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Boeing’s China orders ‘likely to be affected’ with home-grown C919 passenger jet set for certification, C919 likely to displace Airbus and Boeing sale

Well considering the pitiful production of the Comac ARJ21 over the last 7 years I hope this becomes a success. I believe it still hadn't crossed a total production of 70 by mid 2022.

Edit: yep..just what i thought

COMAC Celebrates 6 Years Of ARJ21 Deliveries​

YearNumber of Aircraft Delivered
20222 (by June 29th)

Lol... And u think ARJ-21 is a plane we are going to mass produced? How naive r u?

Can't u see it's just a learning curve and the production are purposely slow to wait for C919 to takeover?

Wait for slow C919 production after 2-3 years then come back and chat about it...
Lol... And u think ARJ-21 is a plane we are going to mass produced? How naive r u?

Can't u see it's just a learning curve and the production are purposely slow to wait for C919 to takeover?

Wait for slow C919 production after 2-3 years then come back and chat about it...

LOL! More like it is late due to numerous problems is the main reason

The COMAC ARJ-21, China’s first passenger jet, entered service today with Chengdu Airlines. The 78-90 passenger aircraft, originally scheduled to enter service in 2006, has finally entered revenue service.

China just flew its first passenger jet — and it’s a clunker

LOL! More like it is late due to numerous problems is the main reason

The COMAC ARJ-21, China’s first passenger jet, entered service today with Chengdu Airlines. The 78-90 passenger aircraft, originally scheduled to enter service in 2006, has finally entered revenue service.

China just flew its first passenger jet — and it’s a clunker

Because there was not an urgent need in the past, the development was at best half hearted, without Boeings and airbuses, China would have nothing to buy from the west, nothing to fill the gigantic trade surplus gap with the west.
LOL! More like it is late due to numerous problems is the main reason

The COMAC ARJ-21, China’s first passenger jet, entered service today with Chengdu Airlines. The 78-90 passenger aircraft, originally scheduled to enter service in 2006, has finally entered revenue service.

China just flew its first passenger jet — and it’s a clunker

And fancy you quote a junky website like vice to try prove something. Why not quote something from Falun gong to satisfy your fantasy. Xi Jiping suffer a coup and China topple. China space station crashed and ISS number one. Or how about quote from CNN? I still remember they got a cosplay Chinese policeman for Xinjiang and its very entertaining for us. LOL..

Whatever that floats your boat. :enjoy:
Just flew to Cuba (the last communist country on Earth other than NK) and back on a plane very similar to C919 (one aisle three seats on each side). News released of C919 certified while I was in Cuba for 1 week (hotel room actually had CCTV-4 channel on TV or I would have been bored to death). My dad then showed me video of reporter showcasing inside of C919 on his Huawei phone. I can appreciate the changes. Especially like the fold-out/adjustable head rest on the seats. I slept partway to Cuba and back. My neck was very sore during that time, and would have really appreciated C919 style seats!

Which ever country chooses C919 over Airbus or Boeing similar models very wise choice. You are getting a very fine plane, way better than American Boeing shiet!
Pakistan should be the first customer of these planes.

Like we did for J-10Cs.
I certainly would hope China feels their own planes are worthy for their own market.
Here comes the all-knowing-negative Nancy when it comes to anything China and Chinese. The arrogance you exude from reading your America rules is frankly nauseating and frankly without irony nor hint of some humility of how Asians not just Chinese have contributed vastly to the success of America.
Here comes the all-knowing-negative Nancy when it comes to anything China and Chinese. The arrogance you exude from reading your America rules is frankly nauseating

Well thank you very much for honoring me with one of your first posts!

I'm always here to please!!!

BTW you will soon learn from the other Chinese members here that their definition of arrogance on this forum is anything that "offends the Chinese" and the definition of humility is anything that "offends everybody else".
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Breaking: COMAC’s C919 Receives Type Certification In Beijing Ceremony



COMAC’s first Chinese-produced narrowbody aircraft, the C919, has today received its type certification from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). The certification was awarded at a grand ceremony in Beijing Capital Airport, marking the start of China’s entry into the wider commercial aviation market.

The certification of the C919 means it is finally ready to enter service, and has passed all the applicable Airworthiness Standards for Transport Aircraft (CCAR-25-R3) under Part 25 of the China Civil Aviation Regulations. It is hoped that the first aircraft will be delivered to launch customer China Eastern Airline this year.

It was hoped that the certification would go ahead on September 19th (9.19), but it seems China’s own quarantine policies interfered with this plan. President Xi Jinping wanted to attend the C919 certification ceremony, but due to a visit to Uzbekistan on September 14 - 16th, would have needed to quarantine for ten days on his return before the event could go ahead.

Hopes for the COMAC C919​

The airplane is China’s hopes of breaking the Airbus-Boeing duopoly, and the nation has high hopes for sales to pick up to the global market. However, to date, mainly Chinese buyers have firmed up orders for the type, with major investors including Hainan Airlines, China Construction Bank (lessor) and Air China. However, GECAS has ordered 10 with 10 further options, which could, theoretically, end up anywhere.

Nevertheless, it is a momentous occasion for Chinese aviation, and has been a long time in the making. Originally started as a project in 2008, COMAC targeted a maiden flight of the type in 2014. Production of the first prototype began in 2011, with annual production targeted to reach 150 aircraft by 2020.

But huge budgetary overruns and teething troubles with the technical side of airplane production saw the timeline slip further and further into the future. Eventually, a completed prototype began high-speed taxi tests in 2017, with the first aircraft taking to the skies in May 2017. In December that year, a second prototype took flight, but things were moving very slowly.

Prototypes three, four, and five had all begun flying by October 2019, and the very last of the test campaign aircraft, prototype six, took flight in December that year. Since then, the test aircraft have been put through their paces, testing for everything from extreme weather conditions to avionics and electrical system conformity.

The first pre-delivery flight took place in May this year, with aircraft B-001J completing a three-hour flight. The aircraft bears the livery of Chinese airline OTT Airlines, a subsidiary of China Eastern, and should arrive with the airline later this year. However, it may well be the only C919 to be delivered to a customer in 2022.


he first production C919 is headed for Chinese carrier OTT Airlines. Photo: COMAC

Some challenges to overcome​

When the C919 was first floated, some airlines in the west showed interest. Indeed, European low-cost giant Ryanair had agreed to cooperate on the development of the aircraft, including the signing of an MoU for a 200-seat variant. While Michael O’Leary has expressed ongoing support for the plane in recent years, it might look less attractive now.

The issue is that, after its first pre-delivery flight, the list sales price of the C919 was revealed to be 653 million yuan (US$101 million), which is getting very close to the list prices of Boeing and Airbus alternatives. It’s around double the initially projected purchase price of $50 million.

As well as the higher purchase price, there is the issue of operational challenges to consider. The availability of spare parts, technical support and qualified pilots to fly the plane is going to be hugely challenging outside of China for many years to come. While the type may gain some traction in the Asian markets, for it to reach the west is going to take a mammoth effort from COMAC.

Maybe the overseas carriers lease planes and pilots? -" The availability of spare parts, technical support and qualified pilots to fly the plane is going to be hugely challenging outside of China for many years to come. While the type may gain some traction in the Asian markets, for it to reach the west is going to take a mammoth effort from COMAC."
Everything starts with a single step. We will fail we will fall but we will never give up. And I know you cheerleaders fear this the most. Lol

I keep forgetting it is only a first step for you guys...considering the commercial passenger jet age started in the 1950's in the US.

Pan AM Clipper Magic with Boeing 707 (1958)
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I keep forgetting it is only a first step for you guys...considering the commercial passenger jet age started in the 1950's in the US.

Pan AM Clipper Magic with Boeing 707 (1958)
US also emerged as a late comer a century or so ago , didn't it?
I keep forgetting it is only a first step for you guys...considering the commercial passenger jet age started in the 1950's in the US.
But with 737max, 787 etc, usa has regressed to around 70s level, so the gap is not huge.

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