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Blaming Pakistan ‘unfair’, Afghan unrest an outcome of military solution, PM tells Ghani

Prime Minister Imran Khan addressing Central and South Asia 2021: Regional Connectivity: Challenges and Opportunities’ conference.


That was angry n good answer by Mr pm put idiot in his hol.
and very accurate as the entire problem in the subcontinent is due to Hindu RSS ideology of hate and intolerance ..
Sadly, you & I can't share our...common every day experience - so candidly.

But, you & I are most certainly enjoying the everyday reactions. #Gold
Sadly, you & I can't share our...common every day experience - so candidly.

But, you & I are most certainly enjoying the everyday reactions. #Gold

true.. but I am so happy our PM said it to their faces.

if Indians were a normal and honorable people they would have followed the partition plan ( deeply flawed that it was) and separated Kashmir like it should have … and not conduct in mass murder of Muslim migrants who were happy to leave india.

but bcos they have a RSS hindu mentality they dishonored their agreements and took our frustration on trains bound for Pakistan and instigated many riots that led to murder of millions of Muslims
massive numbers of afghans and non afghans leaving afghanistan .PIA daily flight PK6250 is too overbooked that they have changed aircraft from A320 TO B777 in recent days . its first time PIA B777S have been used for afghanistan since last many many years. they are leaving sinking ship rapidly ,


Afghanistan has had 20 years to convince its people that the taliban were the wrong type of government. They had 20 years to do something for their people that would convince them of the benefit of their government. They had next to unlimited support and diplomatic cover from the west. And through it all, they failed. President Ghani should make sure his passport works for another country bc hell be hanging from a tree in a few months time. All his allegations and blame won’t save him.
Afghanistan has had 20 years to convince its people that the taliban were the wrong type of government. They had 20 years to do something for their people that would convince them of the benefit of their government. They had next to unlimited support and diplomatic cover from the west. And through it all, they failed. President Ghani should make sure his passport works for another country bc hell be hanging from a tree in a few months time. All his allegations and blame won’t save him.

Lets be fair with a NATO occupation and insurgency, you can't exactly nation build. Its up to the people there to evolve past violence. I don't they think can do it, too far gone, its in their blood now. Unfortunately for Pakistan it has to live next to this shi*tshow. I just hope the borders are shut tight for the next 10 years.
Seems like PM Imran Khan went off script just to answer back the ungrateful Afghan munafiqs ....

Pakistani govt is very week at this time should have take advantage and wipe out all enemies

Yea it seems he actually went off script to make that point. Made it seem he himself is invested in the issue and not just going through the motions.

It would not have been befitting for the PM to do so. Just as we didn't see Putin do it rather a lower ranking official, if indeed it must be done.
Imran made a genuine impassioned plea for peace, his sincerity shone in his emotional voice, what a powerful diplomat and a great role model for the aspiring youth of Pakistan.
Lets be fair with a NATO occupation and insurgency, you can't exactly nation build. Its up to the people there to evolve past violence. I don't they think can do it, too far gone, its in their blood now. Unfortunately for Pakistan it has to live next to this shi*tshow. I just hope the borders are shut tight for the next 10 years.

US and many NATO allies were giving tens of billions for reconstruction, development and education. Instead of using that time and space to build alliances with their Muslim neighbors, these murtad puppets allied with India and trashed their strongest possible allies.

Look at Iraq. They chose to befriend their strongest most capable long term ally…Iran. They didn’t antagonize neighbors and favor some far flung totally foreign fake friend. And while things are far from normal their govt isnt collapsing and you don’t have some rebel group taking over. They beat back ISIS. ANA couldn’t beat their dogs let alone humans.
Afghanistan has had 20 years to convince its people that the taliban were the wrong type of government. They had 20 years to do something for their people that would convince them of the benefit of their government. They had next to unlimited support and diplomatic cover from the west. And through it all, they failed. President Ghani should make sure his passport works for another country bc hell be hanging from a tree in a few months time. All his allegations and blame won’t save him.

At the very least, they could have tried to extend an olive branch and integrated the Talibs into the government after Bonn in 2002. If I remember correctly, the Talibs were even willing back then. The US should have compelled the NA to not hoard power, and this war could have been over in under a year, where the US could have helped to fund reconstruction and resettlement of refugees back in Afghanistan from Iran and Pakistan, creating a permanent ally in the region.

This is why, a negotiated settlement in 2021 is necessary or else this cycle will just repeat.
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