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Bitter truth about Pak floods

The Pakistani administration has done a good job to identify and highlight that climate change is the primary contributing reason for the floods in Pakistan. The Federal minister for Climate Change Sherry Rehman and FM Bilawal Bhutto have been quoted by a number of Western media outlets on this issue. Hopefully the realization will translate into good international support for the state to tackle the humanitarian tragedy.

Of course they will say that it is the fault of climate change and not of their own failures over decades. How convenient.

SAH sb,

How is that anybody else's fault?

Of course it is not! But even with all the shortcomings, Pak and other developing nations would have had some calamities all right but not to the extent that they are suffering now because of the large scale fossil fuel burning. The developed nations are morally obliged to pay for the delta damage caused by their own karnameys. Although I doubt they will actually do so.

Of course they will say that it is the fault of climate change and not of their own failures over decades. How convenient.
Well, both arguments can be true at the same time. Pakistan could have allocated its national resources to building dams in early decades. But that does not mean that Climate Change phenomenon has no influence on this flood. The administration will naturally highlight that side of the argument which can help Pakistan's people in the current situation. They are doing a good job at that. :cheers:
It is much simpler than it seems provided the developed countries cooperate. One can make an inventory of losses suffered due to these natural calamaties related to weather and climate (not stuff like volcano or EQs). Then the countries contribute that money in proportion to their release of GHGs at the beginning of the next year. As the Dawn editorialises if the globe can spend so much on arms, why not on climate mitigation.

ROFL. Yeah, let's all believe that. :D
Are you a climate change denier? There have been a few documentaries about glaciers melting in Pakistan well before this flood situation. I've seen Sherry Rehman speak of this to DW, Aljazeera etc. You can find them on YT. Perhaps then you would concede that it is not totally laughable. :coffee:
When you have a government working for people it thinks ahead. Flooding is not new, the level of flood water has increased.

Not building dams , drains and not investing in infrastructure is governments fault.

Water storage facilities should be built in Balochistan and other provinces. Drains need to be maintained and future planning will help Pakistan mitigate the impact of these floods. With climate change, they will only get more intense.
we deserve this as a nation our all leaders are responsible we cant just pick and choose here thank foreign pakistanis and ALLAH dont send devastating flood it is just a knob on our head to think again for betterment of humans and animals around us
The punjab is a desert, turned into an agricultural powerhouse by canal system and dams.
True but nothing happened in Punjab except for some districts of South punjab, for the most part northern provinces pakhtunkhwa, gilgit, Punjab, AJK were not effected as much

Southern regions of Baluchistan and Sindh is where the entire region pretty much collapsed
You live by the rivers and die by it, ask sindh and Rajasthan. All of these videos pf people dying and buildings swept away is because of greed to grab more land.
Want to solve it, take a look at China's sorrow river and yangtze, it took monumental dams to stop those.
Do something rather blame your best natural assets the rivers.
Well, both arguments can be true at the same time. Pakistan could have allocated its national resources to building dams in early decades. But that does not mean that Climate Change phenomenon has no influence on this flood. The administration will naturally highlight that side of the argument which can help Pakistan's people in the current situation. They are doing a good job at that. :cheers:

To the extent there is room to spare behind the dams, they can hold back the surplus water and release it more slowly. However, if heavy rainfall continues and there is no room to store more water, they have to let it flow past the dam.
Our rising river floods generally happen in UP/UK interiors, the east coast also gets hammered by cyclones/hurricanes.. Bengal/Orissa etc often bear the brunt of those. Mumbai too gets hit hard sometimes and the place floods and exposes their extremely poor city drainage infra.. been that way since forever... more construction, no good supporting infra.. cunts

Not generally in our Punjab, but then Pak has a much bigger slice.
Virus Saar,

To give credit to Orissa and AP at least they handle cyclones and flooding much better lately esp after the 1998 tragedy.

Our rising river floods generally happen in UP/UK interiors, the east coast also gets hammered by cyclones/hurricanes.. Bengal/Orissa etc often bear the brunt of those. Mumbai too gets hit hard sometimes and the place floods and exposes their extremely poor city drainage infra.. been that way since forever... more construction, no good supporting infra.. cunts

Not generally in our Punjab, but then Pak has a much bigger slice.

Water is incompressible and so has to go somewhere

If the rainfall in the rivers catchment area is greater than the volume of water the river system can move downstream it has to go somewhere In nature this would be water meadows, marshes and floodplains which would be flooded to hold the ecess water, but mans activity has in a large number of cases used these area for his own purposes and now comes into conflict with flood waters what’s happening in Pakistan
Are you a climate change denier? There have been a few documentaries about glaciers melting in Pakistan well before this flood situation. I've seen Sherry Rehman speak of this to DW, Aljazeera etc. You can find them on YT. Perhaps then you would concede that it is not totally laughable. :coffee:

Yeah, Sherry Rehman is a great scientist. :D

Oh wait, let me watch a few documentaries, the same ones that were predicting a Little Ice Age not that long ago, then moved to Global Warming, and are now crying themselves hoarse over "Climate Change" when those two fell flat. :lol:
The Pakistani administration has done a good job to identify and highlight that climate change is the primary contributing reason for the floods in Pakistan. The Federal minister for Climate Change Sherry Rehman and FM Bilawal Bhutto have been quoted by a number of Western media outlets on this issue. Hopefully the realization will translate into good international support for the state to tackle the humanitarian tragedy.
Those two also belong to a political party that has (along with the Army and PMLN) ruled Pakistan for most of its existence and have done little to nothing to help prepare the country to deal with the effects of climate change.
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