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BNP goes gaga over US honour

Certainly his personal image, connection and credibility can not be harmful to Bangladesh. If he becomes president then at least we will have someone with pre-established personality. I do not know what's in the mind of Begum Zia but she already raised Prof. Yonus issue in international forum.

I think arrogant la-hasina made a blunder here. BNP can bank on his issue, gain support from international community and then go all out movement for mid term election along with Islamic parties. History can be made here. ;)

To understand the psyche of this lady you have to go through her past deeds. During the 2001-06 term, she was jealous of Dr. Badruddoza Chowdhury because he himself was popular among the populace. So, it was a reason that he was ousted from Presidency arbitrarily. This was the 1st sign of internal friction and ultimately BNP crushed into a 30-seat party in the Parliament.

Now, a similar thing may happen to Dr. Yunus, too. Party people are very bad in Bangladesh, they may not respect a person who was not their party worker. These people will keep on talking ill behind his back and will report to Begum Zia on tiny things. She, being half educated and a woman, will trust her lieutenants.

I think, it would be unwise for Dr. Yunus should go after Presidentship. I would suggest, he becomes the PM and KZ remains the party Chief and becomes the President of the Republic. In any of the cases, of course, BNP will have to win the majority of seats. But, I do not really believe that KZ will do what I have proposed here.
If BNP come back to office next time then they should elect prof. Yonus as President.

Does this not trouble your religious zeal?

Isn't usury is against Islam?

Younus organised the Grameen Bank.

Is it not taking interest that is against Islamic tenets?

So, you are a person who is fickle as a weather vane and your Islamic zeal remains a sham!

Of course, there will be those who will congratulate you since they too share your views!

I find it talking with a forked tongue!

Note Zabanya, who is otherwise pro BNP has failed to state if the Grameen Bank took interest on loans and if the interests were lower than that of standard banks!!
If BNP will

- work hard,

- confess and ask forgiveness for past corruption,

- come with hard promise on "Zero Corruption",

- elect new promising leaders (like Partho) accordingly with accordance with the majority,

- strong commitment to save the interests of the nation (no CNG or electricity or market-pricing corruption, and stop wasteful and unbeneficial deals with India),

- show its future plans to lead the progress of the country, and those have to be justified (we will do that or that, that will simply not work; it has to show that its plans and theories are feasible),

then I will vote them.

Last time I did not cast vote as I had no choice.

Possible for BNP or not?
If BNP will

- work hard,

- confess and ask forgiveness for past corruption,

- come with hard promise on "Zero Corruption",

- elect new promising leaders (like Partho) accordingly with accordance with the majority,

- strong commitment to save the interests of the nation (no CNG or electricity or market-pricing corruption, and stop wasteful and unbeneficial deals with India),

- show its future plans to lead the progress of the country, and those have to be justified (we will do that or that, that will simply not work; it has to show that its plans and theories are feasible),

then I will vote them.

Last time I did not cast vote as I had no choice.

Possible for BNP or not?

Get educated about Partho, my friend. I think your list is a bit flawed as corruption will prevail in any setting given the structure of the govts. BUT having said all that, i would prefer a more functioning and visionary, slightly corrupt govt than this.
Because the French are losers sucking up to Indians.

I think someone in new delhi is deeply disjointed and all attempts of propaganda has failed while AL traitors are being exposed day and night.

Why angry on the French,just because they refused to supply heavy arms to Pakistan?? You dont need them any more..
I have to agree with iajdani. They already had their chances for around 10 years each, its time for new blood to take over and steer bangladesh forward

ahh the vicious circle of familycarcy will continue.

so whats the change fresh blood drawn from old Draculas
Subject is about Bangladesh affairs. Indo-Pak affairs are that way ---->

If we ask the Indians why are you talking here on our internal affair, then they claim they are the stakeholder of any of our internal affair, but they never admit directly that they have great interests here. That is the irony, Bangladeshis need to know. Yes we are the needed interest of India and we need to protect our interest. Otherwise, why Indians poke?
If we ask the Indians why are you talking here on our internal affair, then they claim they are the stakeholder of any of our internal affair, but they never admit directly that they have great interests here. That is the irony, Bangladeshis need to know. Yes we are the needed interest of India and we need to protect our interest. Otherwise, why Indians poke?

Coz they think they are always number 1 in the world. Same thing in the China forum :D
Coz they think they are always number 1 in the world. Same thing in the China forum :D

Is it only me or you would agree that Bharti are the most arrogant, double faced and annoyed people on this world. At least I drew this conclusion from my personal experice ineracting with the Bharti. ;)
If we ask the Indians why are you talking here on our internal affair, then they claim they are the stakeholder of any of our internal affair, but they never admit directly that they have great interests here. That is the irony, Bangladeshis need to know. Yes we are the needed interest of India and we need to protect our interest. Otherwise, why Indians poke?

India not poke.

Find it joke.

We amused.

Hope explain interest.
Is it only me or you would agree that Bharti are the most arrogant, double faced and annoyed people on this world. At least I drew this conclusion from my personal experice ineracting with the Bharti. ;)

Let' things not make you get delusional.

If you want to know about double faced, well you are a prime example.

You pretend to be the Defender of Islam and the Islamic scripture and have no hesitation in calling Muslims who do not agree with you as Munafiq.

And then you want Md Yunus as BD President.

He is the head honcho of a Bank.

Usury! = Money Lending for Profit!!!!!!!!!

That (Usury) is against Islam!!

And you want a money lending man who is violating Islamic law/ tenets as BD President!!!!!!! :eek:

Who is double faced?

Ask yourself.

Who is the real Munafiq?

Take a Hurricane (Lamp) in your hand!!
The main opposition BNP yesterday brought out a triumphal procession to celebrate the special honour given by a state senate of the US to its Chairperson Khaleda Zia for her contribution to establish democracy.

Thousands of leaders, workers and supporters of BNP and its front and associate bodies took part in the procession, which started from the party's central office at Nayapaltan and ended at Jatiya Press Club.

Party's standing committee member Nazrul Islam Khan addressed a rally before the procession. He termed the honour a rare gesture as it happened for the first time in last 166 years.

New Jersey State Senate on May 23 honoured Khaleda Zia, now in USA, as a fighter for democracy.

Both the treasury bench and opposition members unanimously adopted a resolution honouring Khaleda Zia, mentioned party Vice-chairman Shamser Mobin Chowdhury, also a member of her entourage.

Acting Secretary General of BNP Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir also greeted the party chief for her successful trips to the UK and the US.

“Her visits will boost the relations between Bangladesh and these countries. The honour given by the New Jersey Senate to Khaleda Zia for her contribution to establish democracy, combat terrorism and empowerment of women made the countrymen proud,” he said in a statement issued yesterday.

Special honor for Khalda Zia, wow , what did she do ? I wonder how hard she worked to get that fom New Jersey.
If BNP will

- work hard,

- confess and ask forgiveness for past corruption,

- come with hard promise on "Zero Corruption",

- elect new promising leaders (like Partho) accordingly with accordance with the majority,

- strong commitment to save the interests of the nation (no CNG or electricity or market-pricing corruption, and stop wasteful and unbeneficial deals with India),

- show its future plans to lead the progress of the country, and those have to be justified (we will do that or that, that will simply not work; it has to show that its plans and theories are feasible),

then I will vote them. Last time I did not cast vote as I had no choice.

Possible for BNP or not?

The AL govt of today has started the construction of an expressway in Dhaka, a water treatment plant for Chittagong, a tannery effluent treatment plant in Savar, the Padma bridge, Dhaka-CHT highway, Mawa-CHT link road, a fertlizer factory in Fenchuganj, a 77 km long pipeline to bring imported oil from Cox's Bazaar etc.

It has plans to build a water treatment plant in Dhaka, Khulna, Rajshahi and all other big cities and towns. $21billion has been earmarked to develop the drinking water sector. It is also building up the power sector step by step.

AL govt is purchasing many billion dollars worth of arms and ammunitions, MBTs, FACs, frigettes, corvettes, fighters, SAM missile system and many others.

AL's big fault is it is a pro-indian party, but a good relationship is also needed. KZ of BNP also declared in the USA that she will also pursue a good relationship with India. I am personally worried about Indian influence.

I would like to ask posters here why they think that AL is selling out this country, when, in reality, BNP itself was doing this. BNP's nazmul Huda made an arrangement with Bajaz to import many thousands of CNG-operated three wheelers, which this man sold at 5 lakh Taka each. BNP also made BD dependent on India for food, while AL govt is procuring foods from Vietnam and other countries.

Think also of the corruption by Tareque Zia. Think also what that stupid KOKKO did to the power sector. This KOKKO did a good electric Khamba erection business, while power sector did not add a single mW. The list does not end here. People like Al-zakir should dig out all these crimes, because Islam does not permit stealing people's money.

People should not shout euphoria on a party that is not democratic, top leadership is weak under an illiterate and the party cronies go after millions. Who would deny a corruption by the ALs? But, AL is tactfully distributing the money among their workers through tendering. In case of BNP, the ministers stole the money. BNP wanted to win the last election by using this money. We should not forget that BNP-made Voter List had 10 million extra false voters.

Now, tell me why a conscious person should vote for BNP instead of voting for AL?
Today, I couldn't access the airport highway because it was blocked. Reason? Khaleda Zia has returned from her US-UK visit.

Block an entire airport highway to make space for a country's opposition leader. I missed my workout session that way. Imagine how many people missed their schedules of their daily lives.

Man, this is just rich - block an entire highway to make space for an opposition leader. Not even the US president or Queen Elizabeth II do that.

What a strange culture we live in.
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