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BNP-Jamaat unleash targeted violence on Hindus and Christians in Bangladesh

Have you heard the leaked sex tape of Saidee 'Shaab'? It was very hot.

Have you heard the leaked sex tape of Saidee 'Shaab'? It was very hot.

Now you're trying to score points, I want a response from what I said. What he does in his personal time is none of my business. Just for the record, Delwar Hossain does not sound like this in his talking voice, I've spoke to him many of times when he made his visits down to England.
আওয়ামীলীগ যখনই বেকায়দায় পড়ে, হিন্দুদের উপর নির্যাতন বেড়ে যায়!
সকল অপকৌশল ব্যর্থ হওয়ায় বিরোধীদলকে ফাঁসাতে সংখ্যালঘুদের উপর নির্যাতন শুরু করেছে আওয়ামীলীগ!
ওরা আমাদের ভাই। ওদের নোংরা রাজনীতির বলি করোনা!
সংখ্যালঘুদের নিরাপত্তা চাই

BNP and Jamaat are usual scapegoats. For sane people I'd offer other possibilities where minorities can be attacked:

First, BNP and Jamaat didn't participate in the election. In every constituency where election took place the participants were overwhelmingly from the AL and some from the JP (Ershad)- in majority cases the contestants were both from AL (one nominated by the party and the other one denied nomination and so participating as individual candidate). Minorities are supposed to vote for AL and in this case they had to choose one of the AL candidates or decide not to vote altogether. In this case the loosing onessuspect that majority of the minority AL voters didn't vote for them. Since Jamaat, and by extension BNP, are always there to bear the blame of minority oppression it'd be easy to take "revenge' and get away with it because the party would save them for obvious reasons.

On the other hand, attacks on minorities are always advantageous for AL, because they (the minorities) are always ready to believe that these were perpetrated by BNP and Jamaat (why would AL attack them since they always vote for AL) and become more loyal to AL than ever. Also it's very easy to convince the International community that BNP-Jamaat did it because of their political attachment to Islamic ideology and Awamis gain more trust because of their secular tag.

This picture in newspaper is probably the reason why Jamaat-Shibir did massacre.

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Like Pakistani Hindus now Bengali Hindus are also welcome in india .
Indian welcome their hindus with open hand .please come home :angel:

Hey Bengali Hindu please tell me how many hindu get killed in so call riots.


This picture in newspaper is probably the reason why Jamaat-Shibir did massacre.

After election india and Awami League orchestrate attack on hindus to shield themselves from crime they committed. This is no different. Hindus are will participant in this victim role because among other things they get cash, food and many other opportunity in return. Indian backed Awami League attack at this time to create pretext for mass killing of Muslim majority opposition.

It would also be interesting to investigate how low caste hindus repressed and killed by indian in their own home .
BNP-Jamaat burned more than 100 schools just before the poll day.

Schools burnt, actually
Education in at least 100 institutions becomes uncertain


SCHOOLS SCORCHED: Arson left important documents and books burnt in Baniachhal Govt Primary School polling centre yesterday. Photo: Star/Focus Bangla

Wasim Bin Habib

The cheers of students with new books in their hands have given way to grim scenes at many schools partially or completely burnt in the last two days.
Opposition activists torched around 100 educational institutions, mostly schools, in 23 districts since Friday night in attempts to foil the voting in the parliamentary election to be held today.
Almost all of these institutions were designated as polling centres in the areas.
Against this backdrop, the Election Commission may use adjacent structures as polling centres.
All the repercussions will befall the students who are no way linked with politics.
Teachers and the authorities are concerned as to how long it will take to repair the damaged structures.
New textbooks awaiting distribution in some schools were also burnt to ashes along with important records.
The arson attacks dealt a further blow to the education of thousands of schoolchildren who had already faced disruption to their studies and examinations owing to perpetual shutdowns and blockades enforced by the BNP-led opposition last year.
Against all odds, the government completed examinations and managed to distribute new textbooks on the first day of the academic year so that students do not lag behind amid the ongoing political turmoil.
But the efforts went in vain for these institutions.
"I don't know how many days it will take to begin the academic activities .... I could not sleep all night," said Afsar Uddin, the headmaster of Lalit Mohan Government Primary School in Shikupa upazila of Jhenidah.
The 120-year-old school was torched Friday night, he said, adding that all records and 108 benches had been destroyed.
Abu Shaheed, the headmaster of Namapara Government Primary School at Karimganj upazila in Kishoreganj, said, "Such an incident is unacceptable. How can men do this to an academic institution! It will have a bad impact on the students."
Three schools set to be used as polling centres in the upazila were torched around 1:30am yesterday.
Kalabipara Adarsha High School in Rajshahi, which is not a polling centre, was burnt down completely. It is located near Nandangachhi Multipurpose High School, a polling centre that was partially burnt.
"We built the school brick by brick for 18 years since 1996 and it was damaged overnight," said Rofikul Islam, the headmaster of Kalabipara Adarsha High School.
Education of some 225 students of the school has become uncertain as the authorities will not be able to recover the losses immediately, he added.
Expressing resentment and concern, Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid said the attacks were on civilisation itself.
"The anti-liberation forces want to keep the new generations in the dark as they are aiming to cripple the education system," he told The Daily Star.
The minister said nearly 100 educational institutions had come under attack since Friday night according to the information he had.
"We were under tremendous pressure as schools could not function in the last four months and now these heinous attacks are a fresh blow."
Repairing the schools requires money and time, Nahid said, adding, "We'll try to repair those as quickly as possible."
He called upon the people to prevent further destruction of educational institutions.
Our correspondents from Rajshahi, Jhenidah and Kishoreganj also contributed to this report.

Schools burnt, actually | Education in at least 100 institutions becomes uncertain

They have attacked several poll centres and burned them. People got panicked and there was low turnout in election. Only 30% as per local observers but according to EC its 40%.
What are you man?? Dont you have any common sense?? I have seen in every TV footage that only pool center part of school got burned, not entire school.

Did any one seen a entirely burned school?? If not then?? And this thread opener guy is just a ****** ******.
MODs, if Loki is unable to take action please help cleanup. There are plenty of pictures posted are not even from Bangladesh or from post election time.
MODs, if Loki is unable to take action please help cleanup. There are plenty of pictures posted are not even from Bangladesh or from post election time.

Not from Bangladesh? Which one? I will delete it. No need for Mods.

Another attack by Jamaat-Shibir

Gaibandha Hindus under attack
Star Online Report

Jamaat-Shibir activists allegedly vandalised houses and shops of Hindu community in Gaibandha Sadar upazila last night.

Locals said a group of Shibir activists vandalised five shops and two dwelling houses of the minority community. They also beat up the inmates, leaving five injured, reports our Gaibandha correspondent.

The victims alleged that they came under attack as they have cast their votes for Awami League candidate in Sunday's 'one-sided election".

Similar situation was also prevailing in different Hindu villages in Sundarganj upazila in the district.

Sujan Proshad, secretary of Bangladesh Puja Udjapon Parishad's Gaibandha Sader unit, expressed concern at the attack and demanded arrest of the attackers.

Meanwhile, alleged Jamaat-Shibir activists hurled a crude bomb at the house of minority community leader in Rajshahi.

No one was hurt in the incident that took place around 7:00pm in Charghat upazila, reports our Rajshahi correspondent.

Published: 12:00 am Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Gaibandha Hindus under attack
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Houses of Hindus attacked in Dinajpur, Thakurgaon

Witnesses and victims said properties worth almost Tk1 crore were damaged in the attack


The BNP-Jamaat-led opposition alliance men yesterday vandalised, torched and looted valuables from the houses of Hindus in the northwestern districts of Dinajpur and Thakurgaon.

The attacks were carried out at the Laad Dabra village under Sator union of Birganj upazila of Dinajpur, reported our correspondent in the district.

Houses of Kailash Roy, Jotish Roy, Jotindro Roy, Promod Charan and former UP chairman Roopnarayn Sheel were smashed in the attack. The house of Md Mamun, son of Khoka Pramanik, was also attacked.

Witnesses and victims said properties worth almost Tk1 crore were damaged in the attack.

On the election day, BNP-Jamaat men attacked nearly all the 80 polling centres in the area. At least 40 educational institutions, which were used as polling centres, had been badly damaged.

In a separate post-election violence, activists of BNP and its ally Jamaat attacked ruling Awami League men and the Hindus in eight villages under Sadar upazila in Thakurgaon district last evening, leaving 15 people injured, reports UNB.

The miscreants also vandalised and looted a number of houses and shops belonging to the ruling party men and the Hindus. A temple in the area and the idols inside were also vandalised during the mayhem.

As a sequel, opposition men launched attacks on ruling party men and Hindus at eight villages including Jhakua, Jhardanga, Baniyapara and Mondoppara last evening.

Soon after the attack, hundreds of local residents, mostly Hindus from the eight villages, fled their homes and took refuge in the adjacent villages fearing further attack by BNP-Jamaat.

UNB also reported that panic had gripped the local residents, especially the Awami League leaders and activists and the Hindus.

Following the incident, local administration reinforced security in the area, deploying joint forces, comprising police, RAB and BGB, to fend off further trouble.

Last updated on January 7, 2014 at 01:50

Houses of Hindus attacked in Dinajpur, Thakurgaon | Dhaka Tribune

If PDF will have an IQ test then you Bangladeshis will never be able to join PDF.

Don't generalize all. These Jamaatis are extreme minority in Bangladesh. Mosts are liberal. In PDF 99% BD members are connected with Jamaat. These people generally have low IQ. Don't judge all Bangladeshis by these tiny number.
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