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Blood telegram : A fact about innocent Biharis


Feb 12, 2010
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The secret telegram by a US official...

The Blood telegram (April 6, 1971) was seen as the most strongly worded expression of dissent in the history of the U.S. Foreign Service.[4][5] It was signed by 20 members of the diplomatic staff.[6] The telegram stated:

Our government has failed to denounce the suppression of democracy. Our government has failed to denounce atrocities. Our government has failed to take forceful measures to protect its citizens while at the same time bending over backwards to placate the West Pak[istan] dominated government and to lessen any deservedly negative international public relations impact against them. Our government has evidenced what many will consider moral bankruptcy,(...) But we have chosen not to intervene, even morally, on the grounds that the Awami conflict, in which unfortunately the overworked term genocide is applicable, is purely an internal matter of a sovereign state. Private Americans have expressed disgust. We, as professional civil servants, express our dissent with current policy and fervently hope that our true and lasting interests here can be defined and our policies redirected.

(U.S. Consulate (Dacca) Cable, Dissent from U.S. Policy Toward East Pakistan, April 6, 1971, Confidential, 5 pp. Includes Signatures from the Department of State. Source: RG 59, SN 70-73 Pol and Def. From: Pol Pak-U.S. To: Pol 17-1 Pak-U.S. Box 2535;)[7]
In an earlier telegram (March 27, 1971), Blood wrote about American observations at Dhaka under the subject heading "Selective genocide":

1. Here in Decca we are mute and horrified witnesses to a reign of terror by the Pak[istani] Military. Evidence continues to mount that the MLA authorities have list of AWAMI League supporters whom they are systematically eliminating by seeking them out in their homes and shooting them down

2. Among those marked for extinction in addition to the A.L. hierarchy are student leaders and university faculty. In this second category we have reports that Fazlur Rahman head of the philosophy department and a Hindu, M. Abedin, head of the department of history, have been killed. Razzak of the political science department is rumored dead. Also on the list are the bulk of MNA's elect and number of MPA's.

3. Moreover, with the support of the Pak[istani] Military. non-Bengali Muslims are systematically attacking poor people's quarters and murdering Bengalis and Hindus.

(U.S. Consulate (Dacca) Cable, Selective genocide, March 27, 1971)[8]

Some animals mass murdered poor people and many people are supporting them.
They were anti-nationals conducting subversive activities against their own country by encouraging, funding and collaborating with armed insurgent groups, which posed a direct threat to the nation's security, hence their elimination was absolutely necessary. No qualms about that.

Its not an exclusive case...in any country in the world, if you take up arms against your own nation and support insurgencies threatening the country's territorial integrity and national security, you are liable to be killed and there would be no second thought about sparing lives...that's the universal rule. I am sure its same in India too, which is maybe why AFSPA has been imposed in insurgency-ripe areas like Manipur, Nagaland....to keep its territorial integrity intact. Many separatists and their supporters have lost their lives to security forces there. But the thing is they brought it upon themselves, and have only themselves to blame for violating their country's constitution and trying to secede from it through armed struggle.

Every country strives hard to maintain its territorial integrity and security of citizens is paramount...for that if secessionists and collaborators have to be killed en masse then so be it. I am sure many of the BD members on this forum constantly crying about '71 war would not like their country Bangladesh to broken up in the future by separatists. I place my money on the fact that if any separatist movement arises in the future in CHT, BD army would brutally crush it and kill thousands of civilians suspected of collaborating with the insurgents. Non-locals there would be attacked on a large scale. It would be interesting to see in that situation if those same BD members stand true to their "morals" or not, which side they support.....of course we already know the answer to that :-)
They were anti-nationals conducting subversive activities against their own country by encouraging, funding and collaborating with armed insurgent groups, which posed a direct threat to the nation's security, hence their elimination was absolutely necessary. No qualms about that.

Its not an exclusive case...in any country in the world, if you take up arms against your own nation and support insurgencies threatening the country's territorial integrity and national security, you are liable to be killed and there would be no second thought about sparing lives...that's the universal rule. I am sure its same in India too, which is maybe why AFSPA has been imposed in insurgency-ripe areas like Manipur, Nagaland....to keep its territorial integrity intact. Many separatists and their supporters have lost their lives to security forces there. But the thing is they brought it upon themselves, and have only themselves to blame for violating their country's constitution and trying to secede from it through armed struggle.

Every country strives hard to maintain its territorial integrity and security of citizens is paramount...for that if secessionists and collaborators have to be killed en masse then so be it. I am sure many of the BD members on this forum constantly crying about '71 war would not like their country Bangladesh to broken up in the future by separatists. I place my money on the fact that if any separatist movement arises in the future in CHT, BD army would brutally crush it and kill thousands of civilians suspected of collaborating with the insurgents. Non-locals there would be attacked on a large scale. It would be interesting to see in that situation if those same BD members stand true to their "morals" or not, which side they support.....of course we already know the answer to that :-)

What were the Biharis doing?
They were anti-nationals conducting subversive activities against their own country by encouraging, funding and collaborating with armed insurgent groups, which posed a direct threat to the nation's security, hence their elimination was absolutely necessary. No qualms about that.

Its not an exclusive case...in any country in the world, if you take up arms against your own nation and support insurgencies threatening the country's territorial integrity and national security, you are liable to be killed and there would be no second thought about sparing lives...that's the universal rule. I am sure its same in India too, which is maybe why AFSPA has been imposed in insurgency-ripe areas like Manipur, Nagaland....to keep its territorial integrity intact. Many separatists and their supporters have lost their lives to security forces there. But the thing is they brought it upon themselves, and have only themselves to blame for violating their country's constitution and trying to secede from it through armed struggle.

Every country strives hard to maintain its territorial integrity and security of citizens is paramount...for that if secessionists and collaborators have to be killed en masse then so be it. I am sure many of the BD members on this forum constantly crying about '71 war would not like their country Bangladesh to broken up in the future by separatists. I place my money on the fact that if any separatist movement arises in the future in CHT, BD army would brutally crush it and kill thousands of civilians suspected of collaborating with the insurgents. Non-locals there would be attacked on a large scale. It would be interesting to see in that situation if those same BD members stand true to their "morals" or not, which side they support.....of course we already know the answer to that :-)

I am beginning to see what you mean bro. At least those that fought in the war with honour (whichever side they were on) I can respect and appreciate...they put their lives on the line and shed blood for that they believed in.

But now that underlying nature of these BAL-loving Bangladeshis are coming out in so many threads in this forum....how they want to break up the very country that aided them in their struggle. I was very surprised when I came to this forum to know this side of them, this hate for anything bigger or more powerful and more expansive than them. The inability to just be content with what they got and improve it as best they can. Some have even made me regret at times that India helped them to achieve their goal....the way they have no connection to that war yet still talk of it as though they do and that no country can exist in south asia with multi-ethnic populations.

They felt this way with union in Pakistan....they are now feeling it again being neighbour of big Dada. This nature is not going away.....it may very well be their undoing at some point....but I hope they change and see the error of their thinking. If not, it will be the natural conclusion for them....for all crazed ingrates.
Its not an exclusive case...in any country in the world, if you take up arms against your own nation and support insurgencies threatening the country's territorial integrity and national security, you are liable to be killed and there would be no second thought about sparing lives...that's the universal rule.

India and J&K?

and dont say it is disputed just because Pakistan says so. India considers it as an integral part of the country

BTW your flag is Bangladeshi. Do you consider yourself a citizen of BD (because you seem to oppose the things which led to the formation of BD) If given a choice would you take up Pakistani citizenship
I am beginning to see what you mean bro. At least those that fought in the war with honour (whichever side they were on) I can respect and appreciate...they put their lives on the line and shed blood for that they believed in.

But now that underlying nature of these BAL-loving Bangladeshis are coming out in so many threads in this forum....how they want to break up the very country that aided them in their struggle. I was very surprised when I came to this forum to know this side of them, this hate for anything bigger or more powerful and more expansive than them. The inability to just be content with what they got and improve it as best they can. Some have even made me regret at times that India helped them to achieve their goal....the way they have no connection to that war yet still talk of it as though they do and that no country can exist in south asia with multi-ethnic populations.

They felt this way with union in Pakistan....they are now feeling it again being neighbour of big Dada. This nature is not going away.....it may very well be their undoing at some point....but I hope they change and see the error of their thinking. If not, it will be the natural conclusion for them....for all crazed ingrates.

What BAL asked in 1971 to hand over power to a democratically elected government. Is that too much to ask? Instead army conspired with W. Pakistani politicians and biharis and attacked. What will BAL do, go and suck dck?
The Pakistanis think Biharis were sitting innocent when there was a civil war. The Biharis went to door to door making sure the local boys are in their home. If anyone was absent was considered Mukti and The family faced torture and death.

I am sure Arefin's family members have executed a good number of people.
Then I dont mind Muktis skinned them alive. Their a$$ was saved by Bengalis in 1947 and in 20 years time collaborating with foreign army.
They had to leave their homes in a country where they could never return..you think it was very easy for them? Least we could do was provide shelter and make them feel at home in their new country.

And Pakistan was our country then not East Bengal I am like saying this the hundredth time. Is this very hard to comprehend? Do you want me to believe fighting for country is crime and people should start glorifying anti-nationals and secessionists as heroes from now on. With such narrow mentality it would not take even seconds for your country to break up into small villages
What BAL asked in 1971 to hand over power to a democratically elected government. Is that too much to ask? Instead army conspired with W. Pakistani politicians and biharis and attacked. What will BAL do, go and suck dck?

I get that...W. Pakistan played a bad role in formenting this in the first place. But the spoiled and arrogant behaviour on display in Bangladesh subforum makes me question if there is more to the story than just that. I will have to read more of it from Pakistan side of story when I get time. I do not have the full picture, I automatically believed and put faith in one side because India "won"....its turning out to be a somewhat hollow victory in the long term.
I get that...W. Pakistan played a bad role in formenting this in the first place. But the spoiled and arrogant behaviour on display in Bangladesh subforum makes me question if there is more to the story than just that. I will have to read more of it from Pakistan side of story when I get time. I do not have the full picture, I automatically believed and put faith in one side because India "won"....its turning out to be a somewhat hollow victory in the long term.

This is a good mentality. Always seek for the truth :lol: I appreciate it again.

Many Pakistani General have written books about 1971. I have read about them. You will generally feel that they blamed each other not Bengalis

Anyway muktis raped Bangladeshi hindu women wearing Pakistani uniform is Zaid Hamid like History. Avoid that. Unfortunately Pakistani young generation likes zaid hamid like history a lot.
What BAL did wrong, was after the war, not before or in the war.
They inflated the casualty number from 300,000 to 3 million. They screwed the democracy for which they fought the war in first place.

Most of the Biharis were under the protection of Pakistan army and they lived in big cities where Muktis had no access to before 16th of Decembre 1971.

The following is the picture of intellectuals who were murdered and dumped in the Bihari held areas in 1971 so you know how innocent the biharis were that time.

The Australia Doctor associated with Abortion in Indian refugee camps estimated that 2 to 4 lac women were raped.
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