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BJP is RSS front to run Indian government


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India stronger than RSS, won’t allow intolerance: Irfan Habib
Subhro Maitra | TNN | Dec 28, 2015, 05.45 AM IST

Historian Irfan Habib

MALDA: Historian Irfan Habib on Sunday said the India as a nation is much stronger than the RSS and it will never allow the intolerance in the name of religion.

Speaking to TOI on the sidelines of 76th Indian History Congress at Gour Banga University here, Habib said the RSS is using BJP as a shield to run the government. The ruling party is merely a RSS tool, he said.

"Those who wrote Ramayana or Mahabharata never claimed themselves that they wrote history. These were myths. It is dangerous, therefore, to interpret myth as history. This is what RSS seeks to do using BJP as a tool," Habib said.

"The government is being run against the collective — or majority — consensus of people. They should never forget that the last general election did not give them any verdict in favour of their ideology. The verdict was on the issue of development. In that, too, gave BJP got merely 31% of votes. But unfortunately, they have interpreted this as a sanction to challenge the secular ideals of our democracy. I fear BJP doesn't even have this 31% vote-share now," he added.

Referring to the Haryana government's decision to impose bar on those contesting elections, Habib said: "This is dangerous and it is against the consensus. They might impose qualifications for the voters as well."

Regarding the focus on reinterpreting history, Habib said, "They never care for facts. They are rather inventing history. While interpreting Rigveda they claim the use of copper back in 8000 BC. But history never testified the discovery of copper at that time."

He said, "History, I would like to add, has been interpreted differently. There are disagreements among historians too. Right wing historians have given their own arguments. Even in Bengal we have seen the R C Majumder or D C Sarkar school of thoughts. But they dealt with facts. But RSS while mentioning Majumder never follow his arguments. They are the most unprofessional; rather make some arbitrary claims. Even D C Sarkar could not accept what RSS said."

Even on the issue of patriotism, RSS drew flak from Habib. "Where have they been from 1925 to 1947? We have never seen them fighting for nationalism. After 1947 it is quite easy and fashionable for any party to be patriotic."

Conceding his support for the Left, Habib said, "One should never be judged by his political bias in the realm of history. Instead his argument or logic must be examined objectively."

Commenting on the personal attack he faced in the BJP regime, he said, "I opposed Congress during Emergency. But I never faced any problem working in Congress regime afterwards." Rewriting history texts for schools was never an agenda for Congress, he argued.

Intolerance, throughout the country, worries Habib. "Ignoring the secular ideal of the country the government is fanning it further." Habib was equally scathing towards Islamic fundamental forces. "Mythical picture of Islam is equally dangerous. In fact this has come as a counterforce of Hindu fundamentalism. After all, no right-thinking person can accept the butchery of ISIS," he said.

While inaugurating the three-day session on Sunday, the history Congress president K Paddaya said: insisted on delving the "sense of past" of the common people. "While exploring books and papers of scholars we should not ignore the people. Common people, even illiterate ones, are aware of our pluralistic society. We need a detailed study of that," he said.
This was only a secret to Mr. Habibi it seems. Everyone who lives in the real world knows this. Even the PM is a shakha member.

General elections 2014: 2,000 RSS men to run BJP after polls - timesofindia-economictimes

RSS drops its veil, prepares blueprint for BJP to get ready for 2014 polls : North, News - India Today

Even on the issue of patriotism, RSS drew flak from Habib. "Where have they been from 1925 to 1947? We have never seen them fighting for nationalism. After 1947 it is quite easy and fashionable for any party to be patriotic."

Dr Hedewar a born patriot :
The founder of RSS Dr Keshav Baliram Hedgewar was a born patriot. When he was a primary student in the Neil City School, he refused to accept the sweets distributed in the schools on the 60th coronation day of Queen Victoria and when his elder brother asked he replied: “Our Bhonsla dynasty was liquidated by these Britishers. How can we participate in these imperial celebrations?” This instinctive patriotism was in his personality blossomed further with full radiance and formed the bedrock of the RSS.

Dr Hedgewar was very closely associated with the revolutionaries when he was at Kolkata for his degree in medical education. His deep contacts with the members of the Anusheelan Samiti were well described by one of his colleague Ramlal Vajpayee in his autobiography: “With the financial help from Sri Dajisaheb Buty, Keshavrao Hedgewar, founder of RSS, was sent to Calcutta more with the object of receiving training for revolutionary work under the supervision of Sri Pulin Bihari Das, rather than prosecuting higher studies”.

Young Keshavrao was introduced to Anusheelan Samiti and soon he became one of its inner circle members. When he came back to Nagpur after obtaining a degree in medicine in 1917, he plunged himself into organizing the revolutionary activities in the Central Indian region with his close associates like Bhauji Kawre and Appaji Joshi of Wardha.

However, the eventual collapse of the revolutionary movement Dr Hedgewar was forced to take recourse to other means of achieving freedom and since the Indian National Congress was the most powerful public movement, he joined it. Within the Congress he along with his friends formed Nagpur National Union. During the 1921 AICC session at Nagpur he was in charge of the volunteer force. The Nagpur National Union submitted a resolution to the subjects committee which besides demanding the Congress to declare “complete independence as it sole objective” said: “It is the aim of the Congress to strive to establish democracy in India and to liberate all nations from the grip of capitalist countries”.

That the steering committee that deliberated on the resolution did not find it worthy of presenting to the AICC and eventually rejected the same. But theModern Review of Calcutta in its March 21 issue commented on this resolution: “This resolution merited greater attention in the steering committee”.

Dr Hedgewar actively participated in the non-cooperation movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi in 1921 along with his friends and suffered incarceration for the same. His defense in the court of Judge Smelly was described as the ‘most seditious than his earlier speeches’.

Jungle Satyagraha :
Dr Hedgewar founded the RSS on Vijayadashami Day in 1925 with an objective of injecting the spirit of nationalism, patriotism and creating a strong, vibrant organized Bharat that would lead the world community once again. Freeing the motherland from the foreign yoke was reflected in the oath of RSS members. But he did not dissociate himself from the freedom movement. When Gandhiji launched ‘Salt Satyagraha’ or Dandi March on April 6, 1930, the RSS also did not stay aloof from it. By then Dr Hedgewar was unanimously named as ‘Sarsanghchalak” of RSS. He volunteered to participate in this movement and before taking a plunge into it he delegated his authority to Dr L V Paranjape.

In the Central Provinces it was decided to break the forest laws to voice opposition to the British rule. A batch of RSS activists and Congress workers under the leadership of Dr Hedgewar proceeded towards the jungles of Yavatmal, some 150 km from Nagpur. On way at Pusad he gave a speech stating his philosophy of freedom. He said: “From polishing the boots of the Englishmen to hitting them hard on their heads with the same boots till they leave this country, all ways are equally logical in my view”. Later he offered ‘Jungle Satyagraha’ and sentenced to nine month jail term in Akola Jail.

On December 31, 1928 on the banks of Ravi River the Congress at its historical Lahore session adopted a resolution demanding “Total Independence” and decided to observe January 26, 1930 as Independence Day. Dr Hedgewar had expected the same a decade ago from the Congress. He was naturally very happy and directed all the RSS shakhas to celebrate this day by hoisting the national flag and spreading the message of freedom.

The Government in Central Provinces issued a circular prohibiting the government and local self government bodies servants to take part in RSS activities. The circular was based on the report of the intelligence department. Dr Hedgewar with his communicating and influencing skills created a mass opinion against the government move. Editorials were published in ‘Kesri’ of Pune, ‘Maharashtra’ and ‘The Hitavada’ of Nagpur criticizing the government. In the Assembly, this issue was discussed during the budget session and the government was defeated on the floor. Members of all political parties, including a Muslim Member M S Rehman, defended the RSS.

RSS & 1942 Movement :
Unfortunately Dr Hedgewar passed away in June 1940 handing over the baton of leadership to a relatively young M S Golwalkar, popularly known as Sri Guruji. It was during his tenure that the RSS was face to face with the famous 1942 “Quit India” movement and the later day events that led to the partition of the country and finally independence. Allegations are even now hurled at RSS for “assuming a passive role” or not participating in the 1942 movement. But the reality is altogether different and the detractors of RSS either do not know it or they don’t want to understand it.

The Congress under the Mahatma’s leadership announced the launch of 1942 Quit India movement on August 9 without making enough preparations for the same. The British knew of it and arrested all the top Congress leaders in one place before the agitation could be launched. Naturally, the absence of any leadership took the wind out of the sails of this movement. Still, following the footsteps of RSS founder in regards to such mass movements, many RSS swayamsevaks plunged into the agitation. To cite an example, some of the swayamsevaks succeeded in establishing a parallel government at Chimur-Ashti in Vidarbha region. Some of them later faced the gallows for this rebellion. Some RSS workers damaged the Delhi-Muzafarnagar railway line while some faced bullets trying to unfurl the tricolor atop the tehsil office in Mewan in Meerut district in UP.

Many of the prominent underground leaders of the 1942 movement were provided safe shelters by the RSS activists. Aruna Asaf Ali, Jay Prakash Narayan were housed in Delhi Sanghchalak Lala Hansraj Gupta; Achyut Patwardhan and Sane Guruji were closeted at the residence of Pune Sanghchalak Bhausaheb Deshmukh. Krantiveer Nana Patil was sheltered at Aundh Sanghchalak Pt. S D Satvalekar’s house.

The 1943 report of the intelligence department on RSS said in most clear terms: “The ulterior objective of the RSS is to drive away the British from India and free the country”.

Dr Bhagwan Das’ Observation :
It is surprising that a foreign power was able to assess and understand the objective of RSS and the role it played towards its fulfillment clearly. But our secular leaders and their leftist co-passengers failed to do so. I cannot resist myself from quoting Bharat Ratna Dr Bhawan Das who wrote about the role of RSS swayamsevaks in thwarting the plan of the Muslim League. The League planned to annihilate all the prominent Congress leaders in one go. Dr Bhagwan Das wrote on October 1, 1948: “I know for sure that RSS volunteers have informed Jawahar Lal Nehru and Sardar Patel well in advance about the plan of Muslim League under which the League had planned for armed rebellion and annihilating the Ministers of the Government of India and the senior officers, unfurl the Pakistani flag atop Lal Quilla, and establish their government in India.

“Had these patriotic and sincere youths not informed Nehru and Patel in time, the entire country today would have become Pakistan; lakhs of Hindus would have been butchered and more than that would have been converted to Islam forcibly and India would have become slave once again. What does it indicate? Clearly, it suggests that our government must utilize the nationalist power of lakhs of RSS swayamsevaks instead of subordinating it”.

It was again irony of fate that Dr Bhagwandas wrote these words at a time when thousands of RSS workers were languishing in jails of independent Bharat for the crime they never dreamt of committing in their wildest ever dreams—the assassination of the Mahatma. The charge was never proved any court of law, and by any of the enquiry commission set up by the government. But it is still used widely by these seculars, leftists and their likes to malign the RSS. We have witnessed this in the 2014 Lok Sabha election campaign.

The common people of this country cannot be fooled any more. The election results have proved this. No attempt to malign the RSS will ever succeed because the truth will shine in its full luminousness.

RSS and Bharat’s freedom struggle: A glorious tradition
With Historians like this who would read history....

1) RSS is using BJP as a shield to run the government. The ruling party is merely a RSS tool

Well BJP is affiliated to RSS. No one claimed otherwise.


2) "Those who wrote Ramayana or Mahabharata never claimed themselves that they wrote history. These were myths.

Did the authors claim that they were myths? Also, Absence of evidence does not translate to Proof of absence. Being a Muslim or atheist, he probably does not know that most of the Hindu scriptures have been passed down the ages verbally lest they may fall into the wrong hands. Hindus never believed in keeping evidences. We do not even bury our dead like other cultures and religions. Tomorrow some sinister mind would come with a theory that since there are no tombs prior to 7th century, we never had any human civilization prior to the coming of the invaders from the west.


3) In that, too, gave BJP got merely 31% of votes.

India is a multi-party democracy not a two party presidential system where the winner would receives 50+% vote share. Even Rajiv Gandhi who won 404 seats in a 533-seat parliament (highest number of seats in the history of India) could not touch the 50% vote share.
So??? They do a better job at running at the govt.

Senile old leftist stooge who is nothing but a remnant of the British Slave class. His comrades recently warned against standing up to China.. Retardation at its finest. Every Goddamn religion is a myth jackass!!!
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