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Bloody day in Syria

'Let Israel come and take Syria'

As Syrian security forces step up crackdown against demonstrators, desperate citizens plead for international intervention. 'Let the Jews come – anything is better than Bashar Assad,' says Daraa resident

News agencies Published: 04.26.11, 08:19 / Israel News

The Syrian government continues to crack-down on pro-reform protesters, with Monday's death toll reaching between 11 and 25 people during a demonstration in Daraa, according to varying reports.

Thousands of soldiers backed by tanks poured Monday into the city where the five-week-old uprising began, opening fire indiscriminately on civilians before dawn and killing at least 11 people, witnesses said.

The offensive was planned in detail with electricity, water and mobile phone services cut off and knife-wielding security agents conducting house-to-house sweeps.

Witnesses said busloads of troops poured in before dawn and snipers took up positions on the roofs of houses and high buildings while other security agents searched houses for suspected protesters.

"We need international intervention. We need countries to help us," a witness in Daraa told the Associated Press on the phone, adding that he saw five corpses after security forces opened fire on a car.

Yeah, i read that as well. They want us to take out Assad and "free" them, well tough luck for them.
"Let Obama come and take Syria. Let Israel come and take Syria. Let the Jews come – anything is better than Bashar Assad,"
I knew that they would eventually say that, kinda funny i was right.
Yeah, i read that as well. They want us to take out Assad and "free" them, well tough luck for them.
"Let Obama come and take Syria. Let Israel come and take Syria. Let the Jews come – anything is better than Bashar Assad,"
I knew that they would eventually say that, kinda funny i was right.

Are you going to liberate only those oppressed by Assad? Who is going to liberate those oppressed by the Sheikhs of Bahrain? Do you think that the people of Bahrain deserve freedom like the people of Syria?
you mean "your" support. Not your country right? Otherwise it would be inaccurate since Pakistan already helps Bahrain govt and not its people.

We all speak for ourselves only.

Except for this poster CENTCOM that claims to be the official voice of US Central Command.
Are you going to liberate only those oppressed by Assad? Who is going to liberate those oppressed by the Sheikhs of Bahrain? Do you think that the people of Bahrain deserve freedom like the people of Syria?

Why in hell would i want to see my country save a nation that has continually tried to destroy mine for the past 63 years through direct and indirect warfare again and again? I have zero sympathy for these people.
Why in hell would i want to see my country save a nation that has continually tried to destroy mine for the past 63 years through direct and indirect warfare again and again? I have zero sympathy for these people.

Well, that shows your indirect support for the Asad dynasty and that's what I've been telling all along. Israel wants to see despots over Muslim populations yet it claims to be a champion of democracy. Now, we call that hypocrisy.
Well, that shows your indirect support for the Asad dynasty and that's what I've been telling all along. Israel wants to see despots over Muslim populations yet it claims to be a champion of democracy. Now, we call that hypocrisy.

A hypocrite shouldn`t speak about hypocrisy, but let`s not dwell on that. I prefer the devil that i know over the unknown. I do not care who rules the Arabs as long as they have the fear of Israel`s might in their hearts.
A hypocrite shouldn`t speak about hypocrisy, but let`s not dwell on that. I prefer the devil that i know over the unknown. I do not care who rules the Arabs as long as they have the fear of Israel`s might in their hearts.

I've pointed out clearly who the hypocrite is while you take pot shots. BTW there's no unknown devil to you it's just that the other devil serves your master's interest, hence, you resort to hypocrisy.
Again don`t talk about something you know nothing about. We are a democracy for our people, we do not care what happens to enemy nations unless it affects us. It is the US that wants democracy in Arab nations, Israel does not care , so stop embarrassing yourself.
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