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BNP will write 'true history' of 1971: Khaleda


Apr 8, 2007
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The Daily Star – March 30, 2014

BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia yesterday claimed Awami League men in 1971 only crossed the Indian border but did not join the Liberation War.
“The Awami League keeps talking about the spirit of Liberation War but they did not witness the war; they did not fight in the battlefield; they don't know what war is,” Khaleda said at the biennial convention of a section of Federal Union of Journalists at the Jatiya Press Club.
She added AL men who claim to be freedom fighters just crossed the border.
Urging newsmen and educationists to write the "real history” of the Liberation War, she said, "The younger generation should know the real history."
The BNP chief said her party will take an initiative to write the “true history”.
Khaleda, also the leader of 19-party alliance, claimed the ruling AL is feeding the people with “false information” on the Liberation War.
Criticising the government for speaking against war criminals, she said there are anti-liberation elements in Hasina's party.
In this regard, she mentioned AL leader Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir. “He had served Pakistan government till the end of the war. Why he is free now? He should remain in jail on war crimes charges.”
Without naming HM Ershad, Khaleda said he had come to Bangladesh during the Liberation War but went back to Pakistan again. But this man has been made special envoy to the prime minister.
The former PM even said Bangladesh's existence is now in name only as the country is run from somewhere else.
People of a particular country are working in Bangladesh, she added. “They [foreigners] are working here even without work permits, without renewing visas. The government is rehabilitating foreigners keeping our own people unemployed.”
She further said the country's independence has become meaningless at present.
Terming the government "illegal", the former PM said it was now urgent to oust it. She called upon Opposition Leader Raushan Ershad to quit the “illegal parliament” after offering an apology to the people.
Criticising the March 26 programme titled “Lakho Konthe Sonar Bangla”, Khaleda said: "The national event spending a hundred crore taka was of no use. It was organised by hiring people with money. A Guinness record can't be made this way.
"We will launch a movement that won't require money to bring people. That mass upsurge will itself create a Guinness record by overthrowing this government."
She added a movement will be launched for a fresh national poll under a non-party administration after the final phase of the upazila elections ends tomorrow.
Khaleda also said all pro-nationalist journalists will get job once her party comes to power. “In the past, we made mistakes; we did not do much for journalist. But we have learnt from the mistakes. Jobs and employment will be ensured for all pro-nationalist media persons.”

BNP will write 'true history' of 1971: Khaleda

Read more on Awami League and Indian distortions of the 1971 war and other historical events -


Also read Dead Reckoning Memories Of The 1971 Bangladesh War Sarmila Bose
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A group of eminent Military Historians from West should be allotted this job.It will be farce if Military History is infested with ludicrous party politics.

Why from the West? Western historians have tended to take the Indian propaganda line and are not objective. A case in point is The Blood Telegram which makes Indians look like saints facing a callous Nixon White House.
Why from the West? Western historians have tended to take the Indian propaganda line and are not objective. A case in point is The Blood Telegram which makes Indians look like saints facing a callous Nixon White House.
Just as you take Dead Reckoning as Bible in hand because it supports your views. Blood Telegram is thousand times more authentic than SB's book.And At least we can expect BNP and AL will unanimously accept the research if the job is handed over to some neutral bodies.
Just as you take Dead Reckoning as Bible in hand because it supports your views. Blood Telegram is thousand times more authentic than SB's book.And At least we can expect BNP and AL will unanimously accept the research if the job is handed over to some neutral bodies.

Blood Telegram is a thousand more authentic than Bose's book because it is written by a white guy? Haven't you Indians gotten over your inferiority complex and see only superiority in whiteness. There is nothing in what you say that suggests the Blood Telegram is better than Dead Reckoning. You have merely expressed your opinion without evidence. In 40 years the BNP and AL have agreed on nothing and you think they will unanimously agree to hand over the job to a neutral body consisting of white people. I think not.
Blood Telegram is a thousand more authentic than Bose's book because it is written by a white guy? Haven't you Indians gotten over your inferiority complex and see only superiority in whiteness. There is nothing in what you say that suggests the Blood Telegram is better than Dead Reckoning. You have merely expressed your opinion without evidence. In 40 years the BNP and AL have agreed on nothing and you think they will unanimously agree to hand over the job to a neutral body consisting of white people. I think not.
so let me understand this clearly mushi's doctrine says Wikileaks cables are false .. case closed :lol:
Blood Telegram is a thousand more authentic than Bose's book because it is written by a white guy? Haven't you Indians gotten over your inferiority complex and see only superiority in whiteness. There is nothing in what you say that suggests the Blood Telegram is better than Dead Reckoning. You have merely expressed your opinion without evidence. In 40 years the BNP and AL have agreed on nothing and you think they will unanimously agree to hand over the job to a neutral body consisting of white people. I think not.
Come on. Don't be so naive. "Being white, inferiority complex" these are childish statements. You also know that any sort of history that violates the Awami or BNP sentiments will be rejected by the respective parties.No body will buy it if does not conforms with their own version. So a neutral body is much better. If you guys are so anti whites you can give it to any Chinese or Japanese institution too :D

The book refers to the original Blood Telegram but nothing from Wikileaks. The Blood Telegram has been publicly available for decades. Why would Wikileaks be relevant here?

Come on. Don't be so naive. "Being white, inferiority complex" these are childish statements.

Naivety and childishness is not the issue. The truth is the truth. Indian thinks The Blood Telegram is more authentic because it is written by a white guy. Sarmila Bose is a graduate of Oxford and Harvard which is probably a lot more than what this Gary J. Bass has achieved.
Naivety and childishness is not the issue. The truth is the truth. Indian thinks The Blood Telegram is more authentic because it is written by a white guy. Sarmila Bose is a graduate of Oxford and Harvard which is probably a lot more than what this Gary J. Bass has achieved.

Still you think it is Indians who worship whites.

Bose's book is complete one sided and lacks neutrality. That is why in my opinion an independent body is needed to unearth the truth which could be accepted by Bangladeshi Intellectuals. If you want to stick to Bose's account it should not be considered as a collective choice because a lot of Bangladeshis themselves disagrees with the contents.
PAL or later-BAL people were the ones who probably caused the riots and anarchy in March 1971, and after the operation searchlight started and Bengali army personnel began deserting, those BAL people were busy spending time in Indian hotels and cooking up tales with their Indian 'dadas' - like "3 million killed" and "rape" and "all 75 million East Pakis took up arms for "independence"" and other BS. then it was Jamat e Islami people, that you are giving death threats to today, who stepped up humanitarian efforts for people affected by a crisis BAL started
Still you think it is Indians who worship whites.

Bose's book is complete one sided and lacks neutrality. That is why in my opinion an independent body is needed to unearth the truth which could be accepted by Bangladeshi Intellectuals. If you want to stick to Bose's account it should not be considered as a collective choice because a lot of Bangladeshis themselves disagrees with the contents.

History written by BAL and the Indians about 1971 have all been one-sided. Bose provides some balance to the distorted narrative provided by Indian propaganda.
Still you think it is Indians who worship whites.

Bose's book is complete one sided and lacks neutrality. That is why in my opinion an independent body is needed to unearth the truth which could be accepted by Bangladeshi Intellectuals. If you want to stick to Bose's account it should not be considered as a collective choice because a lot of Bangladeshis themselves disagrees with the contents.
Bose's book is not the first of its kind and have been supported by many Bangladeshis who themselves went through the 1971 crisis. why you even care about this matter, not just lambaste a very well-researched work that is thousand times more reliable than Indian government accounts (aka propaganda), is self explanatory
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