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BLA terrorists bomb Jinnah's Ziarat residency museum.


o kutttii kay bachay hain yeh jinho nay kiya hai... lanat ho Khud ki in per !! :angry:
Do we have blue prints in place for the rebuilding same design?

I am sure we would have that. Govt would definitely have it in the old archives.

But it should be built in the most fastest pace possible. I don't want to see traditional govt insensitivity in this issue. Start the work from today, in fact from now.
This is not going to Demoralize anyone , instead it is only just going to increase the hatred for these Lunatics among people , those who once said lets bring them to table are now saying Lets kill these Vermin's .

If only these idiots will realize that.

everything that is related to Quaid is like a scared place to me. his shoes, his dress, his letters, his chair...everything, and they are taking that away from us. our heritage of Freedom... and its not the first attack on Quaid-e-Azam's legacy.
Gentlemen, although this is shocking indeed but let's not get too emotional about it, buildings, monuments are worldly items that can be either replaced or rebuilt....the bottom line is, Quaid-e-Azam (RA) lives in our hearts for eternity and we have the most prized possession of his called Pakistan.......This reaction due to this cowardly act by the scum bags has only proved how much we love our Quaid and one can just imagine how the guys in uniform must be feeling, expect some hunt and destroy missions. !!

#Initial #findings: BLA militants from Harnai/Shahrag carried out the action. they chanted anti state slogans & left behind paper chits 1/5

There were no security persons deployed at the residency at the time of attk. DC Ziarat, tech, is responsible for security/maintenance 2/5

civil chowkidars are employed for security during day. one policeman killed by militants when he got to the residency hearing blasts. 3/5

50 FC tps from loralai scouts were rushed to site who reached there at 0320 hrs. museum building with Quaid’s pics has not been damaged. 4/5

reports indicate locals protesting. the residency was seriously damaged during the 2008 earthquake and was renovated by army sappers. 5/5
Gentlemen, although this is shocking indeed but let's not get too emotional about it, buildings, monuments are worldly items that can be either replaced or rebuilt....the bottom line is, Quaid-e-Azam (RA) lives in our hearts for eternity and we have the most prized possession of his called Pakistan.......This reaction due to this cowardly act by the scum bags has only proved how much we love our Quaid and one can just imagine how the guys in uniform must be feeling, expect some hunt and destroy missions. !!

sir these are not holy in terms of religious sort, but these are national treasures that must be protected..... because these things symbolizes the legacy, to what we are, who we are, and what it took that created this country.... every great nation preserves their history.

#Initial #findings: BLA militants from Harnai/Shahrag carried out the action. they chanted anti state slogans & left behind paper chits 1/5

There were no security persons deployed at the residency at the time of attk. DC Ziarat, tech, is responsible for security/maintenance 2/5

civil chowkidars are employed for security during day. one policeman killed by militants when he got to the residency hearing blasts. 3/5

50 FC tps from loralai scouts were rushed to site who reached there at 0320 hrs. museum building with Quaid’s pics has not been damaged. 4/5

reports indicate locals protesting. the residency was seriously damaged during the 2008 earthquake and was renovated by army sappers. 5/5
@Leader i have request from you please and For GOD sake dont bring politice in these national Issues. Please
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it was BLA's doing, why would they strike deep into afghanistan? now just kill and bomb every SOB and brand their leaders as terrorists and ask europe to hand them over
I was really upset when I heard the news, but for some unknown reasons our media is silent. Then I came here and found some solace among my friends of PDF. I understand it was just a building, but it was a building related to my Quide. I pray that every Pakistani start showing the same love for Quide's country when people damage this country through corruption, nepotism, fraud, dishonesty, theft, militancy or any other way.
Everyone kno who is supporting these BLA with FUNDS!

we cant go against our friends from the west....and now that nihari league is in power i dont expect any retaliation on the eastern front too
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