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Blasphemy charges: Out of fear, Ahmadi family on the run

Sir HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW ordered killing of those who insulted him and that is order of Hazrat MUHAMMAD SAW and Islam

Prophet (PBUH) took orders from Allah and all orders are scripted in Quran. To decide a fate of human life we shouldnt refer to Ahadis as they are written by those after Prophet PBUH and primarily reason to keep hold on to power.
Prophet (PBUH) took orders from Allah and all orders are scripted in Quran. To decide a fate of human life we shouldnt refer to Ahadis as they are written by those after Prophet PBUH and primarily reason to keep hold on to power.
Mr rules are made from Hadees to first of all and secondly Hadees are denied by Kharjis among Muslims and we know the status of Kharjis in Islam and those in power have nothing to do with it and punishment of blashmey is death in Islam

---------- Post added at 08:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 AM ----------

So tell me are these mullahs better then sahabas who were beaten and insulted along with prophet by the residents of mecca yet they did nothing?
Sir for your information Jihad was not made Farz in Makkah Jihad was made farz and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW got permission to hit back in Madinah and when permission was given who ever insulted PROPHET SAW was taken out in fact one prisoner of Battle of Badar was killed on the way back to Madinah he was the one who use to put the stomach of Camel on back of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW when he used to pray in Makkah
Mr rules are made from Hadees to first of all and secondly Hadees are denied by Kharjis among Muslims and we know the status of Kharjis in Islam and those in power have nothing to do with it and punishment of blashmey is death in Islam

---------- Post added at 08:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 AM ----------

Your response is as trivial as a sermon of a narrow minded religious cleric. Kharijites aren't the only one who rejects Traditions. Sir Syed and Ahmad Parwaz are few not kharjis tradition critics.
Mr rules are made from Hadees to first of all and secondly Hadees are denied by Kharjis among Muslims and we know the status of Kharjis in Islam and those in power have nothing to do with it and punishment of blashmey is death in Islam

sir FYI if Ahadees were acceptable to all there wont be so many sects in muslims .... hope we talk logic and sense behind your suport for current blasphemy punishments than taking the usual route to declare every one a kafir or kharji when you lack logical and convincing answers
Your response is as trivial as a sermon of a narrow minded religious cleric. Kharijites aren't the only one who rejects Traditions. Sir Syed and Ahmad Parwaz are few not kharjis tradition critics.
and both of these are also considered Fitna among Muslims who tried to divide Muslims

---------- Post added at 08:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 AM ----------

sir FYI if Ahadees were acceptable to all there wont be so many sects in muslims .... hope we talk logic and sense behind your suport for current blasphemy punishments than taking the usual route to declare every one a kafir or kharji when you lack logical and convincing answers
Sir I am telling you the fact you can't follow Quran without following Hadees you can't even pray or make salah or pay zakat or perform Hajj if you don't follow Hadees Sir and Hadees also have orders of punishments in Islam and this was done first by Kharjis they said they we only follow Quran and Sahabs defeated them on this issue and Sir Syed fault resulted in rise of Mirza Ahmed he took the advantage of denying of Hadees and secondly HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW in his life time ordered punishment of death for those who committed Blashmey
man how can you justify something cruel? I mean how would you feel if you were living abroad and the government was trying to arrest you because you were not Christian or Jewish( I don't buy this bs that they insulted because no body in his right would do that in Pakistan)?
man how can you justify something cruel? I mean how would you feel if you were living abroad and the government was trying to arrest you because you were not Christian or Jewish( I don't buy this bs that they insulted because no body in his right would do that in Pakistan)?
I am defending the orders of Islam ALLAH and his great PROPHET SAW and that's not cruel that's the best LAW for humanity because these laws are from ALLAH and his PROPHET SAW :smitten:
Why U all guyz are trying to play with the feelings of Mr Zarvan?? ... he is a straight forward guy and U guyz are trying to disillusion him...its sad...U guyz need to respect his views cuz he is talking from Holy Quran and Hadiths....U all guyz need to respect Holy Quran and Hadiths and don't play with the Islamic laws/orders as in Holy Quran and hadiths......:smokin:
and both of these are also considered Fitna among Muslims who tried to divide Muslims

---------- Post added at 08:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 AM ----------


So, whoever is critical of tradition is a Fitna That sure beats having to come up with a logical response. Grow up. You need to read about the subject before tripping on your argument. As this thread is about Blasphemy not tradition, I leave you with something to think about.

for you is your faith, and for me, my faith
There is nothing Islamic about these man-made laws, this will bring Pakistan down to it's knees. We are a disgrace on the world stage.

---------- Post added at 11:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 AM ----------

Yes the law is justified and according to orders of Islam in Quran and Sunnah and for your information most who have been arrested under this law are Muslims not Non Muslims

Yep carry on making excuses for these un-Islamic manmade laws... Pakistan is drowning in terror because of the populations jahil mentality and a complete lack of understanding Islam. Pakistan is only a Muslim country by name not deed.
Is Islam so insecure that it requires a man-made law to protect against remarks which muslims feel are against Islam??:blink:

BTW even if u think such a law is needed in ur country..dont u think that law should be against remarks on any religion...Rite now Muslims can say anything about Hindus or christians in public hell even on ur prime-time televisions....

Allah doesn't need a 3rd world basketcase country to protect Islam. The insecure parties in Pakistan are the mullahs and their arm-chair extremists ie. Zarvan. The sad thing is majority of the time these Blasphemy laws are used for personal circumstances, nothing to do with Islam at all.

---------- Post added at 11:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 AM ----------

Islam is not in secure but no one can be allowed to make fun of PROPHETS of ALLAH or ALLAH or our Holy Book and yes Islam says clearly that no one can make fun of any religion and JESUS PUBH is the most respected personality in Islam

Oh please shut-up with your uneducated interpretation of Islam and spreading hate, I bet you don't even know the Namaz or how to read the Qur'an.
Pakistan is not the only country with the Blasphemy laws.

Just google Blasphemy laws.

It is the ONLY country where these laws are abused. And carry on making excuses for all of Pakistan's failures.

---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 AM ----------

Pakistan tries to act pious and religious, whereas it is the most corrupt nation in the world, and is running on the charity of Christian nations.
You hit the nail right on it's head there. Pakistan and it's population only acts pious and religious when they don;t even have a clue about Islam. Pakistan gives Islam a bad name.

---------- Post added at 11:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 AM ----------

Don't debate what the law is,

for as now, as long as it is a part of the constitution the law must be enforced.

The culprit should be brought to court and let the law take it's own course.

Weather or not the law is fair etc, is for the Parliament and people of Pakistan to decide. External suggestions are not welcome.

Here we have another arm-chair extremist... Zarvan's brother.

---------- Post added at 11:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 AM ----------

Its a man made law. No where in Quran or Prophet's books "his saying" and "his actions" are any indication of such a law. Its is more of a ego satisfaction thing then anything else.

100% correct, nothing to do with Islam what so ever.

---------- Post added at 11:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 AM ----------

Even though it is a man made law, people even high ranking politicians have lost their lives in trying to abolish this law. In return the killers have been praised. Just goes to show how religious intolerance runs deep in Pakistani society.

The people of Pakistan are just as much to blame as the idiots that brought the law into place. I don't see a rosy future for Pakistan at all.

---------- Post added at 11:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 AM ----------

Ahamdis are not MUSLIMS! END OF STORY

How can a irrelevant non-Muslim like you make that declaration?
well it would probably be the other way around....ahmedis tend to be self-isolating. They only marry amongst eachother....as for the girls, well they are very strict on purdah if i am not mistaken

Wrong.. we are not self-isolating, the laws have seperated us from the Pakistani population.. what do you expect, Ahmadis to be rejoicing?? Even with these vile laws we keep on progressing while you lot keep on making excuses and digging yourself deeper into the *****.
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