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Bloody day in Syria


Jun 16, 2010
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Dozens reported dead in bloodiest day of uprising so far as "Great Friday" demonstrations rock towns across country.

As many as 70 people were reported to have been killed in Syria on the bloodiest day since the uprising began, as security forces use live ammunition and tear gas to quell anti-government protests across the country.

Activists sent a list naming 70 people from across the country who they said had been killed by security forces during the "Great Friday" protests. AL Jazeera has been unable to confirm the exact number of fatalities.

Fifteen of the deaths took place in Izraa, near the flashpoint southern town of Daraa, according to the list.

Deaths were reported in Douma and Zamalka, near Damascus Other protesters were killed in Homs, Syria's third largest city, in Moadamia and in Daraa and elsewhere.

Demonstrators marching in peace were surprised by security forces' live ammunition, according to Hazem, a protester who spoke to Al Jazeera via phone from a Damascus suburb.

"Demonstrators were going with olive branches, it was peaceful" until they were "surprised by live ammunition from some security forces in one of the flats of the street", Hazem said.

The protesters took to the streets to mark what activists dubbed "Great Friday" - the biggest demonstrations against Bashar al-Assad's government to date.

Al Jazeera's Rula Amin reported from Damascus, which until now was relatively calm, that the level of tension in the city on Friday marked a new point in the uprising.

“This day is turning into a very bloody day, probably the bloodiest since the protests started,” she said.

In the capital, however, a heavy security presence prevented protests from taking off.

"Obviously the government want to make a point, the capital is a redline and they will not allow the protests to reach the capital."

Several witnesses, including medical professionals, told Al Jazeera that many of the injured were either being refused access to hospitals or were too scared to seek treatment.

A spokesperson for the ministry of information told Al Jazeera on Friday that security forces would fire on protesters only if they were fired upon first.

State television, meanwhile, aired a talk show where speakers blamed foreign media, including Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya and BBC Arabic, for inciting the protests

Violence in Homs

Speaking under condition of anonymity, a witness in Homs described how about 200 protesters, moving ahead of a 3,000-strong group, came under fire as they marched down Cairo Street, close to the Clock Square that has been the city's focus for protests.

"Suddenly the security opened fire on us randomly," the activist told Al Jazeera by phone.

One of those killed in the city by government officers was a 25-year-old protester named Mohammed Bassam al-Kahil, he said.

Meanwhile, another witness in Hasakah, in Syria's mainly Kurdish northeast, told Al Jazeera that demonstrators gathering at a mosque after prayers were attacked by pro-government protesters.

Syrian activists co-ordinating the protests against al-Assad's rule have demanded the abolition of his Baath Party's monopoly on power and the establishment of a democratic political system.

In the first joint statement since protests erupted five weeks ago, the Local Co-ordination Committees, representing provinces across Syria, said "freedom and dignity slogans cannot be achieved except through peaceful democratic change".

"All prisoners of conscience must be freed. The existing security apparatus has to be dismantled and replaced by one with specific jurisdiction and which operates according to law," said the joint statement.

Contest of wills

On the eve of the protests, witnesses said security forces were setting up checkpoints in areas surrounding Damascus, checking people's ID cards.

The demonstrations are a test of whether Assad's decision to lift emergency law, imposed by his Baath Party when it took power in a coup 48 years ago, will defuse mass discontent with repression and corruption.

Haitham Maleh, who heads the Syrian Human Rights Association, a civil-rights group, told Al Jazeera that the regime's reforms only went a fraction of the way towards satisfying the protesters' demands for more freedom, democracy and the legalisation of opposition parties.

"The government will not do anything, I think, and the strikes will get bigger and bigger," he said.

Al Jazeera's Amin said that because one of the conditions for the newly gained right to protest was to request a permit, today's protests fell outside of the changes.

"There was no time for anyone to ask for permission for today," she said.

Aided by his family and a pervasive security apparatus, Assad, 45, has absolute power in Syria.

More than 220 protesters have been killed since pro-democracy protests erupted on March 18 in Daraa, rights campaigners say.

A decree Assad signed on Thursday that lifted emergency law is seen by the opposition as little more than symbolic, since other laws still give entrenched security forces wide powers.

Human Right Watch, the New York-based rights monitor, said Assad "has the opportunity to prove his intentions by allowing [Friday's] protests to proceed without violent repression.

"The reforms will only be meaningful if Syria's security services stop shooting, detaining, and torturing protesters," Joe Stork, the group's deputy Middle East director, said.

The authorities have blamed armed groups, infiltrators and Sunni Muslim armed groups for provoking violence at demonstrations by firing on civilians and security forces.

Stepping backwards

Commenting on the Syrian situation, Robert Fisk, the veteran Middle East reporter for the UK's Independent newspaper, says Assad appears to be "stepping backwards" [see above video for full interview].

"Once you start giving these concessions, the crowds on the streets want more and it will always end at the same demand: end of the dictator," he told Al Jazeera from Beirut on Friday.

With his belated concessions, Assad is "is now enduring the failures that he committed 11 years ago", he said.

While crowds in Damascus and Deraa are getting bigger, Fisk said Assad will not be fleeing Syria yet.

"He's in a lot of trouble and there must be a lot of talk in the presidential palace tonight," he said.

Western and other Arab countries have mostly muted their criticism of the killings in Syria for fear of destabilising the country, which plays a strategic role in many of the conflicts in the Middle East.

Source: http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/04/201142212452973755.html
It will inshaAllah come to Jordan also...

all these corrupt regimes are destined for one thing... destruction
It will inshaAllah come to Jordan also...

all these corrupt regimes are destined for one thing... destruction

The situation in Jordan is quite different, the regime in Syria depends on the Alawite minority while the Sunni majority oppressed

in jordan:

First: There are no ethnic minorities in Jordan, (99%) Arabs

Second: There is no sectarian minorities in Jordan, (97%) are Sunni Muslims and the rest Christians

Third: The head of the regime in Jordan address corruption since long before even opposition parties have the same

Fourth: There is full consensus on all levels that the fight against the corrupt is powerful and actors

Fifth: All the people of Jordan agreed the current system
The situation in Jordan is quite different, the regime in Syria depends on the Alawite minority while the Sunni majority oppressed

in jordan:

First: There are no ethnic minorities in Jordan, (99%) Arabs

Second: There is no sectarian minorities in Jordan, (97%) are Sunni Muslims and the rest Christians

Third: The head of the regime in Jordan address corruption since long before even opposition parties have the same

Fourth: There is full consensus on all levels that the fight against the corrupt is powerful and actors

Fifth: All the people of Jordan agreed the current system

Aren`t the Bedouins a minority ruling a majority? Majority being the "Palestinian" Arabs?
Aren`t the Bedouins a minority ruling a majority? Majority being the "Palestinian" Arabs?

Failed attempt . . . Bedouins+jordanian+palestanians+saba'awi+huwaiti+ Khalili+Karaki+Nabulsi+Qudsi+Tafili+Ma'ani+Aqabawi . . .etc = They All Arabs
The situation in Jordan is quite different, the regime in Syria depends on the Alawite minority while the Sunni majority oppressed

in jordan:

First: There are no ethnic minorities in Jordan, (99%) Arabs

Second: There is no sectarian minorities in Jordan, (97%) are Sunni Muslims and the rest Christians

Third: The head of the regime in Jordan address corruption since long before even opposition parties have the same

Fourth: There is full consensus on all levels that the fight against the corrupt is powerful and actors

Fifth: All the people of Jordan agreed the current system

That's rich. A british made monarchy has "the agreement of all Jordanians".
That's rich. A british made monarchy has "the agreement of all Jordanians".

british made , french made, american made . . .etc . . Whatever you describe . . its still the more secure and stable country in the Middle East and at the same time its people are the most committed to unity
The situation in Jordan is quite different, the regime in Syria depends on the Alawite minority while the Sunni majority oppressed

in jordan:

First: There are no ethnic minorities in Jordan, (99%) Arabs

Second: There is no sectarian minorities in Jordan, (97%) are Sunni Muslims and the rest Christians

Third: The head of the regime in Jordan address corruption since long before even opposition parties have the same

Fourth: There is full consensus on all levels that the fight against the corrupt is powerful and actors

Fifth: All the people of Jordan agreed the current system

The head of the regime in Jordan is a pumpkin who should act in Star Trek episodes...

I did laugh at your comment about all people of Jordan agreeing to the current system... what a joke... you Bingo by any chance?
Condolences to the family of those who died or were injured. May Syria find peace without further loss of blood.
Failed attempt . . . Bedouins+jordanian+palestanians+saba'awi+huwaiti+ Khalili+Karaki+Nabulsi+Qudsi+Tafili+Ma'ani+Aqabawi . . .etc = They All Arabs

Wasn`t trying to insult, it`s just the fact that Palestinian Arabs are a majority while local Bedouin tribes are the one`s supporting King Abdullah. Palestinian Arabs don`t like the monarchy while the Bedouins don`t like the Palestinian Queen.

King Abdullah of Jordan is in a bad spot. His Jordanian Bedouin tribes, which control the military and make up the ruling foundation for the Hashemites, are asking for more power and privileges by calling on King Abdullah to give them his authority by transforming his rule into a constitutional monarchy; meanwhile, other demonstrators have been chanting anti-Palestinian slogans, such as "Kill them, get them out!"
The head of the regime in Jordan is a pumpkin who should act in Star Trek episodes...

You did not bring anything new and do not thinkits something secret, All Jordanians watched the clip at Star Trek that appears the king when he was a young man studying in America,Even the king talked about this with joke, It was so funny

I did laugh at your comment about all people of Jordan agreeing to the current system... what a joke... you Bingo by any chance?

I do not blame you when you laugh, Because in view of the current Middle East, You can not imagine such a situation in Jordan :P
Wasn`t trying to insult, it`s just the fact that Palestinian Arabs are a majority while local Bedouin tribes are the one`s supporting King Abdullah. Palestinian Arabs don`t like the monarchy while the Bedouins don`t like the Palestinian Queen.

King Abdullah of Jordan is in a bad spot. His Jordanian Bedouin tribes, which control the military and make up the ruling foundation for the Hashemites, are asking for more power and privileges by calling on King Abdullah to give them his authority by transforming his rule into a constitutional monarchy; meanwhile, other demonstrators have been chanting anti-Palestinian slogans, such as "Kill them, get them out!"

:rofl::rofl: Please stop . . . Did you know the number of officers of Palestinian origin in the Jordanian army and security services ? . . Do you know the number of prime ministers and ministers of Palestinian origin ? did you know that our beloved queen is palestanian origion ? do you know what it means "constitutional monarchy" that some jordanians are calling for ? . . I think that although we are neighbors . . But you did not yet know much about Jordan
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