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Blasphemy charges: Out of fear, Ahmadi family on the run

That is the never-ending problems in religious countries, no matter what religion it may be.

Blasphemy charges: Out of fear, Ahmadi family on the run – The Express Tribune

Blasphemy charges: Out of fear, Ahmadi family on the run
Teenag*er accuse*d of making deroga*tory remark*s agains*t Holy Prophe*t (PBUH).
By Rana Tanveer

Published: December 15, 2011
Blasphemy allegations continue to haunt minorities in Pakistan.

Aalmi Majlis Tahafuz Khatm-e-Nabuwat (AMTKN) activists alleged that 16-year-old Sajeel committed blasphemy by making derogatory remarks against the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his father, Rana Hakim Jameel, had done the same by portraying Sajeel as a Muslim in his school admission form.

Denying that he ever put down Islam as Sajeel’s religion and all other allegations levelled against his son, Jameel’s was a different tale.

According to him, the allegations stemmed from a school fight.

The school principal overheard some students abusing Sajeel and beat them up. The students later accused Sajeel of telling on them and beat him up. When Sajeel actually went to the principal to complain, he learnt that the students had “made up a story, telling the principal they had attacked him because he had made blasphemous remarks”.

Later, Haji Aslam, the school principal, expelled Sajeel.

Fearing their safety, the two have been on the run ever since the charges emerged.

While the police have yet to register an FIR against the accused, they have already started conducting raids for their arrests.

A member of the accused family, Rana Asfandyar, 18, was arrested by the police, who allegedly pressurised the young student to reveal his brother’s whereabouts, Asfandyar’s older brother, Rana Mujahid told The Express Tribune.

At local mosques, various religious scholars were fuelling a hate campaign against Ahmadis, Mujahid alleged, adding that evoking such hatred among the public could prove dire for his family.

However, Khushab police station SHO Raja Arshad told The Express Tribune that since the family refused to tell them about Sajeel’s whereabouts, the police had brought Asfandyar in to record his statement at the DPO’s office. Arshad denied that they had detained the boy.

Mujahid alleged that religious scholars Qari Saeed and Waqas Ahmed were producing “false witnesses” before the police.

SHO Arshad said that they were still in the process of recording the statements of witnesses, and hence, were unable to conclude their investigations.

Meanwhile, Jameel alleged that a property dispute could also be a reason behind the accusations.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 15th, 2011.
Yes the law is justified and according to orders of Islam in Quran and Sunnah and for your information most who have been arrested under this law are Muslims not Non Muslims
“The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter.”

It is a travesty of justice that a verse dealing with war, sedition and rebellion is invoked to punish what may not even qualify as theocratic or religious dissent. In fact, Article 295 is not just a travesty of justice, it is an iftira (slander) against the Almighty and Prophet (PBUH) as it attributes to them what they never mandated.

However, Article 295 is repugnant to the Quran and Sunnah and, as long as it remains on the books, it will be a direct negation of the verse “Wama arsalnaka illa Rehmatan-lil-alameen” (We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures — 21:107). By not prescribing harsh penalties, the Almighty prevented this exalted status of Mohammad (PBUH) from being undermined.
“The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter.”

It is a travesty of justice that a verse dealing with war, sedition and rebellion is invoked to punish what may not even qualify as theocratic or religious dissent. In fact, Article 295 is not just a travesty of justice, it is an iftira (slander) against the Almighty and Prophet (PBUH) as it attributes to them what they never mandated.

However, Article 295 is repugnant to the Quran and Sunnah and, as long as it remains on the books, it will be a direct negation of the verse “Wama arsalnaka illa Rehmatan-lil-alameen” (We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures — 21:107). By not prescribing harsh penalties, the Almighty prevented this exalted status of Mohammad (PBUH) from being undermined.
Sir first understand the meaning of this ayat this doesn't mean that we allow anybody to make fun of PROPHET SAW in the life of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW many people were taken out who made fun of Hazrat MUHAMMAD SAW
Sir first understand the meaning of this ayat this doesn't mean that we allow anybody to make fun of PROPHET SAW in the life of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW many people were taken out who made fun of Hazrat MUHAMMAD SAW

Punishment is the problem. You dont kill someone for making fun of a prophet. exile him/her from the land or make them do community work as their punishment or throw them in jail. Killing does not solve any problem but it only make Islam look bad.
Sir first understand the meaning of this ayat this doesn't mean that we allow anybody to make fun of PROPHET SAW in the life of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW many people were taken out who made fun of Hazrat MUHAMMAD SAW

So was Abu Sufyan killed or Hind bin Uthbah?
They ridiculed the prophet at his face... :confused:
So its once again Ahmadis after which the whole Pakistan is after. For the love of GOD spare us from this BS.

Ahmadis are one of the most strongest community in Pakistan ,Just like Jews they are in small number but they are controlling

Abt the law it need to get bit modified so as to protect it from misuse.

In this thread i have seen some people saying that due to this law we are in this condition .But i like to point out this coz of the

Bastard Bureaucrates which are responsible for making the policies and implement them.No coz of one law.

Ahmadi's should stop acting like a victim .
Punishment is the problem. You dont kill someone for making fun of a prophet. exile him/her from the land or make them do community work as their punishment or throw them in jail. Killing does not solve any problem but it only make Islam look bad.
Punishment is not the problem punishment is according to Quran and Sunnah punishment is death in Quran

---------- Post added at 10:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:49 AM ----------

So was Abu Sufyan killed or Hind bin Uthbah?
They ridiculed the prophet at his face... :confused:
The accepted Islam before anything could have been done but they are around 10 people who were killed for blashmey if you want I can tell you examples
Punishment is not the problem punishment is according to Quran and Sunnah punishment is death in Quran

---------- Post added at 10:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:49 AM ----------

The accepted Islam before anything could have been done but they are around 10 people who were killed for blashmey if you want I can tell you examples

So Islam isn't really a religion of peace now is it ? If there is no provision for forgiveness and tolerance, then it cannot be classified as a religion of peace.
So Islam isn't really a religion of peace now is it ? If there is no provision for forgiveness and tolerance, then it cannot be classified as a religion of peace.
Sir Islam is the religion peace and that is why it is the fastest growing religion in the world
Not due to the approach you seem to be promoting.
Sir peace doesn't mean we tolerate everything peace means peace means submitting your will to GOD and following his orders
Punishment is the problem. You dont kill someone for making fun of a prophet. exile him/her from the land or make them do community work as their punishment or throw them in jail. Killing does not solve any problem but it only make Islam look bad.

Its as simple as that ... killing some one just cause he / she disagrees or disrespect you wont solve a thing... infact these actions are disregarding the work of prophet PBUH and degrading Islam.
Its as simple as that ... killing some one just cause he / she disagrees or disrespect you wont solve a thing... infact these actions are disregarding the work of prophet PBUH and degrading Islam.
Sir HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW ordered killing of those who insulted him and that is order of Hazrat MUHAMMAD SAW and Islam
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