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Blast in Adezai kills 36

PESHAWAR: A suicide bomber attacked a funeral procession in the northwestern city of Peshawar on Wednesday killing at least 36 people and wounding over 50, DawnNews quoted senior minister Bashir Bilour as saying.

The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the assault, an AP report said.

The funeral in the city’s Matani area was for the relative of a pro-government, ethnic Pashtun tribal elder, DCO Peshawar Siraj Ahmed told Reuters.

The attacker mingled with the mourners before setting off his explosives, Ahmed said.

Like in other parts of the northwest, Matani is home to several tribal armies that fight against the Taliban and get some government support.

The militants have often targeted the militiamen.

The Pashtun elder whose relative was being buried on Wednesday was involved with a pro-government militia force. It was not immediately clear if he had been killed or wounded in the explosion.

“People had gathered and had just started praying when a boy walked in and blew himself up,” survivor Mohammad Eman told a private television channel.

Bloodied shoes and caps littered the ground where the attack took place, on the outskirts of the city, as stunned survivors milled around or bundled the wounded into trucks and away to hospital, television images showed.

Taliban claim responsibility

The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the assault.

Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan said the insurgents targeted the militiamen because they were allied with the Pakistani government and, effectively, the United States.

”We will carry out more such attacks if they did not stop their activities,” he said via phone from an undisclosed location.

The attack came a day after militants set off a car-bomb at a natural gas filling station in the central city of Faisalabad killing at least 25 people and wounding about 125.

Pakistani Taliban fighting to bring down the government claimed responsibility for that attack.

Pakistan has seen a wave of bombs in the past three years, many in the northwest near the border with Afghanistan, where the military is battling al Qaeda-linked Pakistani Taliban insurgents.

The army says that several military offensives have weakened the militants but bomb attacks are still common.

Source: Dawn.com

there has been quite a few reports of attacks today, are they all the same thing?

poor people.
No I think its the same one. Death toll has just risen. RIP.
This lashkar was let down by pak government and military who set them up. It was in the news only last week that the tribal leader Dilawar Khan had complained about the lack of support from government and today we see the result of that.

Khan's tribe, the Adezai, formed a "peace committee" three years ago with government encouragement, and police say his and other similar groups in the area have helped slow violence in Peshawar.

But Khan and other militias complain that the government and police provide them with little support, leaving the militias - known as lashkars - vulnerable to repeated attacks.

The Adezai lashkar voted last Thursday to abandon its efforts within a week if the government did not provide more assistance, Khan said. Another militia member, Abdur Razzaq, said the group had provided police with several names of militants hiding in the area, but that police had taken no action.

"We are being killed, but the rulers are just paying lip service," Khan said. "They are living in fully guarded forts and talking against militants. . .they should come and stay here overnight to feel the threat."


We should review our use of lashkars immediately.
This is unacceptable, why the security authorities were sleeping, why don't they start cracking down these moth*r *r rats? Why......?
What a shame. And the curse of the useless WOT continues. No wonder such things are bound to happen when you fight against ghosts and shadows. :angry:

It had nothing to do with US WOT- the statement made by the taliban was - they attacked that funeral procession because it had a leader of a PRO PAKISTAN anti Taliban groups wife who was been taken away in that funeral procession. they attacked and killed your countries hero's . even if the Us all went away tomorrow, that group would remain anti taliban - probably a moderate group.

Media is reporting this group has been asking for ammo and stuff from pak. authorities but they are not helping.... wtf?.
My mother is so grieved that she didn't stop crying since afternoon - no eating no drinking just crying, and crying to the Lord who has created us and asking for his help to bring peace to this land and into our lives. The whole family is so saddened at this incident and what's going on in the country. We've close relatives living in Adezai but Alhamdulillah they are safe. The Govt. doesn't seem to be doing anything about it and poor people has been left on the mercy of their own but looking at the sky gives you a little releif that ''To Allah SWT we belong and to HIM we shall return...'' those are the Shaheeds's of this land.

May Allah SWT give patience to their families and the people of Pakistan. Ameen
Violence doesnt seem to stop.....

Wat do these fukin animals want...... killing ppl in the name of Allah the most merciful?

Man im sick of it n have tears in my eyes..... May God bless us with peace n prosperity.
There's a Hadith by Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) that ''During the end of times, people will be killed without any reason, and the one who is killing wouldn't know why is he killing and the ones killed wouldn't know why are they getting killed.''

Pardon me for the reference of the Hadith at this time.
It had nothing to do with US WOT- the statement made by the taliban was - they attacked that funeral procession because it had a leader of a PRO PAKISTAN anti Taliban groups wife who was been taken away in that funeral procession. they attacked and killed your countries hero's . even if the Us all went away tomorrow, that group would remain anti taliban - probably a moderate group.
Ofcourse it had every thing to do with WOT, the flawed WOT lies at the heart of problem.
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