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Bitter truth about Pak floods

PDF has a long history of hating me for being right - but that does not bother me or the truth. :D
Don’t get ahead of yourself. You are more often than not wrong- here though, I applaud you speaking the ugly truth.

You are more often than not wrong

Can you name some instances where @VCheng sahib has been wrong?

Pretty much everything else. But it’s telling that I find someone claim to never be wrong. Frankly, that’s a red sign. Because I think we as humans all of us “are more often wrong than right”



You are more often than not wrong

Can you name some instances where @VCheng sahib has been wrong?

For example on political economy.

For example on political economy.

A specific instance where @VCheng sb was wrong/ proved wrong would be very helpful

What do you mean by proved?

Proofs only exist in the domain of axiomatic deductions. What axioms are you willing to swallow about politics or economy?

What do you mean by proved?

Proofs only exist in the domain of axiomatic deductions. What axioms are you willing to swallow about politics or economy?
I can tell you almost everything the kind gentleman has said is something I believe is wrong based on my own ideas. But that is not proof is it?
So how many are still awaiting the so-called aid and still perishing??

You’d think all that aid would’ve reached the needy by now, its been days.

I guess not, since aid has been disappeared from the routes or airports themselves
I bet the foreigners already know its gobbled up already, soon will show up in stores being sold.
@RiazHaq @Joe Shearer @waz @Wood

Normally, I am a bit skeptical about countries blaming its own predicaments on others but in this case, I think Pak has a right to feel aggrieved. Not sure what Pak could have done to either avert the tragedy or ease the people's suffering post event. The whole subcontinent, large swaths of sub Saharan Africa are in the same boat


IT is an extremely unfair equation: though Pakistan is responsible for only a small fraction of a single percentage point when it comes to historical global carbon dioxide emissions, it is among the countries most vulnerable to climate change wrought by pollution. Its vulnerabilities have now been brought to the fore after weeks of unnaturally high rainfall were triggered by an extended spell of heatwaves — the latter a key symptom of global warming, which scientists have been warning the world about for decades.

Part of the blame — for example, for not doing more to mitigate the effects of climate change — may lie with us, but it is not unreasonable, given the reams of scientific evidence on the subject, to expect rich, developed nations, which generate the bulk of the pollutants that have triggered climate change, to take greater responsibility.

It is unfair that our people are once again paying with their lives, homes and livelihoods for the damage wreaked on the global climate by much larger, far more industrialised nations, while the latter bear few of the costs for their rapacious activities.

The ‘thoughts and prayers’ sent by some world leaders seem quite inadequate in this respect, considering that their countries have played such an outsized role in throwing the global climate off kilter.

It is also unfortunate that even the material aid that has been sent so far by the more proactive nations seems quite underwhelming given the scale of the disaster that it is meant to ameliorate. The challenges faced by the global economy may be one of the reasons why some otherwise responsible nations have been slow in their response to Islamabad’s requests for assistance. It is hoped that politics is not among those reasons.

The natural disaster Pakistan is facing is not an outcome of its own policy options but a consequence of choices made by others. It has a right to some form of reparations given the sheer cost of what it is being forced to bear.

Wide income disparities mean most people in Pakistan have little in terms of personal wealth. Yet, they are also resilient and have always found ways to help each other despite their meagre resources whenever catastrophe strikes. Even now, while suffering backbreaking inflation — currently at levels not seen in decades — the country is pulling together to contribute and rebuild. It will need all the help it can get.

If millions and billions can continue to be poured into wars that kill and destroy, the world can also find funds to restore and rebuild. The cost of the climate crisis must not be for the most vulnerable countries to bear alone. The developed nations must take responsibility to restore at least some of the damage their actions have caused.

Agree, wholeheartedly.

However, I wish we could have been more forthcoming in our approach to a neighbour's day of calamity. We have our own problems, very bitter, very sore problems, but nothing compared to what is happening next door, to poor people who deserve a better life.

I wish we had been a more generous neighbour. I wish I had personally been able to do something other than wring my hands on the sidelines.

Hang on a minute here.

Pakistan has had more than half a century at least to build dams, stop deforestation in catchment areas, control its population and enforce proper planning for levees and building codes. It chose not to do any of that, and thus magnify manifold the effects of the recent flooding.

How is that anybody else's fault?
True, no doubt about that, no doubt at all.

The thing is, the inaction and lethargy was all that of the rulers, the administrators, the pain and fatal consequences are faced by the poor.

South Asia is a cursed place.
@Joe Shearer


We have our own problems, but nothing compared to what is happening next door, to poor people who deserve a better life. I wish we had been a more generous neighbour.

Agreed, Unfortunately with the bunch of troglodytes in power in the Centre, that is unlikely to happen.

It might seem unfair but it is what it is. Instead of blaming this on other countries how about start asking our politicians what measures they took against flooding in their tenure. Karachi has always turned into a lake of its own during monsoon...ever since the 80s and i believe even before. Look for solutions. Politicians are playing stupid games, people need to educate themselves so they are aware of their basic human rights. Politicians want you kept in the dark, free yourselves.
Agreed, Unfortunately with the bunch of troglodytes in power in the Centre, that is unlikely to happen.
Before we decide to fall on a sword, lets consider the reality that Pakistani domestic politics will not allow for any aid from India. It takes two to tango. :coffee:
@RiazHaq @Joe Shearer @waz @Wood

Normally, I am a bit skeptical about countries blaming its own predicaments on others but in this case, I think Pak has a right to feel aggrieved. Not sure what Pak could have done to either avert the tragedy or ease the people's suffering post event. The whole subcontinent, large swaths of sub Saharan Africa are in the same boat


IT is an extremely unfair equation: though Pakistan is responsible for only a small fraction of a single percentage point when it comes to historical global carbon dioxide emissions, it is among the countries most vulnerable to climate change wrought by pollution. Its vulnerabilities have now been brought to the fore after weeks of unnaturally high rainfall were triggered by an extended spell of heatwaves — the latter a key symptom of global warming, which scientists have been warning the world about for decades.

Part of the blame — for example, for not doing more to mitigate the effects of climate change — may lie with us, but it is not unreasonable, given the reams of scientific evidence on the subject, to expect rich, developed nations, which generate the bulk of the pollutants that have triggered climate change, to take greater responsibility.

It is unfair that our people are once again paying with their lives, homes and livelihoods for the damage wreaked on the global climate by much larger, far more industrialised nations, while the latter bear few of the costs for their rapacious activities.

The ‘thoughts and prayers’ sent by some world leaders seem quite inadequate in this respect, considering that their countries have played such an outsized role in throwing the global climate off kilter.

It is also unfortunate that even the material aid that has been sent so far by the more proactive nations seems quite underwhelming given the scale of the disaster that it is meant to ameliorate. The challenges faced by the global economy may be one of the reasons why some otherwise responsible nations have been slow in their response to Islamabad’s requests for assistance. It is hoped that politics is not among those reasons.

The natural disaster Pakistan is facing is not an outcome of its own policy options but a consequence of choices made by others. It has a right to some form of reparations given the sheer cost of what it is being forced to bear.

Wide income disparities mean most people in Pakistan have little in terms of personal wealth. Yet, they are also resilient and have always found ways to help each other despite their meagre resources whenever catastrophe strikes. Even now, while suffering backbreaking inflation — currently at levels not seen in decades — the country is pulling together to contribute and rebuild. It will need all the help it can get.

If millions and billions can continue to be poured into wars that kill and destroy, the world can also find funds to restore and rebuild. The cost of the climate crisis must not be for the most vulnerable countries to bear alone. The developed nations must take responsibility to restore at least some of the damage their actions have caused.

add more to injury
the west is dumping chemical industrial waste in Pakistani waters because unlike India it doesnt have a strong Navy and a strong diplomacy to turn them away.
add to that the ill thought permission of ship breaking which brings its own host of unwanted residue which has made the waters devoid of fish and land barren.

Before we decide to fall on a sword, lets consider the reality that Pakistani domestic politics will not allow for any aid from India. It takes two to tango. :coffee:
yea that is true,
India can score brownie points but its leadership thinks it has enough goodwill to bother about scoring some points from west for its generosity.
whether or no Pakistan wants it is irrelevant.
if India really wants and sends over relief cargo it will have to accept it or face the backlash of people affected by the calamity
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