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Blast in INS kolkatta

RIP, what is up with indian navy these days?
Peculiar problems were dogging warship INS Kolkata


The gas leak on board the Kolkata Class missile destroyer occurred during testing for “peculiar problems” the warship was facing — all major components are functioning well separately, but start misbehaving when put in tandem — sources said. This accident, alongside the INS Sindhuratna fire last week and the INS Sindhurakshak blasts in 2013, happened during trial runs.

The commissioning of the ship, scheduled this year, may now be delayed.

“The warship’s engine, the gear box and the shaft, all are doing well separately but the ship starts making a noise when all these function simultaneously. A thorough check of the entire machinery to correct the technical snag was on when the incident occurred,” the source added.

The carbon dioxide leak killed Commander Kuntal Wadhwa, 42, who was inspecting the warship’s engine room on Friday afternoon. An engineering officer, Wadhwa had topped in his batch. He is survived by his wife, a 12-year-old son and eight-year-old daughter. He served the Indian Navy for more than over 18 years. His parents reside in New Delhi.

“The officer’s body was taken to JJ Hospital for autopsy and forensic tests before it is handed over to the family members who will arrive from New Delhi,” said an official.

Two MDL personnel present near the warship were also taken to hospital for check-up after they complained of suffocation. They were discharged after being provided with medical assistance.

Yard-701 belongs to a class of stealth guided-missile destroyers constructed for Indian Navy. The class comprises three ships—Kolkata, Kochi and Chennai—all of which are being built by MDL. The most modern destroyer in the country, it is to be commissioned in a few weeks. It is currently at MbPT, undergoing trials.

Representatives from Mazgaon Dock Ltd (MDL) will also be associated with the inquiry set up by the Navy. The department of defence production, ministry of defence, has also asked for a detailed report from MDL. An MDL spokesperson said, “The incident would not affect the warship’s commissioning scheduled in the next few weeks. There is no physical damage onboard. There was a gas leak. The ship will be commissioned on time.”

At the time of the incident, the ship was at MbPT undergoing machinery trials. “The officer who died was the designated officer of the yet-to-be commissioned warship. He was present during trials along with more than 40 Indian Navy personnel when the incident occurred,” the spokesperson said.

Due to delays in their construction and a problem found during sea trials, the initial commissioning date of the first ship of the class was pushed back from 2010 to 2014.

The tragedy has taken place 10 days after fire broke out onboard submarine INS Sindhuratna on February 26 morning, killing two officers—Lieutenant Commander Kapish Muwal and Lieutenant Manoranjan Kumar—and injuring several due to suffocation.

On August 14 last year, three officers killed and 15 crews injured in submarine INS Sindhurakshak. In all the three incidents, the warships malfunctioned during trial runs.

Peculiar problems were dogging warship INS Kolkata | idrw.org
Death on warship INS Kolkata leaves Navy officers angry

NEW DELHI: Widespread anger is palpable among large sections of naval officers as yet another accident claimed the life of an outstanding officer, even as a dirty war has broken out among senior admirals with lobbies backing them to canvass for the post of new Navy chief.

Commander Kuntal Wadhwa, the chief engineer-designate of INS Kolkata, who was killed on Friday, was among his batch's finest officers. This MTech holder's selection to the commissioning team of country's latest destroyer spoke volumes about his capabilities. One of his batch-mates said, "Any sailor could have opened the valve, but Kuntal went to do it himself."

A retired officer, who has mentored Kuntal in his young days, said the officer was upholding the tradition of leading from the front and being personally responsible to ensure that systems such as those for fighting fire in a ship are personally inspected by officers themselves. "While carrying out a tradition he paid with his life," he said.

The story of young officers laying down their life leading from the front is also among the common themes running across most recent naval mishaps. Lt Commander Kapish Muwal and Lt Manoranjan Kumar also died heroically aboard INS Sindhuratna, their colleagues said. They pushed out the sailor who was on duty to keep watch on the battery pit, and were trying to find out the source of fire. Both paid with their lives.

As young officers hold up the highest traditions of military, many in service are also dismayed and appalled by the low standards to which their senior officers are plunging as they try to project their select candidates for next Navy chief's post.

The government is set to appoint the new Navy chief in place of Admiral DK Joshi who resigned on February 26. What is appalling to the officer cadre is the way the contenders and their supporters are going about projecting individual cases. "They are spending all their time in spreading stories about each other, and in projecting individual cases," one young officer said. "But they don't seem to have enough time to sit down and figure out what's wrong, and if there is indeed a systemic problem."

What has left many young officers agitated is the story in the naval circles that a senior admiral may have played an active role in creating a scare around even minor issues by consistently leaking out information and exaggerating them. This particular officer is among those eyeing the top job, and has long bitterly complained about how he has always been discriminated against by the top brass.

There are also stories about arms dealers and other unsavoury elements taking active interest in the appointment of the new Navy chief. Most of these stories do not have any credible evidence, but they definitely add to the resentment among the younger officers.

Death on warship INS Kolkata leaves Navy officers angry - The Times of India
I can't say anything.
Indian navy:nono:
Again and again.

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