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Blast at Punjab home minister Shuja Khanzada's office, 7 dead

You're an idiot, I can give you loads of evidence of Jihadi material been taught in Madrassas .

For a clue: Go and search it on youtube, and Lol @ no evidence , from where is the 'ideology' coming from then?? Moon?

You are an idiot who is holding on to evidence... which is a crime itself.
I strongly suggest contact your nearest police office.

if there is any evidence on you tube, where people are holding guns or sticks and are killing beating people, please share.
You are an idiot who is holding on to evidence... which is a crime itself.
I strongly suggest contact your nearest police office.

That wouldn't be enough I'm afraid, Police can't do anything about it.

It'll take our Top Level Leadership & Army to do something about it .
That wouldn't be enough I'm afraid, Police can't do anything about it.

It'll take our Top Level Leadership & Army to do something about it .

Perfect.. that's the right approach and I'm willing to pay for your trip expenses e.g. hotel fuel ticket etc..
Perfect.. that's the right approach and I'm willing to pay for your trip expenses e.g. hotel fuel ticket etc..

Everyone, every single one in Islamabad knows what happens in Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa and their Mullah himself claims that they have prepared Red Hot Ready to blow themselves, Suicide Squad and Weapons storage, you think Islamabad Police is Unaware of it??? People are getting brainwashed with Jihadi material on daily basis on this Madrassas, guess what's the name of the Main Library in Lal Masjid??? Its 'Sheikh Osama Bin Laden Library' you get the clue ..

You think Police doesn't know about it?
Give me a Break !!

Everyone, every single one in Islamabad knows what happens in Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa and their Mullah himself claims that they have prepared Red Hot Ready to blow themselves, Suicide Squad and Weapons storage, you think Islamabad Police is Unaware of it??? People are getting brainwashed with Jihadi material on daily basis on this Madrassas, guess what's the name of the Main Library in Lal Masjid??? Its 'Sheikh Osama Bin Laden Library' you get the clue ..

You think Police doesn't know about it?
Give me a Break !!

Red Mosque does not represent Pakistan.. they were protected by long march of Imran Khan, joint venture of Geo news and supporters of azad adlia.
If you take that case to police... they would send you back home because parliamentarians are above the law because they have foreign nationality or their wives have foreign nationality.
You can always try.. which is better than issuing decres and fatwas here, which always carry the risk some one believe and kill hi neighbor by labeling him arab or wahabi or takfiri, who will be responsible than ..webmaster?
Red Mosque does not represent Pakistan.. they were protected by long march of Imran Khan, joint venture of Geo news.
If you take that case all of the parties would be apprehended which is too much to swallow for foreign national parliamentarians and wives of parliamentarians, still as I said right approach is to contact police instead of labeling any one here or inciting hate by issuing fatwas.

Lol you're saying that I should report to the police and fire a FIR against Maulana Abdul Aziz sitting in the Lal Masjid in the Capital of the Country?? responsible for Lal Masjid fiasco and killing of over 60 SSG's?

If I had even an iota of belief that it'd work out, I'd have done that already, unfortunately that's not the case .
Colonel (retd) Shuja Khanzada: Military man and politician
DAWN.COM — PUBLISHED about 3 hours ago

He was serving as the Punjab home minister, leading the province’s fight against terrorism, to which he fell victim. —File
Deceased Punjab home minister Colonel (retd) Shuja Khanzada, son of Yousaf Khanzada, hailed from Shadi Khan Village in Hazro near Attock.

Khanzada was born into a Pakhtun family belonging to the Yousufzai clan. His grandfather, Captain Ajab Khan had served as a member of the Indian Legislative Assembly. His uncle, late Captain (Retd) Taj Muhammad Khanzada had served as Member of the National/Provincial Assembly, Majlis-e-Shura.

After graduating from Islamia College Peshawar in 1966, Khanzada joined the Pakistan Army in 1967. He later took part in the 1971 war that led to the creation of Bangladesh.

In the military, Khanzada served as Instructor/Staff Appointment during 1974-78 and 1982-83. He also commanded the 13 Lancers Regiment from 1983-85 and was awarded the “Tamgha-e-Basalat” gallantry award in 1988. Khanzada was also among the first few soldiers to reach the Siachin Glacier in 1983.

He later moved on to serve as military attaché at the Pakistan embassy in Washington from 1992-94.

Following his retirement from the military, Khanzada entered politics and was elected as a member of the Punjab Assembly in 2002. He served as special adviser to the chief minister and also held a ministry portfolio.

He was then elected to the provincial assembly in the 2008 and 2013 elections.

Currently, he was serving as the Punjab home minister and was a key player in the province’s fight against terrorism, to which he fell victim.

Information obtained from the Punjab Assembly website.
Does not look like suicide blast as the blast was too large. Somebody must have been dumping explosives there for some time.

Undoubtedly...... that does not look like the work of a single "jacket"; more like a "car-bomb"..... unless it was a poorly constructed building.
Lol you're saying that I should report to the police and fire a FIR against Maulana Abdul Aziz sitting in the Lal Masjid in the Capital of the Country?? responsible for Lal Masjid fiasco and killing of over 60 SSG's?

If I had even an iota of belief that it'd work out, I'd have done that already, unfortunately that's not the case .
Man contact authorities with evidence.. which you claimed to have and is the basis of all the discussion we had.
No more spins.. when you need support in contacting police... contact me until than goodbye.
If this kok sucker had any direct or indirect (suppressing) link with Kasur tragedy.. It's a good riddance.

In any case, he was friends with the dikhead that are ruling this country past how many years? Times?

Allah has decided an eye for an eye. If Pakistan does not hang Zardari and his corrupt pups and Tindz and their minions, land grabbing motherland jernails - Get ready.

November 28, 2015 is the deadline.

Awarded most disgusting comment of the day - :tdown:
Undoubtedly...... that does not look like the work of a single "jacket"; more like a "car-bomb"..... unless it was a poorly constructed building.
Can be mixture of both... buildings in Pakistan are generally are of poor construction quality, which this world has seen in followup of earth quake... and I'm sure RAW keep good eye on all aspects.
If this kok sucker had any direct or indirect (suppressing) link with Kasur tragedy.. It's a good riddance.

In any case, he was friends with the dikhead that are ruling this country past how many years? Times?

Allah has decided an eye for an eye. If Pakistan does not hang Zardari and his corrupt pups and Tindz and their minions, land grabbing motherland jernails - Get ready.

November 28, 2015 is the deadline.

If you are condoning anarchy as a means of retribution in particular violence towards someone employed as a government minister then you are by definition a terrorist.

God help your terrorist mind you brain dead fool.

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