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Blasphemy case: Masjid imam offers reward to kill Aasia

'Islam is peace' ...it is, until u don't try to mess with the personalty muslims hold dear more then anything ... the time u do that expect retaliation , peace can never be one sided . Such attitudes push many so called moderate muslims (like me) into extremist fold .
The woman in question is a convict ,
she is poor but there are many poor in Pakistan like any society.
she is illitrate but there are many .
she is from a minority community , there are many woman from minority community in Pakistan (law abiding citizens).
I am however willing to propose a conditional pardon on live TV whereby such a convict publicly apologises for the outburst and says that he/she regrets his/her actions and is willing to do anything to alleviate the hurt feelings of the majority and the minority community (by endangering their lives) .I think a pardon along those lines should be acceptable by someone like me.
No links from Holy Quran can you please add them again ... i would like to discus it as per the sayings of Holy Quran

Read again there r Quranic refrences also, and why Quran only, does word of Prophet is not enough for you.
The verdicts of most Muftis and religious scolars these days simply do not seem right. In these circumstances I find many people like me who are trying to understand Islam from the source. This to me is the best approach. Don't trust people try to learn directly from the Holy Quran.

Very nice approach, go to the source first, things will clear out like black and white. :tup:
Read again there r Quranic refrences also, and why Quran only, does word of Prophet is not enough for you.

i have read it through , there are no Quranic verse !! As far as Prophet (pbuh) word is concerned his actions were different than this draconian law ... he pardoned those who abused him there are 2-3 very famous and known stories !!
The comment of "SirMagpieDeCrow", at altmuslim.com:

It gets worse... Aside from the threats against her family which has forced them into hiding, now there is word that a Pakistani cleric named Maulana Yousef Qureshi has made a public announcement that his mosque will offer $6,000 to anyone who kills her if the government doesn't hang her.

The sad truth is even if Aasia survives the possibility of being hanged by the state, her family will find no safe haven ever again in Pakistan.

The cleric currently faces no prosecution, no unified government condemnation or even criticism from the Pakistani religious establishment for such an outrageous act. If someone pulled a similar stunt in the United States, Britain, etc., they would be facing prosecution on the charge of solicitation of murder.

For the past two years I have read the accounts of Christians who were so despondent about their quality of life that many wanted to abandon Pakistan for another country, but could not due to their poverty. At this point any Christian or non-muslim native to Pakistan should leave the first chance they get. Pakistan is simply a dead zone for even the most passive and law abiding non-muslim.

Death could come at anytime from either lynch mobs, indifferent politicians or a dysfunctional judiciary that defies all human logic.

P.S. check out this link to see an article on this latest death threat and a picture of the contemptible religious cleric. Note: he's the evil little gnome in the foreground

VOA | Pakistan Cleric Offers Reward for Killing Christian Woman | Asia | English
go do ra esearch on fascist groups like Volksfront which still operate in countries like USA

do they represent the U.S. or Christianity? I doubt it.
And if I am to follow that famous quote..
"democracy ensures that we are governed by people no better than ourselves"
George Bernard Shaw. Note that as an Irishman he was speaking in the context of the religious civil war that plagued the country, one where both sides and their politicians were uncompromising - just like much of the citizenry.

I dont gauge people on who their loudest are..
But on who their smartest and brightest are.. and the honorable ones..And there are a way more of those in the Muslim world..
including those Muslims who call themselves American..
Under the shadow of terror Pakistan's press is not fully free, nor are officials and soldiers fully accountable to the voters or the law. So how can you be confident in the accuracy of your statement? Isn't it just a statement of hubris by you, one shared with your countrymen?

P.S.: the sick pornography does nothing for Pakistan, does it?
Such incidents only negate Islam and Muslims, nothing good was achieved by commiting this murder..

1 - It was unprovoked act of Rajpal

2 - He was released by the court ( no minimum sentence )

3 - Ilam Din's action served as deterrent and amendment in law

Ilam Din was riled up by Mullahs in the local mosque, I know his story well and his background too. He was a street kid who had a penchant for drugs and was quick to loose his temper.

That is a fact.

Even people criticized Imam Hussain aleh salam was this and that...:undecided:

May Allah show them the right path... amen
1 - It was unprovoked act of Rajpal

2 - He was released by the court ( no minimum sentence )

3 - Ilam Din's action served as deterrent and amendment in law

Even people criticized Imam Hussain aleh salam was this and that...:undecided:

May Allah show them the right path... amen

Firstly, the law is useless because to this day people can commit blasphemy, they can also move to a another state like Rushdie and do what they want, nothing can stop them. This is why you leave it to Allah to decide their fate.

Also, did you just compare Imam Hussein to Ilam Din, a drug addict murderer to an important figure for Shias and family member of Mohammed (SAW).

That is a blapshemy, going by you logic, I need to punish you for it.

As for those accusations against Ilam Din, I have heard them from his own family, ask me for a contact and I will give it to you so you can contact him and hear it from a relative of Ilam Din.
Firstly, the law is useless because to this day people can commit blasphemy, they can also move to a another state like Rushdie and do what they want, nothing can stop them. This is why you leave it to Allah to decide their fate.

Also, did you just compare Imam Hussein to Ilam Din, a drug addict murderer to an important figure for Shias and family member of Mohammed (SAW).

That is a blapshemy, going by you logic, I need to punish you for it.

As for those accusations against Ilam Din, I have heard them from his own family, ask me for a contact and I will give it to you so you can contact him and hear it from a relative of Ilam Din.

correction - Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) is one of the most important figures for every muslim not only ahl-tasheh(shias) . Even the most objective and unbiased study of the Karbala conflict will reveal that Hazrat Imam Hussain's sacrifice saved Islam from oblivion otherwise Islam would have suffered an irrepairable loss.
It was an unnecessary murder, Hadhrat Mohammed (PBUH) endured greated insults including physical attacks, only to forgive the individual later.

You know of the incident where the Prophet helped carry material for some individual who discussed the Prophet in very insulting terms unknowing that it was the Prophet himself who was helping that person. At the end of the journey, the Prophet revealed to the individual that he is the person who he had been cursing all along.

So if he can sustain insults right there then what justification are you using for murdering others.

Such incidents only negate Islam and Muslims, nothing good was achieved by commiting this murder.

T-Faz, just one question, on what you base your knowledge of Muhammad as a historic person?
How do you know about him, his life,his actions, his companions, etc?
T-Faz, just one question, on what you base your knowledge of Muhammad as a historic person?
How do you know about him, his life,his actions, his companions, etc?

Here we go again...

Look stop being lazy and do the research yourself, you can find everything on the internet now, everything aunt marble's cherry pie recipe to the history of Islam.

i have read it through , there are no Quranic verse !! As far as Prophet (pbuh) word is concerned his actions were different than this draconian law ... he pardoned those who abused him there are 2-3 very famous and known stories !!

i request you to kindly come up with those 2-3 stories and their sources.
thank you.
Here we go again...

Look stop being lazy and do the research yourself, you can find everything on the internet now, everything aunt marble's cherry pie recipe to the history of Islam.


probably u didn't notice, but that question want directed towards you.
there is a reason why i asked him to let us know his source of information about life of Muhammad.
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