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Blast outside POF

Oh, but this does;


"It is essential that we...strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans." -- David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister.

Janes information group, the world's foremost source on intelligence information, reported in July 2001 that "The Indian spy agency RAW and the Israeli spy agency Mossad have created four new agencies to infiltrate Pakistan to target important religious and military personalities, journalists, judges, lawyers and bureaucrats. In addition, bombs would be exploded in trains, railway stations, bridges, bus stations, cinemas, hotels and mosques of rival Islamic sects to incite sectarianism."

Pakistani intelligence agencies also said that RAW had constituted a plan to lure Pakistani men between 20 and 30 years of age to visit India so that they could be entrapped "in cases of fake currency and subversion and then be coerced to spy for India."

This was the high point of cementing an unholy alliance which began much earlier and which continues to tighten its noose around the neck of Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asia.

It appears that RAW and Mossad -- either singly or jointly, either covertly or overtly -- have been making efforts to penetrate sensitive circles of top echelon in Pakistan.

It cannot be said with certainty but there are some reasons to assume that Benazir Bhutto, the former prime minister of Pakistan, wittingly or unwittingly, played in the hands of RAW-Mossad masterminds. She appointed Rehman Malik as chief of the Federal Investigation Agency which then launched a secret war against the Islamists; amounting to a direct attack on the ISI.

War against religious extremists could have been a laudable goal but it seemed to target only those elements which could have brought a semblance of moderation to the religious swatch cutting across Pakistan society.

Thus, leaving the field wide open for extremists.

It seems that the Pakistani military was equally dismayed by reports of FIA contacts with the Israeli secret service, the MOSSAD, to investigate Islamist terrorists.

One of the first acts of President Leghari after dismissing Benazir Bhutto on November 5, 1996 was to imprison the Ghulam Asghar, head of FIA, suspended on non-specified corruption charges. Rehman Malik, Addl. Director General FIA, was also arrested.

Whether these actions were triggered as a consequence of plotting by RAW-Mossad planners or whether it was an entirely internal matter, it is difficult to say.

Bhutto s visit to India last year at a time when Pakistan was going through one of the worst crises in its history, and her statements there which aimed to undermine the whole foundation of Pakistan, generate more than a flicker of doubt in analytic minds.

The basic question arises: Who is Benazir Bhutto?

Leaving BB to her own fate, let's return to RAW-Mossad connection.

What is clear right now is that Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad are collaborating extensively to curb the freedom movement of Kashmir and destabilize Pakistan.

The Indian newspaper The Pioneer wrote on March 3, 2001: Fencing of the Indo-Pak border is not enough. To check Pakistan-sponsored cross-border terrorism, top security experts of Israel have suggested that hi-tech gadgets ranging from an electronic barrier system of radars to thermal imaging devices should be immediately installed on India's sensitive international border in J[ammu] & K[ashmir] and Punjab sectors.

The team of experts, including officials of the Mossad, the Israeli Army and the Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), also found shocking loopholes in the security arrangements relating to the much-talked about Samjhauta Express. They advised that instead of Lahore, the train should terminate on the Attari border. Sources in the Ministry of Home Affairs said the Israeli experts surveyed the 198 km international border in Jammu and Punjab and reviewed the route of the Samjhauta Express with top officials of the Border Security Force.

Subsequently, former DG of the Border Security Force, E.N. Ram Mohan was appointed as the consultant on border management. Mr. Ram Mohan has recommended that besides radars, aerostate balloons and FLIR equipment be used.

India is keen to purchase surveillance aircraft (UAVs) from Israel to gain intelligence teeth. The UAVs could also help the state police in keeping an eye in naxalite-affected areas of Andhra Pradesh.

For several years, Mossad and Israel's internal intelligence agency, Shinbhet, have utilised unmanned air vehicles to patrol the hypersensitive Gaza border.

Qutbuddin Aziz, former minister in Pakistan embassy in London, wrote an excellent article, titled 'Dangerous Nexus between Israel & India.' It was published by a prominent Pakistani newspaper on April 1, 2001.

Aziz writes: "Top secret details of Indian Home Minister LK Advani's visit to Israel in June 2000, show that the deals he has struck with the Israelis would make India and Israel partners in threatening the Muslim world with diabolic conspiracies to fragment and cripple it as a political force in the world. The details of his meetings with Israel's rulers, particularly the heads of the Israeli Home Ministry and its intelligence agencies, Mossad and Sabak, reveal that the arrangements he has made for joint Indo-Israel espionage operations in key areas of the Muslim world would make the Indian embassies in these Muslim countries the eyes and ears of the worldwide cloak-and-dagger Israeli spy network.

"Under the euphemism of 'counter-terrorism,' India is allowing Israel to establish a huge spy establishment in India which will, inter alia, unearth and monitor 'Islamic fundamentalist' individuals and groups for elimination by extra judicial process or by cold-blooded murder and kidnapping.

"The most important meeting Indian Home Minister Advani had during his three-day Israeli tour on June 13-16 was with the top brass of Israel's intelligence agencies in Tel Aviv. Heading the Israeli team was the powerful chief of Israeli police, Yehuda Wilk, with the heads of the Israeli intelligence agencies, Mossad and Sabak, and military officials dealing with Israel's punitive and espionage operations against Arabs in Israel, Palestine and neighbouring states such as Lebanon and Syria. Senior officials from the Israeli Foreign Office and the defence and home ministries attended this meeting. Israeli experts in bomb detection were also present.

"Mr. Advani's large team included India's highest-level spymasters such as the Director of the Intelligence Bureau, Mr. Shayamal Dutta, the Director of the Central Bureau of Investigation, Mr. R. K. Raghvan, the head of the Indian Border Security Force, Mr. E. M. Ram Mohan, Indian Home Ministry's powerful Secretary K. Pande who oversees the work of the infamous Indian spy agency, RAW, and liaises with the Indian Foreign Office in respect of undercover RAW agents working in Indian embassies abroad, and a senior officer of India's military intelligence agency (equivalent of Pakistan's ISI).

"In this top-level meeting in Tel Aviv on June 14, Advani reportedly thanked the Israeli government for its immense help to India in security matters and spoke of the dangers India and Israel face from their common enemies, i.e., Muslim neighbours.

"Advani, it is reported, highly praised the help provided by Mossad and army commando personnel to the Indian army in the war on 'Muslim militants' in Kashmir and against 'Muslim terrorists' such as the 'Memon brothers' of Mumbai in Dubai. Advani said he had, throughout his political career, advocated India's recognition and friendship with Israel and that his party had played a key role in forcing Congress government to have full diplomatic relations with Israel in 1992.

"He lauded the Indo-Israeli cooperation in the military, economic and other fields. Advani recalled that India had voted in favour of a US-sponsored motion in the UN for rescinding a UN resolution that equated Zionism with racism. Mr. Advani explained at length India's security problems in which the danger from Pakistan and Indian Muslims getting Arab money loomed large. Advani gave a long list of the special services in spying and the anti-insurgency devices and spy equipment India urgently needs from Israel to combat 'Muslim terrorism.'

"In the June 14 Tel Aviv meeting, the Israeli Police Chief, Yehuda Wilk, profusely praised India for its friendship with Israel and pledged help to the Indian government in combating 'Muslim terrorism' that poses new threats to Israel and India. The heads of India's intelligence agencies then briefed the Israeli side in the meeting on the ground situation in India in respect of 'Muslim terrorists,' especially in Jammu and Kashmir, and the new dangers coming up for India and Israel because of the Pakistani bomb and the fear that Pakistan may give its nuclear weapons to the anti-Israel Arabs.

"The Indian side showed a keen interest in learning from Israeli security experts how they had run the slice of Lebanon which Israel ruled for 18 years and gave up recently. Some information about the Israeli torture and investigation methods was gathered by the Indian side from the Israelis with regard to dealing with Arab dissidents within Israel and in the Palestinian Authority region.

"The Indians gave the Israelis a long shopping list of spying, torture and surveillance equipment such as electronic fencing of sensitive sites, laser systems, short-range rockets, eagle-eyed long distance snipers, observation blimps, giant shields, night vision device, unmanned aircraft of the MALAT wing of the Israeli Aircraft Industries Limited, special protective dress and gear for security personnel, cross border snopping devices and gadgets, training and deployment of spies and the special gear for them, use of computers and Internet for espionage and disinformation, code-breaking, tailing of enemy agents and their elimination, nuclear espionage, purloining state secrets of hostile countries and pooling them for the good of India and Israel and their mutual friends.

"The Israelis were interested in having access to the secret reports of Indian undercover RAW diplomats from certain Muslim countries of special interest to Israel (especially Pakistan, Libya and Iran). India is apparently willing to grant access to Israeli agents to the Indian Home Ministry's Central Intelligence Processing Unit (CIPU) in New Delhi. This was recently set up under Advani's direction with Israeli and US help. A handpicked RAW officer, trusted by Advani, heads this unit. Israel wants full access to its information data. The Indian government has already allowed access to it by American intelligence agencies now working with the Indian government on so-called anti-terrorist assignments.

Federation of American Scientists website comments on RAW in these words: "RAW has engaged in disinformation campaigns, espionage and sabotage against Pakistan and other neighboring countries. RAW has enjoyed the backing of successive Indian governments in these efforts. Working directly under the Prime Minister, the structure, rank, pay and perks of the Research & Analysis Wing are kept secret from Parliament."

Tarek Fatah, a Turkish scholar settled in Canada, wrote: "Britain's authoritative and respected defense publication, Jane's Terrorism & Security Monitor, reports that Israel and India have formed a military relationship and that Israeli intelligence is active in Occupied Kashmir.

"It says: Israeli intelligence agencies have been intensifying their relations with India's security apparatus and are now understood to be heavily involved in helping New Delhi combat Islamic militants in the disputed province of Kashmir...

Ed Blanche writes in Janes' Security on 14 August 2001: "Israeli intelligence agencies have been intensifying their relations with India's security apparatus and are now understood to be heavily involved in helping New Delhi combat Islamic militants in the disputed province of Kashmir, India's only Muslim-majority state which lies at the core of the conflict with neighbouring Pakistan.

"Israel has several teams now in Kashmir training Indian counter-insurgency forces to fight the dozen separatist guerrilla groups operating in the Indian-controlled sector of the disputed state.

"The exact extent of the involvement in Kashmir by Israel s intelligence agencies is far from clear, but it fits into Israel's increasing focus on events in Central Asia, and as far afield as Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim state, to counteract Islamic fundamentalism, which it perceives as a major threat.

"Shimon Peres, currently Israel's foreign minister, said during a visit to New Delhi in January 2001 (shortly before he took his current post in Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's coalition government) that Israel was prepared to co-operate with India to fight terrorism. Weeks earlier, an Israeli counterterrorism team, including military intelligence specialists and senior police commanders, paid a visit to Indian-administered Kashmir and other regions of the country that are grappling with anti-government militants to assess India's security needs.

If there is still any doubt as to the real intentions of Israel, then please see this statement issued by David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister. His words, as printed in the Jewish Chronicle, 9 August 1967, leave nothing to imagination:

"The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs.

"This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan.

"Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work therefrom against Pakistan.

"It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans. ____

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:pakistan:POF will keep on rising & shining.:pakistan:

:pakistan:May Allah Bless Pakistan. Amen :pakistan:

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By Amjad Iqbal & Mohammad Asghar

TAXILA / RAWALPINDI, Aug 21: Two suicide bombers blew themselves up on Thursday at the gates of the Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF) in the high security town of Wah, killing at least

70 people in what was described as the deadliest attack on a military installation in the country’s history.

The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan of Baitullah Mehsud claimed responsibility for the attack.

The bombers blew themselves up outside two gates of the factory at 2.35pm when hundreds of workers were leaving after a shift change. Most of the victims were civilian workers.

The first explosion took place outside the main gate and it was followed by an equally powerful blast at gate No.1 located close to a bustling market.

Witnesses said the bombers were on foot and they exploded themselves within a minute of each other.

A factory worker, Hamid, said he had just boarded a bus when he heard a deafening sound of a blast, followed by another one about a minute later. “The area was littered with human limbs and the injured were screaming,” he said.The sound of the blasts was heard several kilometres away.

A spokesman for the POF put the death toll at 59.

Public Relations Officer

Tariq Mehboob told Dawn that a DSG guard was among the people killed.

However, Regional Police Officer Nasir Khan Durrani confirmed 70 deaths and said that 67 people had suffered medium to serious injuries.

He said no crater was seen at the place of the blasts and they appeared to be suicide attacks.

Security forces cordoned off the area and started rescue work.

The death toll could rise as 35 of the injured were in critical condition, hospital sources said.

POF Hospital Commandant Brig Arshad Zia said most of the injured were being treated in the burns unit.

Students of the POF Medical College rushed to help the hospital staff after the blasts.

Outside the hospital, relatives and friends were poring over lists of the casualties pasted on the doors. People unable to locate their relatives were not allowed to go inside.

Security personnel found a ‘suicide vest’ in the toilet of a nearby mosque and arrested a suspected suicide bomber, Hameedullah of Khyber Agency, from the Mall Road.

A team of the Special Investigation Group of the Federal Investigation Agency collected evidence from the site of the bombings, a security official said.

According to sources, law-enforcement personnel arrested three suspects. One of them was said to be “covering up” the suicide bombers. A belt filled with explosives was also found in a mosque, the sources said.

Security was put on high alert in the twin cities of Taxila and Wah cantonment where a large number of defence industries are located.

According to the regional police chief, those killed in the attack included Shams, Naseer, Arshad, Sami, Joseph, Riaz, Abbass, Ashaq, Zareef, Amir, Aabid, Arif, Kamran, Ijaz, Tariq, Abdul Razzaq, Jawad, Iqbal, Zahid, Wali Mohammad, Azmat, Amjad, Mohammad Hussain, Jameel, Shahfeeq, Ashraf,

Haq Nawaz, Abdul Rehman, Allah Rakha, Samiul Haq, Badar Munir, Ishtiaq, Ihsan, Siuraj, Naveed, Zahid, Younas, Dildar, Bilal, Shahzad, Sabir, Nasim, Naseer, Yaqub, Rashid, Khalid, Imran Basheer and Ali Akbar. He said some of the bodies were mutilated beyond recognition.

An emergency was declared in government hospitals in Wah, Rawalpindi and Islamabad and reinforcement of police was likely to be called from Rawalpindi, about 40km from Wah.

Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif visited the hospital with Pakistan Muslim League-N leader Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan to inquire after the health of the injured.

Acting President Mohammedmian Soomro, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, Defence Minister Ahmed Mukhtar and Minister for Information and Broadcasting Sherry Rehman condemned the attack.

Our correspondent in Khar adds: Taliban spokesman Maulvi Omar claimed responsibility of the suicide attacks saying that they had been carried out in retaliation for military operations in Bajaur and Swat.

Talking to Dawn, he warned that such attacks would also be carried out in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Mardan, Bannu, Kohat and Swat.
What would India gain out of destabalizing pakistan??

Well, you could ask that same question in 1971 as well, yet destabilization with full intent to damage Pakistan did indeed occur.

There is a segment of thought in India that does not believe that a prosperous Pakistan is in India's interest - you only have to go to forums such as BR and WAB to discover this line of though amongst posters, and there are also analysts and commentators in the media who postulate along those lines.

This does not necessarily mean that they would like to see Pakistani nukes in the hands of terrorists, but the goal would be, as Zia-ul-Haq so wonderfully put it, "Afghanistan must simmer at just the right temperature - make sure it doesn't boil over." For Indian policy makers who might subscribe to the above line of thought, just substitute Pakistan for Afghanistan...

How well will this government be able to handle this? I doubt they have the will, the knowledge or the support to do it. Just count the days and see the actions... The ship of PPP and Nawaz will sink. They are so busy who should lead the presidential boat and how they will manipulate Chief Justice that the boat calles Pakistan is almost sunk. PPP was never a party able to handle anything. Nawaz is purely a dumbo. Did you guys notice the reaction when Kashmiri will killed? Nothing. DO you guys hear any positive words about those that are killed now? I doubt that. The thieves are busy with making plans to steal more and the stupid electorate is reading news from stupid journalist... Way to go... Man, I love India. Maybe they fail in some miliary projects but alteast they got a spine.
Well, you could ask that same question in 1971 as well, yet destabilization with full intent to damage Pakistan did indeed occur.

There is a segment of thought in India that does not believe that a prosperous Pakistan is in India's interest - you only have to go to forums such as BR and WAB to discover this line of though amongst posters, and there are also analysts and commentators in the media who postulate along those lines.

This does not necessarily mean that they would like to see Pakistani nukes in the hands of terrorists, but the goal would be, as Zia-ul-Haq so wonderfully put it, "Afghanistan must simmer at just the right temperature - make sure it doesn't boil over." For Indian policy makers who might subscribe to the above line of thought, just substitute Pakistan for Afghanistan...

!971 was a result of Pakistans Internal Mess .. their lack of leadership and unity . It was Pakistani Army indulging in one of the biggest massacre of its own people because they didnt accpet the diversity of its own population .

Pakistan will simmer not because of India but because of its own ideological confusion .
Every Ideology creats its own extremes
Hitler was extreme of Imperialistic racist ideology
Taliban is logical conclusion of Pakistan
!971 was a result of Pakistans Internal Mess .. their lack of leadership and unity . It was Pakistani Army indulging in one of the biggest massacre of its own people because they didnt accpet the diversity of its own population .

Pakistan will simmer not because of India but because of its own ideological confusion .
Every Ideology creats its own extremes
Hitler was extreme of Imperialistic racist ideology
Taliban is logical conclusion of Pakistan

Two different issues being muddled up.

The internal upheaval was a result of bad policy, the breakup was a result of deliberate Indian intervention in support of violent groups with the intent of damaging Pakistan. The point being that India did in deed take the initiative to destabilize and weaken Pakistan in 1971, so the argument that it would not do so in the current scenario 'out of the goodness of its heart' has no basis, especially given the line of thought that I pointed out in Indian circles.

Continuous death of civilians by these bomb blasts in the whole south Asia region is painful but we can’t ignore a truth that these militants are not only illiterate but also misguided. on the same time, I believe, because of “peace deals” they got some time to increase their strengths also. Government would always have “peace talks” with the militants, not any “peace deals”.

Pakistani government would not only put some good resistance in front of them but also a proper effort would be made to convince them to surrender arms. government won’t miss any chance to establish a proper dialogue between the government and the militants which would always give them a message that, every day is a new day and everyday they have a chance to come on the main stream of the society. offering better job opportunity to the militants and their family members can also be a good step, i think.
Two different issues being muddled up.

The internal upheaval was a result of bad policy, the breakup was a result of deliberate Indian intervention in support of violent groups with the intent of damaging Pakistan. The point being that India did in deed take the initiative to destabilize and weaken Pakistan in 1971, so the argument that it would not do so in the current scenario 'out of the goodness of its heart' has no basis, especially given the line of thought that I pointed out in Indian circles.

AM, Humans are made up of emotions which are prioritised and supported by the ideologies .
Pakistan Broke the day they decided to overlook the grievances and basic rights of its own citizens in Eastern Pak . and India took advantage because Pakistan had attacked India in 1965 and 1947 (you reap what you sow) India didnt do the same with Srilanka

and I never said that india wont do again 'out of goodness" and what you pointed out was your personal opinion .
Continuous death of civilians by these bomb blasts in the whole south Asia region is painful but we can’t ignore a truth that these militants are not only illiterate but also misguided. on the same time, I believe, because of “peace deals” they got some time to increase their strengths also. Government would always have “peace talks” with the militants, not any “peace deals”.

Pakistani government would not only put some good resistance in front of them but also a proper effort would be made to convince them to surrender arms. government won’t miss any chance to establish a proper dialogue between the government and the militants which would always give them a message that, every day is a new day and everyday they have a chance to come on the main stream of the society. offering better job opportunity to the militants and their family members can also be a good step, i think.

In what sense are they illitrate the new generation is docs ,engg,well educated .
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I'm not sure this is realistic; primarily because the radicalism emanating from Pakistan isn't merely an internal problem; it is one that is affecting the entire world. The US is well within its rights to coerce the Pakistani authorities to crack down on the problem; if they are incapable of doing so, then a western military intervention will be justified; and for some bizarre reason if the GoP actually decided to shelter the militants then it would only enforce the thought process behind threatening to bomb Pakistan to the stone age.

Energon . . at least, you are honest about wanting the United States to militarily intervene in Pakistan.

Unfortunately, I do not respect anyone openly advocating the US "War On Terror" by attacking fellow Pakistanis and then offering shallow reassurances that this will be the best guarantee of Pakistani security, integrity and sovereignty.
It is - as you've pointed out - an efficient way to open Pakistani doors to an American military assault upon the state.

Oh and BTW . . . if America launches a military assault upon Pakistan, it will be the second illegal act of war that the United States has carried out since 2003 . . .

America is a rogue nation that treats international law with the same respect as Israel does the human rights of Palestinians . . . i.e. zero.

As for tackling extremism, would it be justified to attack the US on the basis that Neoconservative extremists have illegally invaded nations, killed people in the hundreds of thousands, illegally abducted and tortured thousands of others, suspended Habeas Corpus, distorted and lied about Iraqi WMD, operated illegal detention facilities like Abu Ghraib/Guantanamo Bay/Camp Bondsteel/Bagram and have abused people like Dr Aafia Siddiqui !?

Should the United States militarily intervene in Pakistan, I have not the slightest doubt that the Pakistani military and people will unite to fight her and defend the integrity of the country. Then they will take care of the traitors and hypocrites amongst them . . . the civilian political elites and the military top brass.
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AM, Humans are made up of emotions which are prioritised and supported by the ideologies .
Pakistan Broke the day they decided to overlook the grievances and basic rights of its own citizens in Eastern Pak . and India took advantage because Pakistan had attacked India in 1965 and 1947 (you reap what you sow) India didnt do the same with Srilanka

and I never said that india wont do again 'out of goodness" and what you pointed out was your personal opinion .

Countless nations, including the sole superpower of today, have 'overlooked grievances and the basic rights of their citizens'. Pakistan does not even come close to the slavery and segregation practiced by the United States government against its citizens.

Almost all nations make mistakes while evolving, and Pakistan was no different. The difference between Pakistan and the US however was that there was a hostile nation with a leadership that espoused a hatred for Pakistan so deep (read Indira Gandhi's quotes about 'never accepting Pakistan), that it chose to exacerbate that domestic tension and fan the flames of discontent - I will not go into detail on that here, but I argued that very point in the "Pakistan should apologize to Bangladesh" thread, and Sam Manekshaw's statements are the most damning of all when it comes to Indian complicity and intent in East Pakistan.

"Bad policies" did not break Pakistan - the roots lay in Bengali nationalism and the geography of the country, bad policies did widen the divide between East and West, but whether those differences could have been bridged we will never know since India chose to step in and inflame the situation.

Whatever reasons you want to attribute to India's intervention in East Pakistan, the fact is, as you admit, that India intervened without any near term threat to it from Pakistan. I have used the same argument to justify possible Indian intervention in Pakistan in the present, without any major threat to India from Pakistan currently (as was the case in 1971), and pointed out similar sentiments in Indian circles (to those of Indira's non-acceptance of Pakistan) of a 'prosperous Pakistan' being against India's interests.
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Peshawar, Kohat, Nowshera next targets of terrorists
Saturday, August 23, 2008

By Hamid Mir

ISLAMABAD: In a major breakthrough, the security agencies have got a big lead in investigations into the bombings at Wah. The third suicide bomber arrested on the spot is cooperating with the authorities and has provided many details about his network and these details have raised more questions about the role of India in Afghanistan.

The would-be suicide bomber, Hameedullah Khan, belongs to the Khyber Agency. He revealed during the investigation that his network of suicide bombers would try to hit important installations in Peshawar, Kohat and Nowshera in the near future.

Interestingly, Hameedullah Khan is not from Swat or Bajaur where the security forces are conducting operations and there was no question that the bombing was in retaliation to the operations in Swat or Bajaur.

He is sure that other two suicide bombers were also from the Khyber area. Security agencies have doubts over the claim of Maulvi Omer of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, who accepted responsibility for Thursday's bombings. His claim is viewed as an attempt to blackmail the government.

Officials supervising the investigation into Thursday's bombings were not ready to believe that Hameedullah Khan was a part of any group active in South Waziristan, Swat or Bajaur. He spent most of his time in Khyber with some other bombers in total isolation. He was not aware about the details of the operation in Bajaur because he was not allowed to come out of his hideout in Khyber for more than a month. His handlers told him that the Pakistan Army was collaborating with the enemies of Islam and killing their own fellow Muslims and attacking the Pakistan Army would be a Jihad.

The three suicide bombers were ordered just one night before their deadly action to blow their jackets packed with explosives when "collaborators of infidels" would come out in big numbers. They were told that these people made weapons which were being used against Muslims of the tribal areas.

He travelled early Wednesday morning from Khyber to Mohmand where he spent one night. The next day the suicide bombers were taken from Mohmand to the POF in a black Toyota Corolla car to attack Army soldiers, who were conducting operations in the tribal areas. Twenty-year-old Hameedullah Khan changed his mind just a few minutes before his deadline on Thursday afternoon in front of the Pakistan Ordnance Factory at Wah.

Around 2:30 in the afternoon when the POF workers started coming out, young Hameedullah Khan realised that his target was not the Army soldiers but common civilians. His two other comrades reached close to their targets but he changed his mind and came back to a nearby mosque. He got rid of his suicide jacket in the toilet of the mosque and tried to escape in a taxi but the police arrested him within a few minutes of the deadly bombings.

Hameedullah Khan is very much satisfied that he never killed his fellow Muslims. He is also sure that other suicide bombers will not go to paradise but to hell because they had only killed poor labourers.

According to the latest report presented to Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, the Indian Embassy in Kabul is handling some terrorist groups inside Pakistan. These groups started their terrorist activities last year and hired many angry youngsters from the tribal belt whose families suffered badly due to the military operations in the tribal areas. One of the groups was also involved in two suicide attacks against former interior minister Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao. Two people arrested from this group last year accepted that they had links to some people in Kabul with officials of the Indian embassy.

The report presented to the prime minister says that the Thursday's bombings in Wah could be an Indo-Afghan plan to avenge the alleged involvement of Pakistan in the suicide attack against the Indian embassy in Kabul in July this year. It was also claimed in the report that the Indian intelligence agency, RAW, had given targets to a group based in the Khyber Agency for organising attacks in Peshawar, Kohat and Nowshera rather than Islamabad or Karachi with the logic that an attack in big cities would point fingers at India but attacks in areas close to Fata could be easily taken as the Taliban activity.

Peshawar, Kohat, Nowshera next targets of terrorists


Interesting insights into the attack allegedly based on information gleaned from the captured suicide bomber who thankfully chickened out.
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