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Blasphemy Laws: Minorities to launch campaign


Keep ur opinion to ur self this law has a place in a muslim country ( specially which in the name of islam existed ) and will remain inshaAllah.


Keep ur opinion to ur self this law has a place in a muslim country ( specially which in the name of islam existed ) and will remain inshaAllah.


This particular variation of the law came into existence in the mid 80's so there goes your theory that it has a place in a Muslim country.

Pakistan was a Muslim country before these dark laws came into play, in-fact it was a better country then this reactionary medieval state that it has become now.

You keep your opinion to yourself especially when its full of nonsense.
Hadith are man made and thus fallible, the Quran does not have any explicit mention of blasphemy law and its punishments.

Copy/paste jobs from odd sites won't convince me.

Hadith are all man-made, this is a common excuse these days, wow! Actually you guys are amazing, what goes against you actually never existed!

The six most authentic books of Hadith, the Sihah e Sittah, all the six books gives references to these events, what makes you think it's all man-made, Muslim is the one who believes in Qur'an and Hadith, the Scholars from east to west in the Muslim Ummah are all mad? right? These Hadith were collected when people like you, I mean, secularists never actually existed and there was no need for such a law, the 4 Imams of Fiqha agrees on this principle, Muslims all over the world follow one of the 4 fiqh, why just agree on what's in your favour.

Hadith clearly states the punishment for Blasphemy and reports what was done to those who insulted the Prophet [S.A.W].

If you don't believe on the Hadith, that's your problem, don't try to act like a Scholar and say there's nothing like this in Islam.

The bottom line is, Blasphemy law is here to exist, dare anyone can change it ;)

Actually lets move to the solution, the misuse of the law should be prevented.

What's wrong in these changes? You agree?

Top Islamic body proposes changes in blasphemy law – The Express Tribune

Islamic ideological council itself came with the advice of amendments.
Pakistani Christian demand Dual Vote and repeal of blasphemy law. HRFP​

Islamabad: July 13, 2011. (PCP) Human Rights Focus Pakistan (HRFP) organized a Press Conference on “the minorities’ issues”. The Minorities leaders of Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and others also speak at the conference.

Naveed Walter President HRFP said in his news conference “The minorities’ role in the movement of Pakistan, in the formation of Pakistan and in the development of Pakistan is not unknown. The minorities showed their fully confidence on the leadership of Pakistan‘s founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Quaid-e-Azam), was actually a confidence on the vision, thought and philosophy of state when the minorities leadership gives their right of confidence in the favor of Pakistan”.

The HRFP states that the founder of Pakistan said in his first constituent Assembly on August 11, 1947.

“You are free; you are free to go to your temples, and you are free to go to your Mosques or to any other place of worship in this state of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the state” (Muhammad Ali Jinnah , a founder of Pakistan’s presidential address to the first constituent Assembly on August 11, 1947)

Naveed Walter said more, the Human Rights Focus Pakistan (HRFP) and the minorities’ leaders’ demands to the Government,

1. The minorities have faced the problems, must be solved and the immediate steps must be taken by the Government. The violence against minorities must be ended and the minorities rights must be restored accordingly the UN charter of Human Rights.

2. The discriminatory laws against minorities must be reviewed and the blasphemy laws 295 (B/C) must be repealed because the minorities have reservations on these laws. Also, the prisoner victims must be released on immediate basis and they and their families must be secured.

3. In Balochistan province and in the other parts of Pakistan , where the Government’s rite is not visible, the justice and security must be provided to the minorities there.

4. The legislation is needed in the favor of women in specific; to solve their problems especially in the hadood ordinance & rapes and Government must take the steps to decrease the incidents /cases of violence against them.

5. The minorities & women must have the basic human rights and the Government have to take the steps and it must ensure that the mechanism in which the justice, rehabilitation and security is reachable to them easily.

6. The Government has to give the free of cost, the legal and rehabilitation aid to minorities & women.

7. Same like the Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) the minorities demand the double vote electoral system. The representation of the minorities in Assemblies must be increased.

8. “Hindu marriage registration act” and those Hindu’s Mandirs( Temples ) must be given to Hindus leadership who are still under the custody of Government of Pakistan .

9. The devaluation of federal ministry for minorities must be cancelled.

10. The honor killing cases against women must be ended and ensured.

11. The 5% quota to minorities is given but its implementation does not exist still.

12.Announcement : Human Rights Focus Pakistan and the minorities leaders and their organizations announce that the “Minorities Rights Rally “ will be launched on the August 11, 2011( minorities day ) in front of Parliament House , Islamabad .

Mr. Haroon Sarab Diyyal ( Hindus Rights Activist ) , Miss Sonia ( Coordinator for HRFP – Azad Jammue & Kashmir-AJK), Mr.Samuel Yaqub (Christians Rights Activist) ,Saradar Jagmohan Singh ( Sikhs Rights Activist ) and Daniel Masih (Minority Political worker) also speaks at the news conference .

Pakistan Christian Post
Pretty unnecessary law if you ask me.

As for Hadith, all those Chinese whispers over the years sure made a mess of many of them.

A lot of them do not even have any supporting source on the Quran.

You keep listening to your "scholars" but let me tell you that this law will be abolished one day. It might take it 10 years, it might take it 100 years but it will be abolished.
I marvel at some of you to be so straightforward on issue which are never debated for obvious reasons.
Full Surahe lahab.
May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined, and ruined is he.
His wealth will not avail him or that which he gained.
He will [enter to] burn in a Fire of [blazing] flame
And his wife [as well] – the carrier of firewood.
Around her neck is a rope of [twisted] fiber. [Surah Lahab, verses 1-5]

in islam quran and hadith both are important.for example quran order you for salah but you find the method from hadith.similarly for better and detail explanation of blasphemy check hadith.
read the post of Xestan,post no 200.i think after reading this post there is no need of further argument.

Here is the bold part:
He will enter to burn in a fire of blazing flame.
What do I understand (correct me if I am wrong), in above Aayaah, the fire being referred is of 'Jahannum'.

With regard to Xestan post, I have read that already. The crux of his post is whoever insults PBUH becomes kafir and it is agreed between all the ullemas that a Kafir should be executed.

But I am still unable to hear about any Aayaah supporting the killing of blasphamer.

Keep ur opinion to ur self this law has a place in a muslim country ( specially which in the name of islam existed ) and will remain inshaAllah.


The law under consideration was made part of PPC in 1986. At the time when you, me, my father, your father, and Pakistan were born, there was no such law. If our fathers survived as muslims till 1986 in the absence of this law, I am sure we can also survive as muslims, if the same is even abolished.

That is the entire point, they can never find a source which supports the killing of a blasphemer.

All they have is the "scholars" word.

And examples found in Hadith are not reliable sources as they are merely a collection of supportive events which expand upon the Quran.
^^^ The problem is people give importance to sayings of 'scholars' rather than Quran. Even it is more surprising that they dont quote the Aayahs but still claim that it is mentioned in Quran.
I marvel at some of you to be so straightforward on issue which are never debated for obvious reasons.

more than 90% of pakistanis are like that. It is just few mullahs and their followers who are extremists, which though can be found in every society. Dont you wonder when these mullah parties never get their space in elections?
I don't see that here.

I find a large majority are steeped into interpretation of the Wahabis and the Mullahs.
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