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Blast in Pune

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I have yet to see any world government support the Indian claim that the Pakistani State or its institutions were involved in the terrorism in Mumbai or elsewhere. That is a continuous Indian rant only. Nor is Pakistan declared a State sponsor of terrorism, obviously, since there is no evidence supporting that Indian allegation.

We have supported an insurgency against Indian occupation in Kashmir, but Kashmir is internationally recognized dispute territory, and to declare that support terrorism means India is a State sponsor of terrorism through it support for East Pakistan terrorists in 1971 and raising the LTTE, and the US is a State Sponsor of terrorism through its support for insurgent groups and militias in Latin America and Asia, many of whom committed horrible atrocities in the nations in which they were supported.

The whole world knows that the Mumbai attacks were carried out by Pakistan based terror organisations.Pakistans interior minister has himself conceded that the attacks were planned in Pakistan.The only reason why the USA and its allies are not saying much to Pakistan is because the supply route for their troops in Afghanistan run through Pakistan.
Pakistan and India should understand logic behind these blast. Whenever talk began something happens to derail talks.Not only Pakistan has these type of elements, Indian political parties also providing refuge these type of elements.
ok....indians in the forum were aghast with the insensitivity of the pakistani members and the mods here...

even the blood of the dead have not dried yesterday and some pakistani members have started saying its bcoz of kashmir and all nonsense...without any proof and documents

If it was indian members doing in similar situation involving pakistan..they will be promptly banned..and rightly so..but y is it not applicable to pakistani members too??y the same yardstick is not applied to pakistani members....?

is it bcoz u think indian blood is cheap or what??

then atleast put a note in the first page of the forum saying what is the level of tolerance applied to ppl from different nationalities

@AgNoStIc MuSliM

Nice of you... but you should be using the same yardstick to all .. if you claim to be a moderator. A moderator in true sense is not someone who just have access controls to ban someone but to be moderate on both sides. I am not saying fanoi should not have been banned. I am only saying that the same yardstick be followed for Pak's and other nationals.

LOL! to whom am I writing all this ... Will not be surprised if this was the last post from me
Kashmir is not India.

Understand that Kashmir is a disputed area:azn:, but then why was there hesitation on part of Pakistan military establishment and Army to even accept the dead bodies of their soldiers and the need to brand the soldiers are militants during early phases of the episode??? so kasab was not the only instance where Pakistan first feigned ignorance and innocense and later was found to be involved...
More on the rest later, but the strength of any country is its economy, and if economic damage is to be considered a motive, the extremely sophisticated and complex attacks on Pakistani targets, military, intelligence and civilian, are clear indicators that India has been trying to destroy Pakistan's economy.

The argument that a lone attack in Mumbai is somehow going to dent the economy of India is preposterous, and it only shows how brainwashed Indians are that they actually believe this BS.

The attacks in Pakistan are being carried out by the Taliban .This is the same Taliban which Pakistan had created with US help to increase its influence in Afghanistan.It is not a hidden fact that there are sympathisers of the Taliban within the Pak army and the ISI.

As per the best of my knowledge the Taliban were allowed to govern the SWAT area by the Pakistani government in exchange of peace and implementation of sharia.They blew off girl schools and started preaching their ideology on the radio.It was only after mrs Clintons remarks stating that Pakistan was abdicating to the Taliban did the entire operation begin.
More on the rest later, but the strength of any country is its economy, and if economic damage is to be considered a motive, the extremely sophisticated and complex attacks on Pakistani targets, military, intelligence and civilian, are clear indicators that India has been trying to destroy Pakistan's economy.

Pure BS. One should follow what they preach, Your PM and other minister have been shouting Proofs but unable to Provide.

The argument that a lone attack in Mumbai is somehow going to dent the economy of India is preposterous, and it only shows how brainwashed Indians are that they actually believe this BS.

How easily the attackers were branded as non state attackers when they carry out attacks on a state ?
Its easy to have sympathy and agree with lone attacker but that is not culture of the country who is the victim.

Just to remind we are not discussing on topic btw.
@AgNoStIc MuSliM

Nice of you... but you should be using the same yardstick to all .. if you claim to be a moderator. A moderator in true sense is not someone who just have access controls to ban someone but to be moderate on both sides. I am not saying fanoi should not have been banned. I am only saying that the same yardstick be followed for Pak's and other nationals.

LOL! to whom am I writing all this ... Will not be surprised if this was the last post from me

Did you see any Pakistan member interact with me the way fanboi did?

If so please do point him out.

And keep this up and it will be the last post from you.
Do you not think about how outraged Pakistanis are over the terrorism in Pakistan, and do you not think of how outraged we become when baseless allegations that the Pakistani State is supporting terrorism are made?

This is a two way street - which is why my first post in this thread was that Indians and others, who have often criticized Pakistanis for accusing India without credible evidence, should apply the same yardstick here and refrain from making allegations and in fact step in to correct other Indians who do, and therefore set an example.


1. But, the Pakistani government says that the India have failed to corner Pakistan in international community and India have failed to put any pressure on Pakistan.

2. They also says that India even does not take any action against Pakistan like snapping all the ties or waging war.

Then why care for Indian "baseless allegations".

What India have archived by its "baseless allegations"?
Pure BS. One should follow what they preach, Your PM and other minister have been shouting Proofs but unable to Provide.
That was a response to one of your countrymen suggesting that Pakistan conducted the Mumbai attacks to 'harm India's economy'. I am merely extrapolating based on his comments, so take it up with him.

How easily the attackers were branded as non state attackers when they carry out attacks on a state ?
Its easy to have sympathy and agree with lone attacker but that is not culture of the country who is the victim.

Just to remind we are not discussing on topic btw.
I have no clue what you are on about there, or how that relates to my comment.

1. But, the Pakistani government says that the India have failed to corner Pakistan in international community and India have failed to put any pressure on Pakistan.

2. They also says that India even does not take any action against Pakistan like snapping all the ties or waging war.

Then why care for Indian "baseless allegations".

What India have archived by its "baseless allegations"?
Because a lie repeated and repeated can start being taken for the truth.

When India stops lying and attempting to undermine Pakistan internationally we will stop caring.
RDX, ammonium nitrate used in Pune blast: Govt

AGENCIES, 14 February 2010, 04:24pm IST

MUMBAI: The Union home ministry on Sunday said that RDX and ammonium nitrate were used to carry out Saturday's bomb blast at the German Bakery in Probe into the Pune blast case was moving in the right direction but it was very premature to say who was behind the terror attack, a top police official said on Sunday. ( Watch Video )

"Investigation is on. With the assistance of National Investigation Agency, state's Anti-Terrorism Squad is probing the case and it is moving in the right direction," Inspector general (law and order) Rashmi Shukla said.

Asked whether police have any suspicion that the blast could be the handiwork of Indian Mujahideen or any other outfit, she said, "It's very premature to say who is behind or responsible for the blast."

On reports that some suspects have been detained, she said she had no information in this regard from the ATS.

Terror struck Pune last night as a powerful bomb ripped apart at a popular bakery near the Chabad House, killing nine people and injuring 57 others, in the first major attack since 26/11 carnage.

The Improvised Explosive Device, kept in a packet outside the kitchen of the German Bakery, exploded at around 7.30pm when a waiter attempted to open it.

"The 30'X30' structure, with a temporary extension for the customer, was owned by Shankar Kharose and Ram Kharose but was being run by Gopal Manipuri," she said, adding the blast has caused a 6'X4' hole on the wall.

Besides the ATS, experts from the Indian Army and forensic laboratory have reached the spot to collect evidence from the scene of crime, Shukla said.

"Force One has also reached the spot and the area has been cordoned off," she said.

"We are awaiting forensic report to establish the nature of explosives used in the blast," the officer said while denying that some more explosive material was found near the bakery on Saturday night.

Among the nine killed in the incident, five were identified as Ankik Dhar (24), Anandi Dhar(19) and Shilpa Goenka (23) of Kolkata, T Sundari (22) of Bangalore and Bineeta Gadani of Mumbai. One of the four unidentified bodies is that of a female, who could be a foreigner, Shukla said.

Out of the 57 injured, which include foreigners, 20 have been discharged while the rest are undergoing treatment at Jehangir, Ruby, Surya, Budharani, Medi point, Sancheti and Sasson hospitals in Pune.

To a query, Shukla denied there were leads to indicate that foreigners were actual targets in the incident.

The security at vital installations, religious places, railway stations and other places frequented by foreigners had been beefed up, she said, adding cases were taken against unidentified persons under relevant sections of the IPC, Indian Explosive Act, Arms Act and Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act in Bund garden police station of Pune.

RDX, ammonium nitrate used in Pune blast: Govt - Pune - City - The Times of India
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