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Blast at Jamia Naeemia; Dr Sarfraz martyred

Where your 'free speech' goes when someone wants to discuss things which are not even proven? whereas in order to defame Islam and our Prophet you always try to hide behind the veil of the 'free speech'.

You have and exercise all the free speech that you want to. No one is stopping you here or elsewhere. However, sometimes free speech reveals an empty or a poisoned mind. If your defense of your position about the lack of "proof" that al Qaeda was responsible for the 9/11 attacks is any indication of your scientific skills or honesty, then God help anyone who relies on your research.
Inna Lillahe Wa Inna Alaihe Rajioon
A very sad news not only for Ahl-e-Sunnat but also for Pakistan.
You have and exercise all the free speech that you want to. No one is stopping you here or elsewhere. However, sometimes free speech reveals an empty or a poisoned mind. If your defense of your position about the lack of "proof" that al Qaeda was responsible for the 9/11 attacks is any indication of your scientific skills or honesty, then God help anyone who relies on your research.
Well than Americans should seek help from God because I am constantly getting money from NIH who is approving my grant applications because they believe in my research. Thank God I must say that you are not on the study sections, who tries to find scientific honesty and integrity in my political views.
In my opinion, Mufti Saheb is not targeted by the extremists but those who want to turn the opinion of moderate Ulema against the extremists. From this episode, Taliban achieved nothing but someone else is definitely counting on achieving support of Ulema against the extremists. Until now Ulema were very reluctant to condemn the extremists and openly against the military operation. Whether their opinion changes after this incident remains to be seen. MQM may also find this tempting to kill few JI people and put all the blame on the Taliban.
Brother why give ttp an alibi?
Do you know that this great man had a convention few weeks back in which he openly condemned not only ttp but sufi muhammad as well?
Why would the anti ttp group assassinate one of the key opponents of the terrorists?
All this has done is make anti ttp people more scared
Ttp and their supporting powers have everything to gain here!
This is 99 percent their action by analyzing the method, motivation and timing.
As long as we do not eliminate the terrorists in waziristan, they will be able to operate quite freely since they have a training center, supply depo and bases of operations.
Once that is ripped apart their performance will be severely limited.
Brother why give ttp an alibi?
I am not giving them any alibi, all I am saying is that the TTP may or may not be responsible for Mufti Saheb's assassination. Under such circumstances people try to settle disputes and getaway easily by putting the blame on somebody who is already under fire. As I have mentioned earlier, it is only a theory and theory is a theory until proven. I may be playing devil’s advocate but than what is the charm if everybody says the same thing.
Well than Americans should seek help from God because I am constantly getting money from NIH who is approving my grant applications because they believe in my research. Thank God I must say that you are not on the study sections, who tries to find scientific honesty and integrity in my political views.

It would be better if you provided us with an argument based on the scientific analysis that you claim to have undergone with regards to anything in this thread, be it your views on September 11 or the actual topic of this thread which has been casually derailed.
It would be better if you provided us with an argument based on the scientific analysis that you claim to have undergone with regards to anything in this thread, be it your views on September 11 or the actual topic of this thread which has been casually derailed.
I never claimed I underwent any scientific analysis in regard to the issue at hand. I have a view point that may differ from others. Anyone can elect to agree or not but no need to bring my profession into it. If someone doesn't like my views, ignore and move on. There could always be more than one possibilities and that is a principal every homicide detective knows. Here we have some phone call by an anonymous person who affiliates himself with the TTP and accepts the responsibility. Is this an adequate proof to put the blame on TTP? Just because TTP is involved in terrorist activities, is it fair to hold them responsible for every murder being carried out in Pakistan? Is it not possible that he is murdered by someone else out of any motive and he is getting away under the veil of TTP?
I never claimed I underwent any scientific analysis in regard to the issue at hand.

Then you are not worthy of your opinion if you cut down cold hard facts with talks of science.
TTP claims Lahore, Nowshera attacks

PESHAWAR: The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on Friday claimed responsibility for three suicide attacks in Peshawar, Nowshera and Lahore, saying similar attacks would soon follow. “Dr Sarfraz Naeemi was killed for his anti-suicide attack decree; the attack on Peshawar’s Pearl Continental Hotel was to avenge the attack on a madrassa in Orakzai; and the Nowshera mosque was targeted in response to the military operation,” Saeed Hafiz, deputy to TTP senior commander Hakeemullah Mehsud told media by telephone. staff report

Qsaark, plays an increasingly curious role on the forum, apologist for Talib, a part of the islamist IO cell or is it agent provacateur
Taliban apologists like qsaark are dime a dozen - it would be best to ignore the poor fool along with his 'scientific analysis'...what a joke!
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I am with qsaark on this one I think blackwater may be involved in this but that is only my opinion .

this guy is definitely smoking pot....thanks for the nonsensical yet entertaining post.

Meanwhile, back in the REAL WORLD...:)

News Jang Group

ISLAMABAD: A spokesman for the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on Friday claimed responsibility for two suicide attacks that killed at least nine people in a luxury hotel in Peshawar and a cleric in Lahore.

“We attacked Pearl Continental Hotel in Peshawar because foreigners were coming here and were making conspiracies against Islam and the Taliban,” TTP spokesman Maulvi Omar told AFP by telephone from an undisclosed location.

The spokesman also took responsibility for another suicide car blast in Nowshera earlier in the day in which four people were killed and 105 others wounded. The TTP is headed by the country’s most wanted militant Baitullah Mehsud.

“We also accept the responsibility of suicide attack on Sarfraz Naeemi,” an anti-Taliban cleric, killed on Friday by a suicide bomber along with his deputy, Omar added. “Anyone who will oppose us to please the Americans will face the same fate. The people favouring America are our enemies. Our aim is to enforce the Islamic law in the country,” the spokesman said.
It's important to understand why Talib killed the Mufti.

Talib are an insurgency isn't that so? They have a strategy.

Army action against the Talib has put them under pressure, they therefore must do actions which create chaos and destabilize society - do you think creating sectarian strife in society will destabilize society??? Do you think doing bombings in different cities will make people think that the talib are more powerful than the state??? Do you think bombing symbols (structures) that connect Pakistani society internally and with the outside world will shake the confidence of the society??

This is their strategy - islamist infiormation operatives onthis forum will try to confuse readers, offer absurd rationalizations, the more absurd the better, it just creates greater confusion.

The more clearly we understand that all insurgencies have a play book, a "how to" , if you will, the better we will be able to get a handle on this islamist insurgency -- regardless of the lable or their professed ideals, all insurgencies have core game plans, that is why they are studied the world over.

What do you think their next move will be??

Soon you will see a peace offensive, individuals and institutions who are their fronts will begin to suggest that the Talib want peace but the state does not, simultaneously they will continue to target those individuals in society who can oppose them on ideological grounds, these actions will then be rationalized, "what choice did we have, the evil Pakistan FAUJ was attacking us"

First of all i would like to say that let us examine what Dr. Sarfraz stood for

1) Non violent propagation of Islamic values.
2) No justification for suicide bombings or forced punishments by any party against Pakistani state or its citizens in this he named TTP and also TNSM.
3) Total disagreement with even relatively less hardcore TTP sympathizers like TNSM and especially Sufi Muhammad who were giving justifications for TTP actions and trying to pose as arbiters by forgiving the horrible sins of the militants.
4) Support of Army operation against the terrorists, in this he was really one of the handful of renowned Ulema who openly supported Army...not even our mainstream politicians especially Muslim League N are supporting Army for political reasons.

Now all of the above make him highly despised man by TTP and their supporters!
The manner of his death cannot be called Murder it is called Assassination and is not a simple case of firing a few bullets or using a knife but a high powered explosive the likes of which is typical TTP and the fact that this was a suicide attacks makes it that much unlikely that it was a simple enemy with murderous intent.
Kindly assess the motivation, the method and the timing.
Certainly if someone would have shot him it would have been more doubtful but what came to pass yesterday was truly trademark TTP and still to shrug it off as something else is really naive...but everyone has their own views so i will just say that please do not let the scumbags who are using the name of Islam be given a free pass...

I heard Hamid Gul say that the person was anti US and so was targeted...what a retarded analysis but then again this is what we have been buying of late...why did they not target Hamid Gul or any TTP sympathizers who tow the hardest anti US line?
They always target those who oppose TTP and i should believe that it is not TTP?
Come on guys!!!

I am surprised that many have bought into the theory that all will vanish if US goes away and TTP is just a reaction to US i really do not think we are making 1+1=2 over here; this is way more than a reaction. The deliberate dismemberment of Pakistan and its ideology by targeting all its citizens is not something i can call a mere reaction...the massive level of the terrorism makes it much more than just an unrest...we did not see such a thing in Kashmir or Indian Punjab where there was also heavy local support...over here we have a movement which is freely killing hundreds every month and we call it a mere local reaction...it is a network of terror with many fully trained expert terrorists fed on the twisted words of a few diabolical individuals who are using the name of Islam...
An outfit which is eliminating all those who oppose it and when there is a vacuum in the ranks of anti TTP who will benefit?
The state of Pakistan or the terrorists???

True it all spiraled out of control when US came to Afghanistan but sadly if we do not eliminate and i mean eliminate the TTP name from Pakistan...our identity will be forfeit, whether US stays or leaves will have no bearing on what the most important thing is that we need to do in order to survive.

To survive, Pakistan has to overwhelm and slay this beast.
Since TTP is losing ground and terrorists so they are doing such type of cowardly acts like booming in our cites, killing opponents to put pressure on government. I'm surprised that they TTP captured our land, booming our cities, killing our solders but still few so called leaders have sympathy with them as they are the trade mark of "True Muslim". It is the shame for our nation that after so many years now we wake up against TTP, we should have taken hard action against them so many years ago.
We used them to over throw Rabani and Hikmatyar governments and when US over throw talaban government again we allow them to enter in our country , now this beast is too fat to kill by normal bullet we need to develop special size of bullet or technique?

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