally"

Indoctrination campaign by mullahs over the decades .. confusistan we are now cant distinguish between right and wrong
I will term it selective amnesia...because it brings up unpleasant things.

Yeah, there's a term called selective amnesia. We see that in action when some westerners and their paid servants tell us the history of terrorism in ME, don't we? Something reminds me of the fate of the King David Hotel in the British occupied Palestine.
While we are ready to jump in the Middle East fires, head first.

For some odd reason, militant Islamic organizations like Boko haramis get a free pass.


p.s. harami means "illegitimate".
boko means "Totally"

You dont know the usual reply ? They will say :

" They are not muslims. This is a western propaganda to malign the name of Islam."

After saying this, they will remain silent. Some other will say :

" Its sad. May god open their eyes."

But if west intervenes, and start killing these animals, then they will say :

" Evil zionist, west attacking muslims. We must do Jihad against them. We will kill them all. "

And in that process, they will start a protest in their respective countries and burn their own properties.

Boko haramis and the ISIS haramis are the disciples of the israeli haramis funded by the Saudi haramis. If the israeli and Saudi haramis get a free pass why can't the Boko haramis get a free pass form their masters?

aap phi lal peelay ho gay.

yarqan to nahin?
aap phi lal peelay ho gay.

yarqan to nahin?
Aare bhai abhi taq nahi samjhey ?

Every bad things === Evil zionist, west

Terrorism against them === funded by evil zionist, west.

terrorism against others === freedom struggle against oppression of west, evil zionist.
its an isolated regional issue that has no significant history that impacts global politics like Palestine.

what about the hundreds of thousands of beheadings by brethern of umaat e muslimah from syria to irak - afghanistan and Pakistan these ruthless murders really belittle Israels attacks on Palestinians
what about the hundreds of thousands of beheadings by brethern of umaat e muslimah from syria to irak - afghanistan and Pakistan these ruthless murders really belittle Israels attacks on Palestinians

Whats there to discuss? I dont get it. I said what you have recycled.

Dont use the lofty words to make fun of Islam. These are terrorists. They want to destroy all symbols of Islam, spoken and practices, like thay are destroyed the graves of prophets. Can any Muslim ever imagine that?
Whats there to discuss? I dont get it. I said what you have recycled.

Dont use the lofty words to make fun of Islam. These are terrorists. They want to destroy all symbols of Islam, spoken and practices, like thay are destroyed the graves of prophets. Can any Muslim ever imagine that?

Muslims have killed most of the muslims in recent times as well as in the past decades why their is so much fuss on Israel killing 160 people than ... look at Iraq , syria , somalia , afghanistan , pakistan and the rest of it thousands upon thousands are murdered in cold blood every day and you hardly notice any remaks on social media .. but if Israelis do some thing than it becomes such a big fassana .. dont you feel sorry for the Israelis ?

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