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BNP goes gaga over US honour

Today, I couldn't access the airport highway because it was blocked. Reason? Khaleda Zia has returned from her US-UK visit.

Block an entire airport highway to make space for a country's opposition leader. I missed my workout session that way. Imagine how many people missed their schedules of their daily lives.

Man, this is just rich - block an entire highway to make space for an opposition leader. Not even the US president or Queen Elizabeth II do that.

What a strange culture we live in.

I personally condemn this. This is unnecessary, which, also prove that there are too many young without any jobs. Dhaka already facing hell bend traffic and then top of this....:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
I personally condemn this. This is unnecessary, which, also prove that there are too many young without any jobs. Dhaka already facing hell bend traffic and then top of this....:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

This is why decentralization is a must.

Dhaka would not be habitable if things go like the way they are today, coupled with economic growth - this is guaranteed.

I think most Bangladeshi leaders are afraid to lose control if decentralization becomes reality. I hope there is a leader out there with some balls :argh:

And of-course, decentralization will promote jobs in underdeveloped regions of the country.
The AL govt of today has started the construction of an expressway in Dhaka, a water treatment plant for Chittagong, a tannery effluent treatment plant in Savar, the Padma bridge, Dhaka-CHT highway, Mawa-CHT link road, a fertlizer factory in Fenchuganj, a 77 km long pipeline to bring imported oil from Cox's Bazaar etc.

It has plans to build a water treatment plant in Dhaka, Khulna, Rajshahi and all other big cities and towns. $21billion has been earmarked to develop the drinking water sector. It is also building up the power sector step by step.

AL govt is purchasing many billion dollars worth of arms and ammunitions, MBTs, FACs, frigettes, corvettes, fighters, SAM missile system and many others.

AL's big fault is it is a pro-indian party, but a good relationship is also needed. KZ of BNP also declared in the USA that she will also pursue a good relationship with India. I am personally worried about Indian influence.

If I say clearly, I do not know whether I am right or wrong, but my ideology and wishes conflict, sometimes diametrically, with AL's ideology and its ideologically sensitive activities like so-called secularization and Indianization in the name of Globalization against the nation's grater interests. I feel stress (that may be because of I am Bangladeshi) to see these activities, thinking what is the purpose and why. Hence, I am blind to see its all developmental works and economic ventures by Awami league. Hope those all works will be completed and there is no eye wash.

Two or three questions should suffice to suspect AL's sincerity to the people:

Why AL wants secularism and other constitutional changes provoking political turbulence where we are going finely and peacefully over decades?

Why AL does not take proper action against stock manipulators and its party terrorists?

Why AL uses 71 and Razakar issues to get vote and brings division among people and becomes subservient to India?

Lastly, in 1996 term AL did nothing good, but this time AL has taken or showed some initiatives for the development. Hope BNP will learn it from AL and will do something good later. And I hope BNP will not discard AL's uncompleted works unless that do not harm the country's interests.
Think also of the corruption by Tareque Zia. Think also what that stupid KOKKO did to the power sector. This KOKKO did a good electric Khamba erection business, while power sector did not add a single mW. The list does not end here. People like Al-zakir should dig out all these crimes, because Islam does not permit stealing people's money.

I concur that there is no room for corruption in Islam however Islam also strongly encourage solid evidence before accusing some one with wrongdoing.

You have gathered these allegations straight from pro-Awami left wing media. This allegation has just been allegation without substantial evidence to proof in the court of law. I decided to stay neutral until it proven.

You said that Tareq and Arfaat Zia stole in millions but can you point out where they have hide this money? Is it in cash form or property and if so where are the loot? Do they own properties in aboard? If so, which country?

Now Let us focus on Hasina’s family. Hasina own two identical G-class Mercedes Benz’s SUV. Each cost over corror taka. Her son and daughter well settle in USA. Hasina’s son Joy own multimillion-dollar Mansion and IT based company. Her daughter Putul also own large number of business in USA. :coffee:

I grew up and studied in USA. Held an advance degree from well-known university. I earn OK but not nearly enough to own and maintain multi-million dollar Mansion in the state. If people like us just making our end meat then where an emigrated Joy with degree in computer science from India get to own all these high priced property and business in less than decade? One must wonder. :undecided:

Hasina’s sister Rehana own few houses, sent her kids to private school in England and own a TV station (Ch 21) in Bangladesh. All I know Rehana and her husband don’t hold high paying jobs in England. So where are they accrue all these property? Did they hit big in lottery or something that I am not aware of. :what:

What I have stated about Hasina’s family is truth rather than just allegation. You can do some research of your own and draw a conclusion.

Although Tareq made some mistake but I firmly believed that all these allegation against him over exaggerated and it's purely motivated out of zealously by intellectually corrupted pro Awami left wing media. It’s very simple if you think about it. Whether one like or dislike but fact is that Tareq is the next leader of nationalist forces and he already made his presence among the people. On the flip side, Awami has no one to stair its boat after the departure of Hasina. You do the math.

Now let us look at from Islamic angle and why Bangladeshi nationalist like me hate Awami Leauge. It's said: "If you want to destroy a nation destroy their Traditions and their Religion, once you have done that you have nearly destroyed their Morals!!'

Everytime Awami leauge come to power, Islam and Aalim-e-deen come under attack. It started from late Mujib. He removed Rabbi Zidni Ilma from Dhaka university monogram, removed Islam from Najrul Islam hall, discontinued Quran-e-Talwat from TV and Radio station beginning of the day, and from state sponsored program.

It was then and now his daughter virtually does not allow Islamic programs(waz-Mahfil, Tafseer-e-Quran) in public although she has no problem arranging musical and half naked shows performed by Indians.

If up coming days comes in the favor Awami league then they will replaced fundamental principals from constitution with secularism:

Fundamental principles:

(1) The principles of absolute trust and faith in the Almighty Allah, nationalism, democracy
and socialism meaning economic and social justice, together with the principles derived
from them as set out in this Part, shall constitute the fundamental principles of state policy.
(1A). Absolute trust and faith in the Almighty Allah shall be the basis of all actions.
(2) The principles set out in this Part shall be fundamental to the governance of Bangladesh,
shall be applied by the State in the making of laws, shall be a guide to the interpretation of
the Constitution and of the other laws of Bangladesh, and shall form the basis of the work of
the State and of its citizens, but shall not be judicially enforceable.

Additionally, Awami league ambitious aim to implement controversial women development policies, Islam less secular education policy and so on.

Furthermore, if you would like to analysis the inclusion of Hindu culture in our society after 71 then you would know that every single anti-Islamic culture has been imported from West Bengali Hindu culture in the name Bengali culture by none other than Awamis morally corrupted Islamic named mushrik intellectual. This goes from lighting Mogaol prodip before cultural show to women placing tip on the forehead to wearing dhoti, dancing and singing Tagore songs under some tree in Ramna park during melas. Now a days we are also seeing a grand celebration of Hindu inspired Bangla new year. Also notice that Awami government give more importance to Tagore then our kazi Najrul Islam.

So I as a Bangladeshi nationalist rather support a semi corrupted(wealth) party that encourage and preserve our tradition and culture then party that morally corrupted.

So now I asked you sir Eastwatch. Which party has potencial to serve the interest of Bangladesh in longer run? :undecided:
I concur that there is no room for corruption in Islam however Islam also strongly encourage solid evidence before accusing some one with wrongdoing.

You have gathered these allegations straight from pro-Awami left wing media. This allegation has just been allegation without substantial evidence to proof in the court of law. I decided to stay neutral until it proven.

You said that Tareq and Arfaat Zia stole in millions but can you point out where they have hide this money? Is it in cash form or property and if so where are the loot? Do they own properties in aboard? If so, which country?

Now Let us focus on Hasina’s family. Hasina own two identical G-class Mercedes Benz’s SUV. Each cost over corror taka. Her son and daughter well settle in USA. Hasina’s son Joy own multimillion-dollar mention and IT based company. Her daughter Putul also own large number of business in USA. :coffee:

I grew up and studied in USA. Held an advance degree from well-known university. I earn OK but not nearly enough to own and maintain multi-million dollar mention in the state. If people like us just making our end meat then where an emigrated Joy with degree in computer science from India get to own all these high priced property and business in less than decade? One must wonder. :undecided:

Hasina’s sister Rehana own few houses, sent her kids to private school in England and own a TV station (Ch 21) in Bangladesh. All I know Rehana and her husband don’t hold high paying jobs in England. So where are they accrue all these property? Did they hit big in lottery or something that I am not aware of. :what:

What I have stated about Hasina’s family is truth rather than just allegation. You can do some research of your own and draw a conclusion.

Although Tareq made some mistake but I firmly believed that all these allegation against him over exaggerated and it's purely motivated out of zealously by intellectually corrupted pro Awami left wing media. It’s very simple if you think about it. Whether one like or dislike but fact is that Tareq is the next leader of nationalist forces and he already made his presence among the people. On the flip side, Awami has no one to stair its boat after the departure of Hasina. You do the math.

Now let us look at from Islamic angle and why Bangladeshi nationalist like me hate Awami Leauge. It's said: "If you want to destroy a nation destroy their Traditions and their Religion, once you have done that you have nearly destroyed their Morals!!'

Everytime Awami leauge come to power, Islam and Aalim-e-deen come under attack. It started from late Mujib. He removed Rabbi Zidni Ilma from Dhaka university monogram, removed Islam from Najrul Islam hall, discontinued Quran-e-Talwat from TV and Radio station beginning of the day, and from state sponsored program.

It was then and now his daughter virtually does not allow Islamic programs(waz-Mahfil, Tafseer-e-Quran) in public although she has no problem arranging musical and half naked shows performed by Indians.

If up coming days comes in the favor Awami league then they will replaced fundamental principals from constitution with secularism:

Fundamental principles:

(1) The principles of absolute trust and faith in the Almighty Allah, nationalism, democracy
and socialism meaning economic and social justice, together with the principles derived
from them as set out in this Part, shall constitute the fundamental principles of state policy.
(1A). Absolute trust and faith in the Almighty Allah shall be the basis of all actions.
(2) The principles set out in this Part shall be fundamental to the governance of Bangladesh,
shall be applied by the State in the making of laws, shall be a guide to the interpretation of
the Constitution and of the other laws of Bangladesh, and shall form the basis of the work of
the State and of its citizens, but shall not be judicially enforceable.

Additionally, Awami league ambitious aim to implement controversial women development policies, Islam less secular education policy and so on.

Furthermore, if you would like to analysis the inclusion of Hindu culture in our society after 71 then you would know that every single anti-Islamic culture has been imported from West Bengali Hindu culture in the name Bengali culture by none other than Awamis morally corrupted Islamic named mushrik intellectual. This goes from lighting Mogaol prodip before cultural show to women placing tip on the forehead to wearing dhoti, dancing and singing Tagore songs under some tree in Ramna park during melas. Now a days we are also seeing a grand celebration of Hindu inspired Bangla new year. Also notice that Awami government give more importance to Tagore then our kazi Najrul Islam.

So I as a Bangladeshi nationalist rather support a semi corrupted(wealth) party that encourage and preserve our tradition and culture then party that morally corrupted.

So now I asked you sir Eastwatch. Which party has potencial to serve the interest of Bangladesh in longer run? :undecided:

More or less a very sensible post. Matter of fact, I don't think BNP has done a very bad job in its tenure but it has given too much power to people like Babar and what not.
I couldn't agree with you more on the corruption allegations. Tareq Rahman in England does not even have his own house, while it is a fact about Joy's living standards in America. Sheikh Rehana also has a fortune here in the UK and no one can deny that. Tarek on the other hand lives a quite mediocre life at least in England.
I grew up and studied in USA. Held an advance degree from well-known university. I earn OK but not nearly enough to own and maintain multi-million dollar mention in the state.

Good grief, what university was that.
More or less a very sensible post. Matter of fact, I don't think BNP has done a very bad job in its tenure but it has given too much power to people like Babar and what not.

Begum Zia has made some calculated and fatal mistake in her last tenure. She promoted a bloody unqualified midget as chef of the army despite the warning from Jamat. As a result many top level army officer(Bangladeshi nationalist) were mad at her since they knew he was not a Bangladeshi nationalist. She also did not recognized gaddar element like late Mannan, Najmul Huda and other fat corrupted fake BNP's. I hope she learned the lesson and if Allah and people give her another chance then she must not repeat past mistake.

Tareq Zia also need to be more careful about what kind people he keeps around. His name was used by others to make money. He was young and inexperienced then, but I hope he has been learning about geopolitics while living in England for last two years.

BNP always been a failed party to encounter Awamis propaganda machine. BNP as a party will not survive without a strong media wings.
Additionally, Awami league ambitious aim to implement controversial women development policies, Islam less secular education policy and so on.

Furthermore, if you would like to analysis the inclusion of Hindu culture in our society after 71 then you would know that every single anti-Islamic culture has been imported from West Bengali Hindu culture in the name Bengali culture by none other than Awamis morally corrupted Islamic named mushrik intellectual. This goes from lighting Mogaol prodip before cultural show to women placing tip on the forehead to wearing dhoti, dancing and singing Tagore songs under some tree in Ramna park during melas. Now a days we are also seeing a grand celebration of Hindu inspired Bangla new year. Also notice that Awami government give more importance to Tagore then our kazi Najrul Islam.

So I as a Bangladeshi nationalist rather support a semi corrupted(wealth) party that encourage and preserve our tradition and culture then party that morally corrupted.

So now I asked you sir Eastwatch. Which party has potencial to serve the interest of Bangladesh in longer run?

Interview with former Pakistan's foreign secretary Shaharyar Khan

Karan Thapar: Ninety nine per cent of your students against supporting LeT?

Shaharyar Khan: I have seen the answers myself. Top universities, all of them say we have to stop cross border to resolve Kashmir and all that, you see. Most of them are absolutely clear that this is wrong if it is happening and this is what the media has been saying and what has made it much more topical is that the bin Laden episode and the Karachi attack has exposed our people to this kind of attack, what have you been doing all these years.

Karan Thapar: So at the moment there is soul searching in the Pakistan, there is a sense of agony and Pakistan civil society does not support the use of terror as an official policy against India by the government.

Shaharyar Khan: Absolutely not. There is no doubt about that in my mind.

Karan Thapar: Let us then come to a second issue that is in the news. After the terrorist attack on the Mehran naval base in Karachi, people are asking how safe are Pakistan's nuclear weapons? As a former foreign secretary what is your answer to that question?

Shaharyar Khan: I think there is rightfully a lot of speculation that if we can't protect the naval base, if we can't fight bin Laden when he has been living there for five years, then what about the, the question that you asked. But in my mind I have no doubt what so ever that on this particular issue the safety of ours nukes - there is no need to worry, there is no anxiety this issue. The military and others are absolutely, totally focused that we would not allow anything to happen there.

Karan Thapar: What about the possibility of jehadi sentiments or jehadi sympathisers infiltrating your security agencies, as happened in the case of the assassin who killed Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab this January and thus acquiring fissile material and going on to facilitate a dirty bomb. How high do you rate that danger?

Shaharyar Khan: Yes, that possibility is there. I think our people are conscious and cognizant of this and they will take preventive action not to allow that ilk to be anywhere near the…

Karan Thapar: But did you succeed in the case of the security agencies and the man who killed Salman Taseer. Salman Taseer was a sitting target and when he was assassinated, every other security man watched and didn't do anything. And the assassin was then hailed as a hero.

Shaharyar Khan: Yes, that is true but you have to distinguish the killing, assassination of one man like Salman Taseer, who would stick his neck out in the cause of blasphemy and various other religious causes. I'm sorry to have to say this, he was asking for it from the extremists.

Karan Thapar: Let me then give you another example only as recent as 2003-2004. An Air Vice Marshal, Khalid Chaudhry of the Pakistani Air Force, informed the Americans, as WikiLeaks has recently reported both in Pakistan and in India that in fact F-16 supplied by America were being sabotaged by the Islamist amongst the enlisted ranks. Isn't that corroboration of the very fear I'm talking about.

Shaharyar Khan: No doubt and I think all of us who have been observing this sought of trend of extremist Islamisation all of us have felt concern about this. But no one is more concerned than the present military authorities. And I think those who are in that way inclined, I think they will no longer be allowed to have effective control or influence over…

Karan Thapar: Put your hand on your heart, can you 100 per cent rule out the possibility of jehadi symphathisers infiltrating the security forces and managing to secure missile material and create a dirty bomb. Can you really 100 per cent rule it out?

Shaharyar Khan: I think on that score I would say that I would be not 100 per cent but 99 per cent sure.

Karan Thapar: So there is an element of fear?

Shaharyar Khan: People are very conscious of that and it would be a total disaster. I don't think that would be allowed to happen. There is no doubt that there is a surge of Islamisation and right-wing opinion, but I don't think it would be allowed to get close to those very, very sensitive areas.

Karan Thapar: Shaharyar Khan let's broaden our discussion. Today people all over the world are asking where is Pakistan heading? Ahmed Rashed, one of your great scholars says that Pakistan is the end of a precipice. Ayaz Amir one of your columnist says Pakistan is at the gates of madness. As a former foreign secretary where is your country today?

Shaharyar Khan: I think there is no doubts that we have plunged the depths of governance, if you like. I think the problem here is that over the time we had civilian democratic government, we haven't gotten out of the idea, the sought of background, of the civilian government not being able to deliver. And as a result you have this precipice syndrome that Ahmed Rashed has referred to. But let me say that there are two, three very important things that have happened. One that the democratic process of 2008 has actually taken root. And I think it is very difficult to change that. Two, that the Supreme Court has really played a very important role in Pakistan affairs in trying to manage the country in a proper manner. And the third one is that there is a very general feeling in the public that we have to get over these crises - economic, terrorism, tension with India - that we have to get over and the public reaction is very strong and we have a very strong media now.

Karan Thapar: I don't think that there may be few seeds that might blossom but at the moment the landscape is barren. And the problem is this is clearly not what Mohammad Ali Jinnah intended for Pakistan in 1947. Where in the last 63 years has your country gone wrong?

Shaharyar Khan: Well number one, we didn't react sufficiently strongly to military rule. We have had military rule most of our lives, number one. Number two, Mr Jinnah's ideals of a secular Islamic country were trampled over soon after his death. And one of the sad thing is that as in India, your leaders remained for sometime, Pandit Nehru, Vallab Bhai Patel others etc. Our leaders were knocked out in two years. First of all, Jinnah, after that Liaquat, I think this led to military rule and military rule has meant that the feudal mafia of Pakistan has maintained its hold even on democratic and civil affairs. I think this is where we have failed.

Karan Thapar: What about something else given the Pakistan was created consciously as a separate state for sub-continental Muslims was it inevitable that fundamentalist and extremist forces would dominate and over whelm public opinion.

Shaharyar Khan: I don't think this was inevitable. I think it could have been managed. A surge of Islamic feeling was obviously going to take pace. But don't forget Karan that every time a real election takes place in Pakistan the right wing parties lose out. They don't gain, they lose.

Karan Thapar: Until a Zia or a Musharraf comes and pops them up because he wants to use them.

Shaharyar Khan: Exactly Musharraf too, he relied on them

Karan Thapar: Many people say that perhaps one of the greatest problems is the army's refusal to recognise all extremist or jehadi forces as enemies of the Pakistan. But to treat those that are anti-Indian as useful instrument of policy vis-a-vis India. Would you expect that there is a lot of credibility to that view or would you disagree?

Shaharyar Khan: I think there is generally in Pakistan, a feeling that, that is the case and that it needs to be changed. And what I think is a hopeful sign, is that there is now a realisation in the public in the civil society and in the media that this kind of attitude has to change.

Karan Thapar: But is there any realisation in the army itself.

Shaharyar Khan: I think so.

Karan Thapar: What is the proof of it?

Shaharyar Khan: No proof, just a feeling. Just a feeling that now after bin Laden, after Karachi after all these things surely they must think that terrorism is our major concern, not India.

Karan Thapar: Are you not sure that is just hope against hope because in India the perception is that General Kayani regards his army - in fact he said that publicly as-India-centric. The perception in India is he is not as well disposed to this country as Musharraf was. Is that a wrong interpretation of the man?

Shaharyar Khan: I think it is an interpretation which will emerge in the future because General Kayani is a thinking man and surely if these were his views as you have said then surely he is thinking about them, other generals must be thinking about them, that is this the right course for us? With us being attacked everyday today in Peshawar apparently, suicide bombers, they are all terrorists who are attacking Pakistan's firmament and surely if the rest of the society is conscious of the fact that these are our prime enemies, one cannot expect that the armed forces would turn away from there.

Karan Thapar: Which are you saying that behind closed doors General Kayani and his core commanders are going through a slow agonising process of re-thinking or are you saying they will begin but haven't begun yet. Which are you saying?

Shaharyar Khan: No, I'm saying first that there is a agonising reassessment of where we are going, whether India should still be regarded as the main opponent or whether terrorism as is before us, should not be tackled in a very immediate manner.

Karan Thapar: Are you only saying this because this will be the rational, sensible thing for the Army Chief and his core commanders to do or because you genuinely have reason to believe they are doing it?

Shaharyar Khan: Well, I have genuine reason to believe that the whole country is swayed by this thought that we are now the "captives" or the terrorist trying to overwhelm us. I think there is surely a feeling which is surely going to be accepted in the army as well. There is no other way, we have to tackle this issue as a primary issue.

Karan Thapar: If you fail to tackle it as a primary issue, is there any danger as the people in West increasingly ask, as the people in India ask, that Pakistan might one day fall into the hands of the jehadists.

Shaharyar Khan: I don't think that is a very likely prospect, as I said that the terrorists and the right-wing parties make a lot of noise. They are very committed people, I don't doubt that there is huge amount of commitment from them. But the actual numbers is very small.

Karan Thapar: So the civil society and the old secular ethic of Pakistan that JInnah had in mind will ultimately, even if it takes pain, prevail?

Shaharyar Khan: I'm sure it will. Look at the example of Bangladesh. After all they went through the same. Today Bangladesh is saying no religion in politics. If Bangladesh can do it, we can do it.

Karan Thapar: The part that broke away from Pakistan is now the hope that Pakistan could change the same way too.

Shaharyar Khan: I like to hope so.

Karan Thapar: Shaharyar Khan, pleasure talking to you.

Majority in Pak don't support terrorists: Khan - India News - IBNLive

Go reinvent the wheel.

Here is what a former Foreign Secretary is saying that radicalism has lost the flavour of the era!!

The above is about NJIT.

Lots of chap seem to be on scholarship!

Good that they are helping the hoi polloi.

Anyway not Ivy League!
Why would AL take action against Beximco folks, they can do no harm. They only make money off stock scams.
Hasina`s Boat Sunk

Friday June 03 2011 17:51:32 PM BDT

By: Abu Zafar Mahmood, USA

The Fanatic Hindu group BHBCUC and Bangladesh government`s lobby has to head down in opposing Khaleda Zia`s meeting with USA administration in this week in Washington DC. Sheikh Hasina herself requested New Delhi to utilize Indian lobbyist firm as the last weapon. Butinvain. Their old designed boat had sunk and lost at the US- storm. The regional pirate’s hands have started to be squeezed.

The opposition Leader in Bangladesh National parliament and Ex-Prime Minister has reached in Washington DC yesterday. She attended in a huge warm reception meeting by Bangladeshis in New York on May 22,2011.

It was noticed that the Fanatic Bangladeshi Hindu group and their follower political party supporters have been beating drums against BNP Chairperson and Ex-Prime Minister at random in internet blogs and newspapers with fake and fabricated stories to create confusion. This fanatic group with finance and other diplomatic supports of a big neighbor country has been continuing campaign against Bangladesh.

The foreign Ministry of Bangladesh government also is diehard to find the meeting schedule collapse. As they could not ensure the success to block US administration inmeeting Ms. Khaleda, the Prime Minister contacted New Delhi to utilize the Indian lobbing firm to stop the meetings.PM Hasina came in Toronto, hided the movement and engaged her connections.

Here are so many rumors came out in media on Khaleda Zia`s US visit since May 1st week. All most all stories were published to keep confuse the people.On the other side, Some smart opportunists also have engaged to grab dollars from BNP side in the name of lobbying for meeting. Some position hunger BNP leaders are marketing on their financial contribution for lobbying purpose too.

The rumors from the fanatic Hindu group in New York remind us the Indian fanatic terrorist-Shivsena activities against the Muslim minority in India. BHBCUC in New York represent Shivsena in sabotaging the White House policy on Bangladesh. They have arranged 10/12 peoples demonstration against the WH policy in New York on Sunday May 22 evening in Manhattan.

However, this Article is to assure and confirm everybody that Indian government`s famous lobbing firm and all of their connections are jammed. All traffics are stopped at the red signals in all highways, streets and avenues of diplomacy. Indian cats might control Bangladeshi rats but never dare to stand against the USA Lions. Allof their moves encountering WH policy to meet andguide Bangladeshi Leader Khaleda Zia is faded and withdrawn.

USA need not exercise any campaign about meeting on Bangladesh affairs with the BD leader that matches with USA strategy. It desires Khaleda to come and sit in meeting on economic and strategic affairs as she leads the popular strong political platform. That will happen, that’s it.No exception. None can stop it except God. We Bangladeshis welcome US-BD relation. We stand united in modernizing Bangladesh.Though Bangladesh is Indiancolonized in new method.

We never forget the USA-China threat to withdraw occupied Army from Independent and sovereign Bangladesh after the liberation war ended. We are grateful to these powers for continuous friendlier relation with Bangladesh.
(Writer is free-lance Journalist and political analist.E-mail:rivercrossinternational@yahoo.com &azmnyc@gmail.com
^ Ain't buying it. This free lancer propaganda machines
are real pain in the back at times.

Few days ago I had received a chain Mail from Pro-AL analyst depicting how BnP used Jewish connections( probably Dr, Richard Benkins) to lobby for a meeting with Hilary and how it was Blasphemous. This writers are Hilarious but quite a pain at times.
Hasina`s Boat Sunk

Friday June 03 2011 17:51:32 PM BDT

By: Abu Zafar Mahmood, USA

The Fanatic Hindu group BHBCUC and Bangladesh government`s lobby has to head down in opposing Khaleda Zia`s meeting with USA administration in this week in Washington DC. Sheikh Hasina herself requested New Delhi to utilize Indian lobbyist firm as the last weapon. Butinvain. Their old designed boat had sunk and lost at the US- storm. The regional pirate’s hands have started to be squeezed.

The opposition Leader in Bangladesh National parliament and Ex-Prime Minister has reached in Washington DC yesterday. She attended in a huge warm reception meeting by Bangladeshis in New York on May 22,2011.

It was noticed that the Fanatic Bangladeshi Hindu group and their follower political party supporters have been beating drums against BNP Chairperson and Ex-Prime Minister at random in internet blogs and newspapers with fake and fabricated stories to create confusion. This fanatic group with finance and other diplomatic supports of a big neighbor country has been continuing campaign against Bangladesh.

The foreign Ministry of Bangladesh government also is diehard to find the meeting schedule collapse. As they could not ensure the success to block US administration inmeeting Ms. Khaleda, the Prime Minister contacted New Delhi to utilize the Indian lobbing firm to stop the meetings.PM Hasina came in Toronto, hided the movement and engaged her connections.

Here are so many rumors came out in media on Khaleda Zia`s US visit since May 1st week. All most all stories were published to keep confuse the people.On the other side, Some smart opportunists also have engaged to grab dollars from BNP side in the name of lobbying for meeting. Some position hunger BNP leaders are marketing on their financial contribution for lobbying purpose too.

The rumors from the fanatic Hindu group in New York remind us the Indian fanatic terrorist-Shivsena activities against the Muslim minority in India. BHBCUC in New York represent Shivsena in sabotaging the White House policy on Bangladesh. They have arranged 10/12 peoples demonstration against the WH policy in New York on Sunday May 22 evening in Manhattan.

However, this Article is to assure and confirm everybody that Indian government`s famous lobbing firm and all of their connections are jammed. All traffics are stopped at the red signals in all highways, streets and avenues of diplomacy. Indian cats might control Bangladeshi rats but never dare to stand against the USA Lions. Allof their moves encountering WH policy to meet andguide Bangladeshi Leader Khaleda Zia is faded and withdrawn.

USA need not exercise any campaign about meeting on Bangladesh affairs with the BD leader that matches with USA strategy. It desires Khaleda to come and sit in meeting on economic and strategic affairs as she leads the popular strong political platform. That will happen, that’s it.No exception. None can stop it except God. We Bangladeshis welcome US-BD relation. We stand united in modernizing Bangladesh.Though Bangladesh is Indiancolonized in new method.

We never forget the USA-China threat to withdraw occupied Army from Independent and sovereign Bangladesh after the liberation war ended. We are grateful to these powers for continuous friendlier relation with Bangladesh.
(Writer is free-lance Journalist and political analist.E-mail:rivercrossinternational@yahoo.com &azmnyc@gmail.com


Free lancer!!
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