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BLA terrorists bomb Jinnah's Ziarat residency museum.

I don't think you and I are in contradiction here--basically saying the same things, I think.

But BLA and indeed Baluch nationalism is a lost cause. Geography and demographics have decided their fate. At most some funding and 'safe havens' can be found in/through Afghanistan but that too can end. The Pashtuns in Baluchistan are a large percentage of the population and are very strong in Quetta--the only notable city in Baluchistan. The ethnic groups along the thinly-populated, but strategic coastline are not necessarily alienated from Pakistan.

The Baluch nationalists represent a backward, whiny ethnic group which has been complaining from day one. They will remain an irritant. Nothing more. Just like India's Sikh nationalism was a lost cause because of demographics so is the Baluch nationalist cause. That we even talk of the Baluch nationalism so much these days is because of the perceived/real support from NATO in Afghanistan...and that can change after 2014.

Well, BLA may not be too strong but I believe they are enough in numbers to keep registering tactical attacks on Pakistani establishment every now and then. But situation inside Pakistan is more than just BLA and that's where everything stats getting complicated.

The solution I believe lies in development of the affected areas, more state attention towards their grievances.

This topic is really vast and beyond the scope of this thread, so I will leave it to that.
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Massive spring cleaning of the country is required, Iran style. Round up every politician, military/ police general, laweres etc, and shoot them between the eyes. Any sympathisers should be shot as well.
this is not any act of terrorism, this is attack on pakistan's ideology

I agree with you totally, its a shameless act by the bla, but you are turning this in to a shrine. Its not a shrine he used this place because it was beneficial for his health.

Jinnah was a great man no doubt about that but not everyone in Pakistan relates to jinnah, now all internet pakistanis sitting in usa, UK and everywhere else will be upset by this and will chuck accusations such as traitor etc etc , but they dont really understand reality.

Jinnah was a just a lawer who won the case for the public of Pakistan.
I agree with you totally, its a shameless act by the bla, but you are turning this in to a shrine. Its not a shrine he used this place because it was beneficial for his health.

Jinnah was a great man no doubt about that but not everyone in Pakistan relates to jinnah, now all internet pakistanis sitting in usa, UK and everywhere else will be upset by this and will chuck accusations such as traitor etc etc , but they dont really understand reality.

Jinnah was a just a lawer who won the case for the public of Pakistan.

where am i turning it into a shrine?

it represents pakistan in balochistan and they have destroyed only pakistani symbol in balochistan?
where am i turning it into a shrine?

it represents pakistan in balochistan and they have destroyed only pakistani symbol in balochistan?

You can hardly call that a Pakistani symbol, we are united by faith and not some figure that some like to glorify and others who dont relate to.

I have said its a sad act but to say its an attack on ideology of Pakistan is wrong, you will get moment like these when you opress and deny others equality and when you don't let them have a say and control of their resources.
You can hardly call that a Pakistani symbol, we are united by faith and not some figure that some like to glorify and others who dont relate to.

I have said its a sad act but to say its an attack in ideology of Pakistan is wrong.

please take your crap else where this is not the place for you

you you dont accept quaid e azam as our founder and father then i dont respect you as a pakistani, go seek afghani or arab brother hood

if you want me to follow taliban islam or pakistan to make taliban our father then we wont
please take your crap else where this is not the place for you

you you dont accept quaid e azam as our founder and father then i dont respect you as a pakistani, go seek afghani or arab brother hood

if you want me to follow taliban islam or pakistan to make taliban our father then we wont

I am not after Arab brotherhood or any other for that matter, it doesn't mean i am a less Pakistani that i don't relate to jinnah, not that i said i do or i don't, you
just assumed.

You are welcome to your opinion.
Its not true, pashtuns in that province are more stronger than balochs, they are just quiet..you cant protect yourself from unknown gunmen in Quetta city whether you are punjabi or pakhtun....but in rest of their districts, pakhtuns have tight grip on their areas....violence from baloch areas has not spilled into pashtun belt of balochistan...

Pashtuns of balochistan need to be more vocal. Their quetta city is getting violated by baloch terrorists and now this incident....they should call for a jirga and issue strong warning to baloch terrorists that their activity wont be tolerated in areas like ziarat and quetta.

I doubt the Pashtun masharan would hold such a jirga as this might lead to serious Baloch-Pashtun tensions and wud also make pashtuns a target of BLA and BRA. it seems pashtuns think as long as no loss of life or serious damage takes place there's no need to take any panga with Baloch rebels.
We got to re visit the strategy based on what our main enemy wants.. one should be in no doubt that main enemy is U.S…….. They want more collateral damage... Bugti could have been targeted in some other way outside his cave in a secret sniper style mission or road side thing but making it a clear army against People of Baluchistan issue made things worse... people like Musharaf helped the U.S cause in the war against terror. They helped pour more oil on coal to fuel the anger against Pakistan army.. Back when the war started i warned the PAk army that the entire reason for the war is to start a insurgency in Pakistan by fueling the anger caused by military operation.. U.S was well aware of our mode of operation inside Afghanistan in case if Afghanistan was occupied by any foreign force.. they knew how we armed the tribes and how they operated back in the 80's.... What is lacking in Musharaf and people like you who just want to blindly enforce a certain decision is that why U.S actively and passively let 9/11 happen.. You want all people to call it theories of conspiracy and not look at the facts... The reason why such theories emerged from u.s don't surprise me at all.. as they have mastered the game of delusion...they themselves becomes their own critics and publish such material deliberately with massive holes in such theories to get them discredited by masses so in the end their own view point gets supported.
I am a non military person.. in your egotistic language i am a civilian ( illiterate)... but still with my illiterate eye i have seen and noticed many errors in their theories... like for example the way NSA head appeared on fox news the night before 9/11... though the government n other hand was publicly denying the existence of NSA before 9/10/2001... that was the first appearance of NSA head on public t.v.. fox news September 9,2001 10 p.m.... also watch the 9/11 happen.. i was watching it and first plane no one can tell so it hit the building but what about 2nd and then 3rd and before third could even enter the washington DC 15 minutes before it's entry they were clearing white house and all important location.. tell me what if it was a nuclear ballistic missile..... Civilian planes in terms of speed are like donkey carts for military planes why was the plane not shot down... there must have been protocol for such situations... do you think there was none.. just because they discredited the critics by being themselves as bogus critics does not mean we stop looking for such reasons... Arab spring was also planned... people were inducted and all you were looking was a spark to lite the fuel.... infect all of the global recession has been engineered to trigger such engineered such revolutions.. Muhammad al baradi was ready to get the results of Egyptian revolution but unfortunate for him that some one else took the bite...this is phase 2 of New World order......Army was wrong in letting a corrupt govt of Zardari rule for 5 years.. they thought by putting a face u.s wants they can work in back ground... U.S knows how army works.. Due to bad public image generated during first phase of war against terror in PK army would have replaced musharaf and would have allowed so called democratic leadership won by u.s engineered elections....Putting Zardari in place was like drop of water on a Iron rod.. harmless though it seems initially .. slowly with the induction of dollars it will have its feet stuck deep into all departments of Pakistan and this is what happened... Especially with interior ministry in the hands of rahman malik....Third phase in war against terror was to put nawaz sharif into power.... during the time when Syria will be attacked and when things will get worse for Iran... so Saudia influence was necessary.... fourth phase is too kill the leader of patriots ... 5 and 6 stage and final stage is generate a scenarios where nuclear arms seems to be going into the hands of militants or uncertanity regardng nuclear arms... as our so called friends have no rules and are friends with devil so they use any and every mean to reach their goal ... at times alqaida will seem to be their enemy and at other stage they will use the same force... remember not to be dodged by the in between steps focus on their main goal.. path is not important to them neither religious non religious secualr or non secualr ... their always keep their focus on main goal.. so to blind you they generate such events where you are asked to use brutal force go once for all and go blindly... such times are infect no action times... such times require policy strategy/vision and tactical review with a cool mind
I doubt the Pashtun masharan would hold such a jirga as this might lead to serious Baloch-Pashtun tensions and wud also make pashtuns a target of BLA and BRA. it seems pashtuns think as long as no loss of life or serious damage takes place there's no need to take any panga with Baloch rebels.

Baluch pushtoons don't need to get involved, it has nothing to do with fear or anything such, it will just create more tension and bloodshed, we already have plenty problems and we don't need more.
I am not after Arab brotherhood or any other for that matter, it doesn't mean i am a less Pakistani that i don't relate to jinnah, not that i said i do or i don't, you
just assumed.

You are welcome to your opinion.

im not an extremist, i am a normal muslim and a pakistani, i dont follow deobandism, i dont follow takfiism, i dont follow wahabism, i follow simple un complicated islam

i believe in pakistan more thn i believe in arab islamic brotherhood, or persian islamic brotherhood

quaid e azam gave us this country, he is our founder and he gave us direction so i respect quaid e azam

quaid even he drank and even he ate pork was better muslim then these talibans who did nothing good, quaid e azam united us in one country

and he is the foundation of our ideology together with allama iqbal

this is the soul of pakistan

punjabi, pashtun, baloch doesnt matter to me

i respect jahangir khan as my own, i never thought of jahangir khan, jan sher khan as pashtun hero, they alll represent pakistan

if you are for pakistan then its good, otherwise you are not my pakistani mate

if you want me to follow talibans sorry bro but they dont represent pakistan or its ideology, pakistan ideology was made long time ago

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