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BJP president Amit Shah stops speech during azan, ridicules Mamata

We got treated badly in Kashmir. We don't a separate country. You got one because you could shed a lot of blood. You(actually not you though) were able to butcher hundreds of thousands. You got it because you were able to disturb the power balance in India enough to settle for a division. :agree:

That tambakoo is clouding ur judgement:lol:
That tambakoo is clouding ur judgement:lol:
Naaah. The football game in pause (I am multitasking) is. :D

This guy is NOT having a paan :(

Muh hi aisa h...kya kare :P

@he-man @Akheilos
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BJP president Amit Shah Sunday took a jibe at West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Sunday, and stopped his speech mid-way following azan (Islamic call to prayer) from a nearby mosque.

"Let us stop. We don't want to give Mamata any excuse," Shah said, halting his speech for nearly five minutes after the azan was sounded.

With many supporters shouting slogans during the azan, Shah raised his hands signalling them to stop, and reiterated: "Please let us not give Mamata any excuse."

The Bharatiya Janata Party chief was addressing a rally, permission for which was given by the Banerjee administration only Saturday.

The city police, West Bengal Fire Department and the Kolkata Municipal Corporation had denied permission for the event at the Victoria House, where the ruling Trinamool Congress usually organises its annual martyrs' day rally.

An intervention by the Calcutta High Court saw the BJP getting the nod only at the eleventh hour.

Sounding the battle cry for the 2015 municipal polls and the 2016 assembly elections, Shah unleashed an all-round attack on Banerjee and her party and declared he was in the state to "uproot" the Trinamool from Bengal.

"BJP has been celebrating Nov 30 as 'Uththan Diwas' (Day of Rising). But from next year, we will be celebrating the day as the day of Trinamool's demise," Shah said, asserting that the countdown for Trinamool's departure had begun.

Calling for a change in favour of the BJP, Shah urged people to begin Trinamool's end from the municipal polls.

On the occasion, singer-turned-politician and Union Minister of State for Urban Development Babul Supriyo also ridiculed Banerjee, and gave a call for uprooting the Trinamool.

The rally was attended by a host of BJP leaders, including parliamentarians S.S. Ahluwalia, Chandan Mitra, the lone party legislator in Bengal, Samik Bhattacharya, and the party's state unit president Rahul Sinha among others.

Amit Shah stops speech during azan, ridicules Mamata | Business Standard News
Cheeky git... he could have easily told the truth that Azan's loudspeaker was too loud to his own one! :lol:
This is the first thing I liked about bjp. Do similar things like that whole Pakistan will support you.
How does it matter whether pakistan supports bjp or not?
You dont make any difference to us.
Hinduism should not be given importantance all religion should should remain equal. Muslims party should rule India. Then i will say india is following right path.

how religions remain equal? What we call Hinduism is several thousand years old, Judaism and Zoroastrianism too; Buddhism and Christianity are about 2000 years old; Islam is about 1400 years old. The newer religions to become equal to the older religions two conditions are required: 1) the old religions need to stop developing and 2) the new religions need to develop faster.

Of the ones mentioned above, only Zoroastrianism has stopped developing/growing (because the population is dwindling due ti Islamic invasion of Iran).

On the other extreme, the newest kid on the block, Islam seems to be actually contracting - having been driven out of Europe and parts of Africa; (I am talking in large scale, not in terms of current day miniscule migration through visas). Plus the jihadi nuts have ensured that no theosophical or philosphical development of that religion is possible by definition!

In effect religions cannot ever be equal. Understand that reality. (I took Z & I as the two extreme examples above, problems exist in all religions stunting their development or helping others).

As to Muslim party ruling India - that is plain stupid. what are you smoking!

Summary - you proven you have no clue what is right path or how to get there!
Says the Hindu:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::nono::nono::nono::nono:
Despite being minority we have dominated this country pre 1947 and post 1947.

Dominate this country? In what?

Apart from become a vote bank of congress and some looser regional parties you got nothing.
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