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Blast in Peshawar

Sad news i think this is 3rd of 4th time im hearing of a bomb blast in Peshawar within a short time span of 2 or 3 months who is doing all this?
Pakistani Success in Anti Terror operations are due to exelent role played by Pakistani media.
today's attack was intended to threaten brave journalists of Peshawar. May God bless those brave souls who got shahadat in todays terrorist attack. Journalists are soldiers who fight on the battlefield of information warfare.

The job which govt. should have done has been done by civilians and journalists.. this is why TTP is friendly to politicians but unhappy with those journalists who expose their master minds.
Without media we would not have known that is is india and US financing and arming TTP animals.
I salute those brave souls who did their job with determination and unearthed trio of TTP-US-india.
Remeber in begining our new govt. crack down on all sites unearthing india link with TTP.
Let see when indian order comes through US to close down Ahmad Qureshi.com
Hats off to Peshawer police!!

I hope and pray that provincial and federal govt are able to do something for the families of our fallen policemen. Something more and meaningful than the usual 5 or 10 lakh support.
Have anyone heard from Jana?

I think she is a Peshawer based journalist, I hope she was not at the Press Club.
How long shall we continue to accept this war of deception?
Indians have acheived their objective and that was to destroy Pakistan's economy. When are we going to ask questions to the evil neighbour.

First ask question to yourself, when will you look for proof before blaming?
Pakistan is on the course for a very painful self-cleansing process. All the conspiracy theories in the world will not save Pakistan given the lack of attention to the economy and education. Our country remains the most underutilized but extremely talented nation and the jahalath of the masses is coming back to haunt us by the day.

The only thing that our people are capable of doing is to get further brainwashed by insecure and idiotic conspiracy theories about arseholes like Xe and Blackwater who are incapable of doing anything right. Everything going on in Pakistan that involves the foreigners is known to and being done with the approval of the GoP. It is just that our Governments are such a bunch of shameless haramis that they do not have the courage to come out and say to the people that we are useless ****s and incapable of sorting our own issues out thus we need the help of outsiders in tracking down our bad guys.

Our insecurity about the rest of the world and what it aims to do to us has mentally and psychologically retarded our thinking process to the point that we are incapable of clearly and concisely figuring out what is wrong with us. Instead what our people are being daily fed with is this regurgitated bullshit about how Pakistan being the bastion of the Islamic world is being targeted. Its a bastion of Islam only in the minds of these *****, self-centered people who come on day and night and rant about these things. Interestingly enough, no body outside of Pakistan and within the ummah thinks of Pakistan the same way.

In the neighboring Iran, despite daily overt threats to that country's nuclear program, life goes on without a peep of conspiracy theories. The Iranians being a much more educated bunch look at things much more analytically and then figure out their reaction despite the fact that they have US Naval carrier groups sitting in striking distance. And here our public is shitting their pants because some useless guns for hire are driving around the city armed with M-4s (for their own protection otherwise we know what happens to gorays in Pakistan).

Its high time for Pakistanis to grow some real gonads and be a bit more self-assured. The bloody capability that has taken 30+ years cannot be whisked away by outsiders. The motley band of US mercs are in all likelihood here in Pakistan under the knowledge of Pakistani Government and doing what the agreement allows them to do. The last thing the gorays do is to send their people in a hostile environment without any local support. Memories of bodies being dragged in the streets of Mogadishu are quite fresh in their minds and they most likely do not want to see a repeat of this in Pakistan.

The crowd is going pagal over non-issues because they are being fed BS by our many "pundits" and "experts" who for lack of "rozgar" have nothing better to do but get invited by like minded idiotic journalists to spout constant, illogical bakvaas on a daily basis.

The Kashmir issue is sitting as it has been over the past 60+ years and while the people and GsOP have gone nuts over this place, all it has done is to turn the rest of Pakistan into a shithole. The dhotis have absolutely zero interest in doing anything to change status-quo because it is only our side which is losing leverage by the day thanks to our idiotic policies and faltering economy and social system.
RIP for people who are dead. I feel sad for the guards, they make sure rest of them survive but their death is almost guaranteed, brave souls may god bless then and their family.
How long shall we continue to accept this war of deception?
Indians have acheived their objective and that was to destroy Pakistan's economy. When are we going to ask questions to the evil neighbour.

These are the questions which I am sure no one will be able to answer over this portal and beyond this portal... Who will kick the @$$ of these Ra$c@!s who are leading this country and playing their dirty games....
They screw up the nation and then they say we want more sacrifices and the nation should prepare themselves for more... Nation is already under the bearing the expenses of our presidential international trips along with his million fellows, nation already is bearing the expenses of paying the interests of loans which they took for themselves from IMF, nation is already bearing the expenses of war on terror which we supposedly were suppose to get from US.
The actual fact is that we as a nation become impotent and this is why we have to live with all these sacrifices……..

Without media we would not have known that is is india and US financing and arming TTP animals.
Is it "the media" that blames India and the U.S., or a form of self-hypnosis welcomed by many Pakistanis who are desperate to blame others?
Is it "the media" that blames India and the U.S., or a form of self-hypnosis welcomed by many Pakistanis who are desperate to blame others?
It is whatever it is that Indians and Americans use to scapegoat other nations for their failures and come up with conspiracy theories and lies (for example) about the ISI supporting XYZ to hide their own shortcomings.

Since you are in the US, studying US society to determine whether this dynamic is 'self-hypnosis' or 'deflection' on the part of Americans would be appropriate - do share your research and conclusions with us.
guys i heard a huge explosion at 12:04pm, right now, i am from peshawar. may be any other member from peshawar like TK can confirm it.
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