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BMD tested successfully

You still have no idea about how a ballistic missile trajectory is shaped, neither about the lateral ranges of interceptors.

1. Boost phase DOES NOT continue till apogee (or whatever you mean by 600km). It is much shorter, for example, the Minuteman-III has a burn-out altitude of 190km.

2. Again, Pakistani missiles DO NOT have boost-phase duration of general ICBMs (3-5 mins). Case in point, the Minuteman-II has a burn-out time of 3 minutes, and its a solid-fueled ICBM.

Here is some credible literature that may shatter your dreams:

Don't forget to read the conclusions of this study.

So you're good at photoshop?

I talking about the predictable path ,when I mentioned 600 km,of ababeel before it starts evasive manuevers or deploys mirvs.
You may say once the boost phase is completed Ababeel can deploy Mirvs but based on the size of warheads. I assume they need to travel further before being deployed.

Check out this link


The interceptor for BPI can be air launched from a blip or an AWACS or bomber. since India and Pakistan close to each other, BPI works!

Dude he has got a point. These interceptors are not designed nor optimised for chase. Plus I am not sure even with a low head start of 10sec our fastest Solid Booster rockets can catch up, at least not with the service ceiling we have on those things. Now if you say that we can gain altitude much faster then we are talking.

Are mere bahi, mere bade prah! Aap ko mai kaise samjha? Kis language me samjhau? This is an irrelevant fact. For all practical purposes this no one is bothered about the RCS. It will be single largest IR emitter after sun itself. Plus we are placing a really good IR detector not on on the general direction, we are placing it on absolutely the best intercept path possible. Plus you have no way to alter trajectory. In a perfect world, if they get interceptor in air, I would say it would be like shooting duck in a barrel. But I would won't say that. A million things can go wrong and will go wrong.

Thanks for taking my advice. Thank You.

Umm maybe. But I am not sure the IR detectors can "See" and discriminate the target.

TRUE buddy.

This maybe your first productive post on this thread.

Good job.
Check the latest link I posted Above.
Does this test suggest that now we have acquired all the technologies required to test an anti satellite weapon?
That 10% won't even happen. The only time we have seen a successful interception was of the old scuds via the patriot. Even then, many got through. You can bring up the advances in technology, but do remember there was a large gap between what Iraq fired and what the coalition used to defend itself.

I think people here are missing the point. That is - any reasonably functional ABM puts the doubt in the minds of the offender. The offender no longer enjoys the certainty of his missile doing the job 100% of the time. It doesn't change even if the missile is highly maneuverable MIRV, there is always a possibility that his missile will be stopped by the missile defense. And in the case of Pakistan, which doesn't have even a semblance of a missile shield, that is a very powerful deterrence.

Of course, it wouldn't hurt to work on improving the accuracy of the missile-shield (just as others will work on their missiles). And I think India still has a long way to go in this regard - including working on the Directed Energy weapons which I think are far more accurate and far cheaper to operate. I agree with @The Deterrent here.

As for being reduced to ashes, you have no such weapon, don't make silly statements on here. You'l receive multiple Pakistani warheads in return, and I haven't included what will be fired from the sea at you.

Speaking of sea-launched offensive, I would be far more worried about your Kasab-types than any missiles in your current sea-based armory.
Does this test suggest that now we have acquired all the technologies required to test an anti satellite weapon?

For satellites in very low orbit, yes; higher orbiting satellites would require a larger rocket booster. BMD missiles (especially those capable of exotamospheric midcourse interception) inherently have ASAT capabilities.
I think people here are missing the point. That is - any reasonably functional ABM puts the doubt in the minds of the offender. The offender no longer enjoys the certainty of his missile doing the job 100% of the time. It doesn't change even if the missile is highly maneuverable MIRV, there is always a possibility that his missile will be stopped by the missile defense. And in the case of Pakistan, which doesn't have even a semblance of a missile shield, that is a very powerful deterrence.

Of course, it wouldn't hurt to work on improving the accuracy of the missile-shield (just as others will work on their missiles). And I think India still has a long way to go in this regard - including working on the Directed Energy weapons which I think are far more accurate and far cheaper to operate. I agree with @The Deterrent here.

Speaking of sea-launched offensive, I would be far more worried about your Kasab-types than any missiles in your current sea-based armory.

It's the classic case of defence and offence, one of the greatest examples being armour and the bullet. To defend requires far more resources and more importantly testing, which causes lag time, by then missiles and offensive weaponry would have moved on. As for the deterrent aspect, it does have that trait, but it also has the effect of the enemy literally ramping up an offensive strike, far beyond what is required, which then greys the whole deterrent aspect. India is years away from having anything even somewhat effective, and I'm being generous here using the word somewhat.
If you believe some dude with an AK is more potent than a nuclear tipped cruise missile, that's up to you.
I think people here are missing the point. That is - any reasonably functional ABM puts the doubt in the minds of the offender. The offender no longer enjoys the certainty of his missile doing the job 100% of the time. It doesn't change even if the missile is highly maneuverable MIRV, there is always a possibility that his missile will be stopped by the missile defense. And in the case of Pakistan, which doesn't have even a semblance of a missile shield, that is a very powerful deterrence.

Dont you think that doubt will lead the offender to launch more missiles at the defnded target... consequently a while a non defended city may be nuked once ... a defnded one may be nuked several times...

Thats what lead to abondoning efforts to build missile shields in US USSR scenario

For example delhi instead of getting one shaheen may get 3 or 4 ababeel ... even if few are stopped ... u were better off with one shaheen
For all practical purposes this no one is bothered about the RCS. It will be single largest IR emitter after sun itself.

Rv only lights up when atmosphere starts at around 60 70 km....traveling at 6.2 km /second... 60 km would take 10.seconds ...it will slow down so we shud add 5 more seconds... round it up and make it 20 seconds....add an another 10s for slower missiles and minus 10.for lofted trajectories

Achieve a kill with ir seekers in 20 seconds...
Put an mirv missile in mix... u need to achieve several kills in 20 seconds ... put another mirv missile.in scenario...and put a third one as well as i was bit generous with seconds

Because their own official link says that it can very easily detect satellites in orbit-

Detecting and tracking are 2 different things...
It surely b able to detect... but cannot calculate exact speed.. exact direction exact point where it is... so it cannot calculate an intercept point...it will definitely know its out there
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Detecting and tracking are 2 different things...
It surely b able to detect... but cannot calculate exact speed.. exact direction exact point where it is... so it cannot calculate an intercept point...it will definitely know its out there
Hi @Mrc
I very well know the difference between detection and tracking ,I happened to have worked on rajendra PESA as a internee for a brief period. I am afraid you didnt even bother to open the link and read what is written in the official site of elta 2080?
http://www.iai.co.il/2013/36563-27136-en/ELTA - Systems by Product Lines.aspx
Lets go through it once again-It clearly mentions--"detection and tracking of satellites".However considering the era in which this system was designed a conservative figure of 10M seems more reasonable. Kindly note,we can theoretically track the velocities of any arbitrarily high velocity target at a cost of range resolution.
I hope now you can appreciate the kind of system ELTA 2080 or itz successors like 2090 are!
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Hi @Mrc
I very well know the difference between detection and tracking ,I happened to have worked on rajendra PESA as a internee for a brief period. I am afraid you didnt even bother to open the link and read what is written in the official site of elta 2080?
http://www.iai.co.il/2013/36563-27136-en/ELTA - Systems by Product Lines.aspx
Lets go through it once again-It clearly mentions--"detection and tracking of satellites".
I hope now you can appreciate the kind of system ELTA 2080 or itz successors like 2090 are!

Too many folk here don't even understand what basic radar concepts are and how they apply to large solid state radars for BMD.

Anyways I hope you stick around in this thread. It should be an interesting one.
Too many folk here don't even understand what basic radar concepts are and how they apply to large solid state radars for BMD.

Anyways I hope you stick around in this thread. It should be an interesting one.
Hi @Nilgiri
I am not into radars anymore these days and my stint with PESA lasted for hardly 2months.I am now into Flight Dynamics,linux and my all time favourite hobby electronics.Btw,did you see my videos on youtube?
Hi @Nilgiri
I am not into radars anymore these days and my stint with PESA lasted for hardly 2months.I am now into Flight Dynamics,linux and my all time favourite hobby electronics.Btw,did you see my videos on youtube?

I dont think so mate, link me here or on my profile page please.
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So..... After my gimping spree, some details have emerged out of lindian PDV.
Write here what you see
@The Deterrent
زرا ایک نظر ڈالیۓ اور مشاہدات کا اظہار کیجۓ
I see Two new antennas (the square plates) possible sideways thrusters (the circles) and whole top section made of composit.
Hi @Mrc
I very well know the difference between detection and tracking ,I happened to have worked on rajendra PESA as a internee for a brief period. I am afraid you didnt even bother to open the link and read what is written in the official site of elta 2080?
http://www.iai.co.il/2013/36563-27136-en/ELTA - Systems by Product Lines.aspx
Lets go through it once again-It clearly mentions--"detection and tracking of satellites".However considering the era in which this system was designed a conservative figure of 10M seems more reasonable. Kindly note,we can theoretically track the velocities of any arbitrarily high velocity target at a cost of range resolution.
I hope now you can appreciate the kind of system ELTA 2080 or itz successors like 2090 are!

I would be skepticle how word tracking is being used there... and their claims seems to be limited to tactical missiles... any ways
I see Two new antennas (the square plates) possible sideways thrusters (the circles) and whole top section made of composit.
Hi shaheen
Composites is increasingly being used in India's strategic missiles.in fact even the first stage of agni 5 is getting converted to composite from maraging steel. Now this technology has trickled down to smaller systems such as interceptors etc.
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