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Blast in Pune

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The whole world knows that the Mumbai attacks were carried out by Pakistan based terror organisations.Pakistans interior minister has himself conceded that the attacks were planned in Pakistan.The only reason why the USA and its allies are not saying much to Pakistan is because the supply route for their troops in Afghanistan run through Pakistan.

By people based in Pakistan, not BY Pakistan.

And the people against who India has provided evidence (7 I believe) are under trial.
Pune blast fails to intimidate tourists

As a powerful bomb ripped through the popular German bakery here, witnesses, both foreigners and locals, accounted their horror and disbelief about the incident but resolved to come back to the city again, refusing to be cowed down by the terror act.

“We just passed the bakery and it happened coincidentally. The blast was beyond description...all vehicles, everything actually came to a standstill. We actually saw pieces, we saw body parts, literally fly across the road,” Aron Wyvrow, a foreign national said.

Displaying their affection of the Koregaon Park area and its environs where the bakery was located, foreigners and locals were seen chatting with police personnel expressing their resolve to visit the area again.

“I am not scared. These things can happen anywhere. This is a good place and I must say that the terrorists failed to fear us,” Renne, another foreigner said.

Paresh Thorat, a local said: “German bakery was a place where I came to meet and eat with my friends. I brought many of my outstation friends and took them around showing them the Osho commune and other posh bungalows in this area. I never thought it would happen here.”

The Hindu : News / National : Pune blast fails to intimidate tourists
Among the injured: Iranians, Sudanese and Taiwanese

For Hemant Kapoor, on his first visit to Pune from Ludhiana, German Bakery was a place where he could “hang out” with his friends. “Little did I know that this visit would turn out to be so ghastly,” said Kapoor, who feels lucky to be alive. “I was thrown out by the impact of the blast. We thought it was a cylinder blast, most of us blacked out. We were five friends, one — Ritesh Singhal — is still missing,” he said.

While Kapoor was discharged from Jehangir Hospital after first-aid, others were not so lucky. At last count, there were 14 injured admitted at Sassoon Hospital, 30 at Inlaks and Budhrani Hospital, 10 at Jehangir Hospital, and three at Ruby Hall Clinic. Six were brought dead to Sassoon, and three to Inlaks.

“I was paying my bill at the counter when the explosion took place. The wall collapsed on my leg,” said Dr Prasad Kulkarni, who was meeting a friend at German Bakery. He escaped with a minor bruise on his left leg. He and his friend were among the few who were discharged after first aid at Sassoon Hospital.

Among the injured at Sassoon was an Iranian national, who was brought in with multiple fractures.

The dean of Sassoon, Dr Arun Jamkar, said he had called all the medical staff. “We are making sure that no person is turned back. We are stabilising the condition of patients, before allowing them to be shifted to private hospitals,” he said. Three Iranians, one Taiwanese, one from Nepal and three from Pune have been moved to the general ward.

Among the injured: Iranians, Sudanese and Taiwanese
Understand that Kashmir is a disputed area:azn:, but then why was there hesitation on part of Pakistan military establishment and Army to even accept the dead bodies of their soldiers and the need to brand the soldiers are militants during early phases of the episode??? so kasab was not the only instance where Pakistan first feigned ignorance and innocense and later was found to be involved...
Kasab was not our guy...
@AM - you give the terrorists too little credit.
Will they place a bomb without knowing who their likely victims will be ?
And German Bakery is a famous hang out point for foreign tourists. They were deliberately targeted. It's like you saying the Pak GHQ attack did not target the Pak army.
Iranian, Italian among Indian bakery blast dead

February 14, 2010 -- Updated 1628 GMT (0028 HKT)


* Police say Saeed Abdul Ghani of Iran and Nadia Materinia of Italy among dead
* At least eight people killed and 33 injured in explosion in Pune
* Shop, known as the German Bakery, is frequented by tourists

New Delhi, India (CNN) -- An Italian and an Iranian were among eight dead from a terror attack at an eatery popular among expatriates in the western Indian city of Pune, authorities said Sunday.

Pune Police Commissioner Satyapal Singh identified the two as Saeed Abdul Ghani of Iran and Nadia Materinia of Italy.

Saturday's blast at the German Bakery wounded 60 people, including a dozen foreign nationals from several countries, including Yemen, Sudan, Taiwan and Germany.

Home Secretary G.K. Pillai told reporters Saturday that the explosives were packed in a bag noticed by a waiter at the eatery, located in northeast Pune's Koregaon Park. The explosion occurred at about 7:30 p.m. (9 a.m. ET) Saturday.

Indian Home Minister P. Chidambaram described the incident, which occurred in the yard outside the building, where people were eating, as a terrorist act. "It is a first significant terrorist incident in 14 months," he told reporters, referring to the 2008 Mumbai assault.

In that brazen series of attacks, gunmen took over three luxury hotels and a Jewish center and shot up several other places, including a restaurant, over three days. In all, more than 160 people were killed and hundreds more wounded.

India blamed the attacks on the Pakistani militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, which the United States regards as a terrorist organization.

Pillai, the top bureaucrat in the Home Ministry, told reporters in New Delhi that nearby Osho Ashram was one of the sites surveyed by Lashkar-e-Taiba suspect David Headley, a U.S. citizen facing terror charges in the United States.

Headley, a Chicago resident, faces six counts of conspiracy to bomb places in India, and to murder and maim people in India and Denmark; and of providing material support to foreign terrorist plots and providing material support to Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Headley faces an additional six counts of aiding and abetting the murder of U.S. citizens in the Mumbai attacks in which six Americans died.

Headley, who is in U.S. custody, has pleaded not guilty and is cooperating with authorities.

Chidambaram noted that the German Bakery -- a restaurant specializing in Western food -- is frequented by foreigners and Indians and is also near Chabad House -- a welcoming center run by Jews for people of all faiths -- and an ashram.

Chidambaram, however, cautioned reporters not to "draw any conclusions" about who may have been behind the blast.

"Every time that happens something not good in the world, we have to make more goodness and kindness because you cannot fight the darkness, you have to make the light," he said in a telephone interview. "We have to make more goodness and kindness."

The Osho Ashram -- about 500 meters from the restaurant -- describes itself as a 28-acre "tropical oasis where nature and the 21st century blend seamlessly." The commune and meditation center was founded by the late Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, who returned to India from the United States in the 1980s.

"We don't know who they were looking for," said Chen Amiel, who was meditating inside the ashram when the blast occurred.

"I was meditating very deep," he said. "I heard something, but I couldn't identify it."

Afterward, he approached the site of the blast and surveyed the damage. Though windows were blown out, the structure appeared intact, he said. "All the yard was destroyed," he said.

Initially, authorities thought a cooking gas cylinder had exploded, but all cylinders were accounted for, according to sister network CNN-IBN.

An anti-terrorism squad is assisting in the investigation, Chandra Iyengar, home secretary for Maharashtra state, told CNN.

Saturday's blast comes a day after Indian and Pakistani officials agreed to meet in New Delhi later this month in a bid to resume their dialogue frozen by the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

The officials will meet in the Indian capital February 25, according to India's External Affairs Ministry.

India suspended its fragile peace process with arch-rival Pakistan in the wake of the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

The planned meeting follows a trip last month by U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates to South Asia. During his tour, he warned that a terrorist syndicate operated by al Qaeda aimed to spark a conflict between India and Pakistan.

He praised what he saw as India's restraint in the wake of the Mumbai strikes, but cautioned it may wear out in the event of another such attack.

Iranian, Italian among Indian bakery blast dead - CNN.com
India Pursues Terror Link After Bomb Blast

Published: February 14, 2010

PUNE, India — A day after a bomb blast ripped through a crowded eatery in this western Indian city, Indian authorities Sunday were trying to determine whether the attack was linked to any known terror groups or operatives, including a man charged with helping to plot the deadly November 2008 assault in Mumbai.

Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram, speaking at a news conference on Sunday morning, emphasized that the authorities had not determined who was responsible for the Saturday blast, which killed nine people and wounded at least 60. But he said Indian officials would renew efforts to interview David Headley, who is facing charges in Chicago for performing reconnaissance for the Mumbai attacks on behalf of a Pakistan-based terror group, Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Among the people killed in the blast were two foreigners, an Italian woman, 37, visiting the nearby Osho International Meditation Resort and an Iranian student, 26, studying at a university in the vicinity. Of the wounded, 12 were foreigners: five from Iran; two from Sudan; two from Nepal and one each from Taiwan and Germany.

“We want an access to Headley for interrogation,” Mr. Chidambaram said, though he acknowledged that the ongoing prosecution in Chicago presented legal obstacles to such an interview.

The Indian authorities say Mr. Headley, the American-born son of a former Pakistani diplomat, traveled extensively in India on scouting missions, including trips to Pune in July 2008 and March 2009.

He stayed in the same Koregaon Park section of the city where the explosion occurred Saturday and reportedly visited the yoga retreat.

Pune is home to several universities and a number of high-tech businesses, and the German Bakery where the explosion happened is a popular hangout for young Indians and foreign tourists.

Mr. Chidambaram said the Koregaon Park area had been identified by intelligence reports as a potential “soft target” for a terror strike, and that establishments in the area had been “sensitized” to the possibility of an attack. In particular, Chabad House, a worldwide network of Jewish outreach centers, was singled out by intelligence reports as a possible target.

A Chabad House in Mumbai was among the targets in the 2008 attack. The Chabad House in Pune is located across the street from the German Bakery.

“Everybody was aware that the area was a vulnerable area,” Mr. Chidambaram said.

Sadhana Amrit, spokeswoman for the yoga retreat, said officials had asked the resort to “beef up security” in October after reports that Mr. Headley had visited Pune. She declined to say what steps the resort had taken, and noted that it also received police protection. “You cannot defeat terrorists no matter how prepared you are,” she said.

Santosh Bhosale, a nearby shopkeeper, said the resort installed security cameras last October and that police patrols were stepped up, but they had eased in December. He said the police had focused on the Chabad House, blocking roads to limit access.

Mr. Bhosale said he knew of no specific warnings from police to local businesses but added that residents sensed from the patrols that authorities were reacting to reports about Mr. Headley.

“You smell something,” he said. “You know something is going on.”

In Mr. Bhosale’s shop, which caters to tourists from the resort, reverberations from the blast had knocked down fluorescent lights and showered debris on the metal sheets that make up his roof.

Police officers had cordoned off the bakery with barriers to allow forensic specialists to work in the cafe. The blast carved a crater in the eatery and scattered concrete and metal on the street.

Officials say the explosion was apparently triggered when a waiter opened an unclaimed backpack left under a table. Another waiter, who was wounded, told an Indian news channel that he had alerted the cafe manager about a red and black bag left under the table. “My employer told me to go find out who it belonged to,” the waiter told NDTV 24x7. “While I was on my way, someone outside asked for water. It was while I was getting the bottles that the bomb went off.”

The attack occurred at a politically sensitive moment as India has offered to restart high-level talks with Pakistan that had been broken off after the 2008 attack on Mumbai. That attack saw Pakistani-trained militants kill 163 people. Mr. Chidambaram declined to discuss whether the Pune blast might complicate moving forward with the talks, tentatively scheduled for later this month.

“This matter will be considered in New Delhi,” he said.

But political pressure was already coming from India’s main opposition party. Indian media quoted a Bharatiya Janata Party spokesman, Prakash Javadekar, as saying that the national government should reconsider allowing the foreign secretary to hold talks with her Pakistani counterpart. “Terror and talks cannot go together,” he said.

India Pursues Terror Link After Bomb Blast - NYTimes.com

1. But, the Pakistani government says that the India have failed to corner Pakistan in international community and India have failed to put any pressure on Pakistan.

2. They also says that India even does not take any action against Pakistan like snapping all the ties or waging war.

Then why care for Indian "baseless allegations".

What India have archived by its "baseless allegations"?
Its been through proactive and dedicated action that India has not been able to achieve its goals against Pakistan. Most Indian theories have been ripped to shreds. The best attempt was made in 2002 when India tried to capitalize on a fake attack on the Indian parliament by killing 6 of its own security guards trying to draw America into a fight with Pakistan.

No one came in India's aid. Fast forward six years later and no one came to India's aid either and alone India didn't have the guts to touch Pakistan. On not one, but two occasions India's mighty Su-30s were chased away.

And then to soothe egos they go around telling themselves (although no American ever claimed such a feat) that Americans always interfere and diffuse tensions...
hello Asim - man.. you are really fighting hard for Pakistan - I expect nothing less!
@AM - I don't think many people in India believe that it Pakistan government policy to attack India and do bomb blasts here and there.
But there is support to terrorist organisations from some private people, ex and serving Pak army officers which Pakistan turns a blind eye to - this since there is a feeling that everything is justified due to Kashmir and the righteous cause of Islam.
Kashmir is unfortunately a religious dispute - do we want to rtear apart the subcontinent due to religion and do a third partition (after 1947, 1971 BD) ? I think Kashmiris will do just fine within India and suggest Pakistanis stop worrying about them.
How was WWII a draw when Germany was occupied, the German military broken and the opposing side (Nazis) destroyed?

Aside from 1971, when has India accomplished any thing close to the Allied victory against Pakistan?

You mean a 'victory in the eyes of the beholder'?:rofl:

That's great - so you don't defeat the other side in any significant way, or in any way for that matter, and then claim 'strategic/tactical victory' to save face.

Nonsense - the plain facts are that India has only managed victory in 1971.

Just one comment and dont want it to be taken as another salvo in I won, You didn't discussion

In 1965, the aim of Pakistan was to annex Kashmir. India's aim was to ensure Pakistan did not succeed in that. Now I agree that 1965 was a stalemate from a territory perspective, but didnt Pakistan fail in its goals and India succeed..??
@Asim - I don't think we need the world to fight our battles - we can fight them ourselves. If we need foreign support - India's best bet is to become important to Western businesses and economies - they will automatically take our side in case of any conflict.
Already you can see the effect - Americans are more sympathetic to the Indian standpoint because India is a growing economic power with huge trade with America. We are practically a backoffice for many Western firms and many western firms have large operations and R&D centers in India.
hello Asim - man.. you are really fighting hard for Pakistan - I expect nothing less!
@AM - I don't think many people in India believe that it Pakistan government policy to attack India and do bomb blasts here and there.
But there is support to terrorist organisations from some private people, ex and serving Pak army officers which Pakistan turns a blind eye to - this since there is a feeling that everything is justified due to Kashmir and the righteous cause of Islam.
Kashmir is unfortunately a religious dispute - do we want to rtear apart the subcontinent due to religion and do a third partition (after 1947, 1971 BD) ? I think Kashmiris will do just fine within India and suggest Pakistanis stop worrying about them.

Stop worrying about them............recently a mass grave was discovered in IOK with nearly 2000 persons.........not worry.....wow

This is a dispute that has stemned pre 1947 and is a dispute which India had from 1947 to deal with but broke every promise to the people in Kashmir.........40 years is ample time to deal with this matter......no surprise then an uprising and freedom struggle began........nonetheless...........

Indian believe Pakistan is behind terror attacks in India and Pakistan believe India is behind terror attacks in Pakistan.........we could debate this till the coes come home...............where do we go from here
Please follow what your government had to say about this finally.. after a lot of flip flop. That too after Dawn exposing your government.
They never said hes OUR guy. We never sent him to fight there for us. Even the Indians haven't claimed that.
India is taking body blows like the terrorist attacks for the sake of its economy, if at any point it feels there is going to be no economic growth then the gloves will come off wrt to pakistan and its taller than mountain friend..
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