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Blasphemy Laws: Minorities to launch campaign

I don't see that here.

I find a large majority are steeped into interpretation of the Wahabis and the Mullahs.

well ''here'' doesn't represent all of Pakistan....you should be rational enough to understand that an internet forum and its members cannot be used to generalize a population of 180+ million people.

and as far as Pakistan is concerned, if what you said is true then pray tell why even the ''more moderate'' religious parties always fail to get a substantial number of votes during provincial and federal elections -leave alone the more 'hardline' religious groups?
The law isn't going anywhere. It will remain intact as long as Pakistan will remain as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Yammering and sniveling by some wanna-be's, FBCD's(Foreign born confused desis) & Burger Chamcha's(Thanks to DR.Sheerein for this term) are simply futile, as they, in any capacity cannot influence the legislation process in Pakistan.
there is flaw in your approach.
in religious matters we can't give our opinion when rules are already present in Quran and hadith.

There is no flaw in my approach.

You have every right to interpret the Quran and Hadith as you see fit.

However, you have NO right to impose your interpretations on anyone else.
The law isn't going anywhere. It will remain intact as long as Pakistan will remain as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Yammering and sniveling by some wanna-be's, FBCD's(Foreign born confused desis) & Burger Chamcha's(Thanks to DR.Sheerein for this term) are simply futile, as they, in any capacity cannot influence the legislation process in Pakistan.

Sorry but those "burger Chamchas" have just as much right to express their opinions as you do.

You support the law and thats fine but there are people who don't.
The law isn't going anywhere. It will remain intact as long as Pakistan will remain as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Yammering and sniveling by some wanna-be's, FBCD's(Foreign born confused desis) & Burger Chamcha's(Thanks to DR.Sheerein for this term) are simply futile, as they, in any capacity cannot influence the legislation process in Pakistan.

Actually you are right, we will never succeed. As we have fear of being killed by some Mumtaz Qadri. We cannot influence the legislation process, as we believe to exercise influence through 'talks' not with force or weapons.
And who said, that they shouldn't be allowed to voice their concerns................:confused:

Yammering and sniveling by some wanna-be's, FBCD's(Foreign born confused desis) & Burger Chamcha's(Thanks to DR.Sheerein for this term) are simply futile, as they, in any capacity cannot influence the legislation process in Pakistan.

You were putting down people who are against this law. Yammering and sniveling are offensive words to use.
You were putting down people who are against this law. Yammering and sniveling are offensive words to use.

No, they are not offensive at all. If you can prove, that they are considered offensive by any mean's, then I'll be more than willing to edit my post. However, it still doesn't denotes to what you insinuated, There is no need to blow my statement out of proportion, just because you couldn't apprehend it or most probably didn't like the way in which, it was conveyed, still by no means it is offensive.
Yammering: yammer - complain whiningly
Sniveling: whining in a tearful manner
May be there is more to these words, which i as a normal Pakistani is oblivion of. Anyways, for you Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary
No, they are not offensive at all. If you can prove, that they are considered offensive by any mean's, then I'll be more than willing to edit my post. However, it still doesn't denotes to what you insinuated, There is no need to blow my statement out of proportion, just because you couldn't apprehend it or most probably didn't like the way in which, it was conveyed, still by no means it is offensive.
Yammering: yammer - complain whiningly
Sniveling: whining in a tearful manner
May be there is more to these words, which i as a normal Pakistani is oblivion of. Anyways, for you Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary

Saying someone is "whining" is pretty offensive. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if I quoted a post of yours and said you're whining.

Anyways you have the right to believe in what you believe in and I respect that, but please try not attack other peoples opinion because it is different than yours! Thanks.
Actually you are right, we will never succeed. As we have fear of being killed by some Mumtaz Qadri. We cannot influence the legislation process, as we believe to exercise influence through 'talks' not with force or weapons.

Those who are responsible for enacting these laws didn't resort to force or any kind of violence,Did they? So there goes your analogy, right into the dustbin. As for the rest of your post, i agree with it.
What do u mean by..''May be'' ? :P It's quite obvious,NO?

"A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring."

"Some people will never learn anything, for this reason, because they understand everything too soon."

Don't know why victims of Bacha Bazi and young lovers of Mullahs get personal over such matters.

I am neither of the terms created by the victim a few posts above but if it makes him feel happy, why not?
Don't know why victims of Bacha Bazi and young lovers of Mullahs get personal over such matters.

I am neither of the terms created by the victim a few posts above but if it makes him feel happy, why not?

T-Faz: Please do NOT descend to their level. Pedophilia is to be condemned in ALL its forms, and victims of this horrible practice deserve our sympathy and support.
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