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Blast near Pakistan army centre

The current mess is due to Pakistan siding with America. I agree any other person in Mushy's place would have done the same thing
Then really it does not make it Mushy's fault. And an argument that our public is too stupid so we should do the stupid thing does not fly. They are wrong to operate militant camps within Pakistan. If America wouldn't have pushed for it, we should've done so ourselves.

The problem is not that our public is so majorly pissed that America is involved in our politics that it's joining militancy. The problem is that weapons are easily available. Most people from Lahore and Karachi when don't like Musharraf, write in newspapers or goto forums and post against him. But the weapons suppliers just give them weapons and nudge them towards terrorism. Once they do not that, they are enemies of the state and do not count as a legitimate vote count.

People who wield such weapons and make bombs in their homes should be bombed out before they get a chance to bomb me, or bomb people like those 42 soldiers who died while protecting me.

It's high time the gloves came off. Why bomb one madrassa at a time. Do something scary like bombing 20 in one day then another 20 another. Terrorize the terrorists. At least this way they'd just cry bloody murder for one day and shut up. Perhaps if they want to stop dying they should perhaps start by not killing us.
The reason why we are in this mess is cause of military rule and Mushy. He has reversed our policies on almost every issue which Pakistan was pursuing till 1999.

The current mess is due to Pakistan siding with America. I agree any other person in Mushy's place would have done the same thing but the fact is Mushy was easy to convince. He lacked public support and this made him an easy target to American pressure. Had there been an elected government and an elected leadership, things would have been a lot different.

If we want to counter American pressure we need to shift power to a larger cabinet rather than Mushy alone.

I would say the current "frictions" is because now they have started fighting the very monster they helped in creating.

This was bound to happen, aaj nahi to kal!

Evil is evil,there is nothing as bad or good evil,once is gets the strength it would go against anything and anybody who stands against it.
And also, the next hell is going to be Azad Kashmir,over a period of time (if) Pakistan would tone down its stand on Kashmir, then see what these HM,Let and JeM would do to your PA in Azad Kashmir.
The reason why we are in this mess is cause of military rule and Mushy. He has reversed our policies on almost every issue which Pakistan was pursuing till 1999.

The current mess is due to Pakistan siding with America. I agree any other person in Mushy's place would have done the same thing but the fact is Mushy was easy to convince. He lacked public support and this made him an easy target to American pressure. Had there been an elected government and an elected leadership, things would have been a lot different.

If we want to counter American pressure we need to shift power to a larger cabinet rather than Mushy alone.

I would have to agree with you and asim both here.

Majority of uneducated and poor people in Pakistan dont trust Mussyy. There is nothing going well for them, being musshy as a leader. Food and living is getting expensive that its hard to cope with it. It would have been different as pointed out by PAAA JEEE, Had there been an elected government and an elected leadership, things would have been a lot different. Because the people would have elected the leader by theirselves and that would have made it harder to blame the leaders then even if they still lacked the good living standard or essentials.:confused:
And also, the next hell is going to be Azad Kashmir,over a period of time (if) Pakistan would tone down its stand on Kashmir, then see what these HM,Let and JeM would do to your PA in Azad Kashmir.

Dont forget Pakistan is a muslim country, those people ur talking about and their aim is alot different from the poeple who have been bombed. I would like mention the word "AIM" again.:rolleyes: think about it:agree:
The only thing mushy has seemingly reversed is the support to pro-taliban fighters and al-qaeda who are basically anti-america while leaving kashmiri militant groups unharmed.That can serve only in pakistan's interest.Mushy is making ppl believe that pakistan is an ally in the war against terror by helping america, while keeping India busy with fighting militancy at the same time.He can play this double game well.
It's high time the gloves came off. Why bomb one madrassa at a time. Do something scary like bombing 20 in one day then another 20 another. Terrorize the terrorists. At least this way they'd just cry bloody murder for one day and shut up. Perhaps if they want to stop dying they should perhaps start by not killing us.

Have you ever wondered why with half a million soldiers India has been unable to pacify Kashmir? Has it ever occurred to you that violence is subject to hysterisis? That it becomes self supporting at an increased level? Do you remeber U.S. helicopter gunships blasting apart masjid's in Fallujah? Is Fallujah pacified? Or is the sunni triangle pacified? Is Iraq pacified? If Indian military thought that ending the insurgency in Kashmir was blasting apart religious buildings, there wouldnt be a single masjid or madrassa left in Kashmir. Look at Israel in palestine, Lebanon. Destroying masjids and buildings, what has it done?

Not only is your policy advice sickening from an ethical/moral/religious/nationalist viewpoint. It is very likely if followed not to lead to a nice outcome but much more likely a very "sick" outcome for all parties. The most likely outcome from your policy advice for mass murder is chaos and the further breakup of the Pakistani state.
Dont forget Pakistan is a muslim country, those people ur talking about and their aim is alot different from the poeple who have been bombed. I would like mention the word "AIM" again.:rolleyes: think about it:agree:

Both have the same aim,thats to terrorise.
Both have the same aim,thats to terrorise.

This time ur wrong my friend. Stop calling freedom fighters "terrorists". Atleast they dont kill innocent people and rape women.:rolleyes:
This time ur wrong my friend. Stop calling freedom fighters "terrorists". Atleast they dont kill innocent people and rape women.:rolleyes:

Oh really?? The countless bomb blasts and grenade attacks in Kashmir have killed a lot of innocent civilians along with security forces.These same organisations (LeT,JeM) carry out blasts in other parts of India on trains,buses,buildings (akshardham temple,Mosque in malegaon,maharashtraetc.)
or do u mean to say that Indians are not innocent civilians???
This time ur wrong my friend. Stop calling freedom fighters "terrorists". Atleast they dont kill innocent people and rape women.:rolleyes:

Who said that to you?Whats the criteria of being innocent?As far as they are considered not a single Indian is innocent.
Thanks to WoT, there is no difference between freedom fighter and terrorist. What a pity
Well said Paa Jee, WoT has given some countries the right to kill insurgencies and justify killings of civilans.
Lebanon, Palestina, Kashmir...:disagree:
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