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BJP changing Muslim city names but keeping the English names from British Raj

BJP changing Muslim city names but keeping the English names from British Raj.

Hindus & Christians never had any problem like Hindus & Muslims had.

The descendants of Alexander had settled in India while invasions of Ghazni were seen as looting of India.

The Lost Children of Alexander the Great: A Journey to the Pagan Kalash People of Pakistan


II. The Heritage of Ghazni and Bukhara


Now there should be no doubt hindu extremists are ruling India.

Gandhi supported Khilafat movement while Sarvarkar did not.
Because BJP/RSS are the "najaiz aulaad" of the British who ruled the shh1th0le called india.
Hindus & Christians never had any problem like Hindus & Muslims had.


The descendants of Alexander had settled in India while invasions of Ghazni were seen as looting of India.

The Lost Children of Alexander the Great: A Journey to the Pagan Kalash People of Pakistan


There was no fking india back than.

And theory of Kalash being greek has been tarnished by science thanks to DNA research.

And technically Kalash live in Pashtun lands. And those people have nothing to do with bhaiyas & bimaris.

Gandhi supported Khilafat movement while Sarvarkar did not.
Balkh & bukhara? The fk bro.
Hindus & Christians never had any problem like Hindus & Muslims had.
Nothing to do with any "problem". Hindus just have an inferiority complex. World over, EVERY established nation doesn't have a chip on its shoulder over whoever invaded, burned but then built cities. In UK, the Romans, Vikings and Normans all took turns burning and pillaging but the English don't cry about their contributions and automatically negate everything about them.

Your country has a PATHETIC INFERIORITY COMPLEX that would be funny for all the renaming and rebranding that you indulge in. Except it isn't funny because the rebranding is one arm of a genocidal initiative that actually results in ethnoreligious cleansing.
Nothing to do with any "problem". Hindus just have an inferiority complex. World over, EVERY established nation doesn't have a chip on its shoulder over whoever invaded, burned but then built cities. In UK, the Romans, Vikings and Normans all took turns burning and pillaging but the English don't cry about their contributions and automatically negate everything about them.

Your country has a PATHETIC INFERIORITY COMPLEX that would be funny for all the renaming and rebranding that you indulge in. Except it isn't funny because the rebranding is one arm of a genocidal initiative that actually results in ethnoreligious cleansing.

I am happy that Sanghis are preoccupied with the Muslims.

I say leave us Christians alone.:D
Descendants of alexander (Macedonian Greeks) did settle in places like Sialkot but these are events from greater than a millennium ago. Since then they have mixed into the peoples.
Hindus & Christians never had any problem like Hindus & Muslims had.

The descendants of Alexander had settled in India while invasions of Ghazni were seen as looting of India.

The Lost Children of Alexander the Great: A Journey to the Pagan Kalash People of Pakistan


II. The Heritage of Ghazni and Bukhara


Gandhi supported Khilafat movement while Sarvarkar did not.

Ghar wapsi is applicable evenly to Christians.
Ghar wapsi is applicable evenly to Christians.

True but Ghar wapsi is a rhetoric slogan to garner votes of the dumb uneducated fanatic Hindus.

The fact is there are more Hindus embracing Christianity than Christians going back to Hinduism.
Does this change history and 1000 year rule ???????????????? lol ……….. this is sickness …….. and we call it Hindutva aka RSS aka hitler modi…….
I like the thinking of RSS and their change of history to show that only Hindu had been winning historically.
Like it is mentioned in the video that Rana won against Akbar by running away from battle.

That's beg the question, how those who always lost ended up controlling and ruling over India!!
But Indians and thinking doesn't sit comfortably.
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